
  • 网络pipe
  1. Cr、Ni、Nb的元素异常范围与金伯利岩管(脉)的形状有直接的对应关系。

    The anomaly range of elements Cr 、 Ni 、 Nb has the direct corresponding relationship with the shape of kimberlite pipe or vein .

  2. 本文从工程地质和岩体力学两个方面,结合金伯利岩管中的捕虏体,对地下采场顶板上球形结构面的稳定性问题进行研究。

    The problem of stability of the spherically structural face on the roof of the underground stope is investigated from the two respects of engineering geology and rock mechanics together with the xenolith in the Kimberlite pipe .

  3. 湖南宁乡Ⅴ号岩管煌斑岩的岩石地球化学特征

    Lithogeochemical characteristics of No.5 pipe-like lamprophyre in Ningxiang , Hunan province

  4. 锚岩管柱基础在码头工程中的应用

    Application of Anchoring Tubular Column Foundation in Wharf Engineering

  5. 我国某金伯利岩管中混型金刚石的紫外形貌和光谱特征

    Ultra-Violet Photographs and Spectral Characteristics of Mixed Type Diamonds in a Kimberlite Tube in China

  6. 环斑花岗岩具有若干岩石学的特征。湖南宁乡Ⅴ号岩管煌斑岩的岩石地球化学特征

    The rapakivi granites have a number of petrological peculiarities . Lithogeochemical characteristics of No.5 pipe-like lamprophyre in Ningxiang , Hunan province

  7. 金刚石呈八面体外形、纯度高;类似的岩管有100多个,但研究程度较低,因而具有良好的找矿前景。

    The diamond is of octahedron in form and high purity , which shows that this area is good for exploration of diamond resources .

  8. 钻石存在于目前地球上仅有的约600个金伯利岩管中,而其中具有开采价值的屈指可数。

    The diamond can be found only within Kimberlite pipes , of which only a handful out of the600 on earth is worth mining .

  9. 通过对温州及邻近地区八尺门矿石码头的设计总结,阐明在小型码头工程中,锚岩管柱基础在裸露或浅覆盖层地质条件下的应用。

    Based on the design summary of Bachimen Ore Terminal , this paper introduces the application of anchoring tubular column foundation in exposed or shallow covering stratum .

  10. 以在已知金伯利岩管上直流电阻率法视电阻率异常和低频电磁法虚分量异常特征分析为例,论证了电法勘探在金伯利岩勘查中的效果,并指出扩大电法勘探应用的有效途径。

    Characteristic analyses of the known kimberlite pipes ' apparent resistivity anomaly obtained with DC resistivity method and their imaginary component anomalies obtained with low-band electromagnetic method confirms the effectiveness of electrical prospecting being used for kimberlite exploration and points out ' its best ways for a more extensive application .

  11. 1998年在浙江省龙游首次发现的原生金刚石,产于这条深断裂旁侧白垩纪盆地中的似金伯利岩岩管内,含矿岩管生成深度大,构造部位有利;

    The original diamond is found in kimberlite pipe of Cretaceous system basin beside of the fault . The pipe was formed in significant structure site and depth .

  12. 结果:内耳道与岩大神经管裂孔、弓状隆起等结构有较恒定的位置关系。

    Results : The location of internal auditory canal could be reliably defined by hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve , arcuate eminence and other structures .

  13. 结论:岩大神经管裂孔、弓状隆起等颞骨岩部结构是定位内耳道的重要标志。论岩体大爆破工程的勘测

    Conclusion : The hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve and arcuate eminence are important landmarks to defined internal auditory canal . On Survey of Rock Mass Blasting

  14. 高压基性麻粒岩与榴辉岩的抬升转换作用&信阳超镁铁质火山角砾岩管的捕虏体研究

    Elevation and translation between high pressure mafic granulite and eclogite : research into xenoliths from ultramafic volcanic breccia pipe , xinyang , Henan province , China