
  • 网络modern poetry
  1. 现代性理论也为近代诗歌的研究开拓了一个新的艺术视野。

    Modernity theory has opened a new approach to the study of early modern poetry .

  2. 论中国近代诗歌

    On Chine s e Modern Poetry

  3. 中国诗学传统与近代诗歌翻译

    China 's Poetic Tradition and Poetry Translation in Modern China

  4. 广东近代诗歌中文人心态的衍变

    Humans The Development of the Intellectuals ' Mind Reflected in the Guangdong Poems

  5. 慧眼观诗照如镜&汪辟疆与近代诗歌研究

    Wang Bijiang and the Study of Modern Chinese Poetry

  6. 广东近代诗歌海洋意识与海上丝路

    Oceanic Consciousness of the Contemporary Poetry in Guangdong and Silk Road on the Sea

  7. 中国近代诗歌语言和形式演变试探

    A Discussion of the Evolution of Language and Forms of the Modern Chinese Poetry

  8. 论近代诗歌情感线索的变化及古典诗歌美学观念的解体

    On Change of Modern Poetic Emotion Clue and Disintegrate of Aesthetic Idea of Classic Poetry

  9. 中国诗学传统对近代诗歌与小说的翻译都产生了极大的影响。

    China 's poetic tradition has marked its impact on poetry and fiction translation in modern China .

  10. 但反过来,近代诗歌翻译对中国诗学传统同样形成了冲击。

    Reversibly , poetry translation in modern China has also exerted much influence on China 's poetic tradition .

  11. 诗界革命产生的是古代汉诗范畴中的近代诗歌而不是现代汉诗范畴中的现代诗歌。

    The poetry it made is not the Modern Chinese Poetry , it belongs the Ancient Chinese Poetry .

  12. 在诗歌翻译方面,这种影响表现在近代诗歌翻译原作与翻译策略的选择上。

    Regarding poetry translation , its impact has been exhibited in the selection of poems to translate and translation strategies .

  13. 近代诗歌总体的情感特征是悲。但是在不同的历史阶段又具有不同的情感形态。

    The emotion of the modern poetry is overall sad but it partly presents several patterns of emotion in different historic phases .

  14. 作为“歌体诗”的重要代表作家,秋瑾的“歌体诗”实践有力推进了近代诗歌的体式变革。

    Being a significant representative writer of " song form poetry ", Qiu Jins practice in this respect gives vigorous impetus to the transformation of the form of modern poems and songs .

  15. 笔者认为,以惠特曼为代表的美国近代诗歌和以意象派为代表的美国新诗运动诗歌都对中国五四新诗产生过重要影响。

    The dissertation regards that American contemporary poetry represented by Whitman and the American New Poetry Movement represented by the Imagists had a great influence upon the Chinese May Fourth new poetry .

  16. 这三种情感形态一步步发展,使得近代诗歌感情表达的力度不断增强,最后形成对古典诗歌以中和之美为追求的情感模式的突破。

    Three patterns of emotion step by step develop and constantly strengthen the dynamic of emotion of the modern poetry that break through the pattern of emotion of the classic poetry with the beauty of gentle .

  17. 在近代诗歌史上,宋诗派是影响最大,持续时间最长的坚持传统的艺术流派,标志着整个清代学宋诗潮发展至高峰,古典诗歌在自身内部对新雅的艺术追求至此已趋极致。

    In the poetry history of modern times , Song-shi School , a traditional school of literature , is of the greatest and the longest influence . It is the mark of the top development of the classical poetry current in Qing dynasty .

  18. 正是这种人生履历与交往活动奠定了他对近代诗人诗歌批评的基调。

    His life experiences and communications established the foundation of his criticism on the Modern Age poets and poems .

  19. 近代粤西诗歌体现了反帝反封精神,具有一定的地方历史文献和诗歌鉴赏的价值。

    These poems reflecting the people 's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal spirit are valuable local historical documents as well as poetry for literary appreciation .

  20. 论述同光派是近代重要的诗歌流派。

    Tong Guang school is an important verses school of modern age .

  21. 近代以来的古代诗歌研究从浪漫主义的角度,提炼出许多概念,比如神秘的宇宙意识、永恒、有我与无我等。

    The Chinese ancient poetry study from modern times put forward many concepts as cosmos conscious , eternal , ego , etc.

  22. 本文由导论、汉文创作的文化背景及其创作概况、近代蒙古族汉文诗歌作品分析及结语等四部分组成。

    This text contains 4 parts : the introduction , the culture background and its poem general situation , modern Mongolia ethnic group 's written Chinese poems ' analysis and concluding remarks .

  23. 在诗歌功利主义思想盛行的近代诗坛,他对古典诗歌本体思想的认识,体现了近代诗人对古典诗歌的美学追求。

    Utilitarianism is prevailing in the modern Parnassus . His cognition about the internal constitution of poem is the embodiment of aesthetic pursuit of modern poets .

  24. 在诗歌近代化的过程中,翻译诗歌与近代诗歌创作之间相互影响、相互渗透、相互交流。

    Modernization in the poetry , the translation of poetry and poetry in modern times between the effect of mutual penetration , exchange .