
  • 网络Virgin of the Rocks;Madonna Of The Rocks;The Virgin on the Rocks;The Virgin of the Rock
  1. 公认的莱昂纳多·达·芬奇的杰作是《岩间圣母》、《最后的晚餐》、《蒙娜·丽莎》。

    It is agreed that Leonardo da Vinci 's masterpiece are Virgin of the Rocks , Last Supper and Mona Lisa .

  2. 其中一幅是著名画作《岩间圣母》的又一版本,画中的人物有圣婴耶稣和圣婴施洗约翰。

    One is an alternative version of Da Vinci 's famous painting known as Virgin of the Rocks , with the infant Jesus and the infant John the Baptist .

  3. 这两个版本的”岩间圣母“被挂在长长的展厅两端。

    The two versions hang at opposite ends of the long exhibition space .

  4. 例子之一是《岩间圣母》,它是列奥纳多对解剖学、植物学和地质学研究的总结,画得也十分出色。

    An example is The Virgin of the Rocks which is the summation of Leonardo s studies in anatomy , botany , geology as well as being superbly painted .

  5. 这是首次“岩间圣母”的两个版本同时展出,一个为伦敦国家艺术馆所有,另一个收藏在罗浮宫中。

    For the first time , both versions of " The Virgin of the Rocks ", one the National Gallery 's own and the other belonging to the Louvre , are shown together .