
jìn jù lí jiē chù
  • close contact
  1. 两只与感染动物近距离接触的猫也发病,其它三只吃了H5N1感染的小鸡的小猫也出现了同样的情况。

    Two cats living in close contact with an infected animal also became sick , as did three others that each ate an H5N1-infected chick .

  2. 为住户安排的活动让您与城市近距离接触。

    Any activities arranged for the occupants allow you to keep close contact with the city .

  3. 在马背上,人们可以与大象、长颈鹿和许多其他动物近距离接触。

    On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants , giraffes and many other animals .

  4. 你听到过很多关于UFO的故事&影像,近距离接触,甚至外星人绑架。

    You hear a lot of stories about UFOs-sightings , close encounters , even alien abductions .

  5. 〔结论〕SARS是一种新增的传染病,近距离接触传染性很强,更多了解SARS患者的病情特点,对于患者的临床治疗、避免疫情播散、改善预后有很重要的意义。

    〔 Conculsion 〕 SARS is a new-appearing infectious disease with the strong close-spaced contact infectivity . To improve effects of therapy of clinic patients and avoid the spread of plague and get a better prognosis we should learn more about the characters of patients with SARS .

  6. 然而根据多个航天器发回的照片,科学家似乎一致认为,伊森同神话人物伊卡洛斯(Icarus)一般,已在与太阳的近距离接触中死去。

    But based on images arriving from various spacecraft , the consensus among scientists appeared to be that ISON , like the mythical Icarus , didn 't survive its close encounter with the sun .

  7. 这次APEC会议给了商界领袖们与各国首脑近距离接触的机会,而对那些生意被盗版音乐、电影和软件所威胁的人来说,这也是一个推进更加严厉的司法体系以对抗盗版问题的机会。

    This APEC meeting is a chance for business leaders to rub shoulders with the leaders of countries . But for those whose businesses are threatened by piracy of music , movies and software , it 's a chance to push for tougher legislation to combat the problem .

  8. 这些会面活动中,大部分的对象是被视为对此次IPO的成功至关重要的机构投资者,包括贝莱德(BlackRock)和富达等共同基金巨头,以及中东和亚洲的主权财富基金。而知名对冲基金经理已同阿里巴巴进行了近距离接触。

    Most of those meetings will go to the institutional investors considered crucial to the offering 's success , including mutual fund giants like BlackRock and Fidelity and sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East and Asia.Still , prominent hedge fund managers have gotten an intimate audience with the company .

  9. 天文学家们估计,WAPS-17行星有可能和一颗较大的卫星又一次近距离接触,引力相互作用就好像弹弓,将WASP-17放入奇怪的轨迹。

    WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet , and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course , the astronomers figure .

  10. 虽然我们还不大清楚这套盔甲的细节,但是科技网站Gizmodo今年七月有机会近距离接触了这套盔甲,确任了它能够让士兵在负载更多装备的同时,还觉得自己身轻如燕。

    Not much is known about the Talos suit , but the technology site Gizmodo got a good look at the helmet in July , confirming an intention to use technology to pack more gear on a soldier 's body and make it feel like he or she is carrying less than ever .

  11. 近距离接触鞭炮噪声对听觉功能的影响

    Influence of close to firecrackers ' noise on hearing function

  12. 近距离接触一个陌生人的脑部扫描。

    An all-access pass to a stranger 's brain scan .

  13. 避免近距离接触有流感或者感冒症状的人。

    Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms .

  14. 有些生态旅游为游人提供了近距离接触不同的生物的机会。

    Some ecotourism offers visitors close encounters with different species .

  15. 在廖满嫦看来,近距离接触疫情所产生的这种影响并不令人意外。

    For Liu , the effect of such proximity was not surprising .

  16. 因此十分有必要对日本金鱼养殖近距离接触、考察。

    So it is very necessary to Japanese fish breeding and close contact .

  17. 可你从没近距离接触过战争。

    But you 've never been near one .

  18. 在极少数的情况下,人类感染猪流感来自于近距离接触的猪。

    In rare cases , humans contract swine flu from close contact with pigs .

  19. 他希望近距离接触这部剧的所有演员。

    He wishes to inspect at close quarters all the actors in this drama .

  20. 如果你在家养鸟,避免近距离接触。

    If you keep a bird at home , avoid close contact with it .

  21. 我特别喜欢与海滩近距离接触,还有充满温情的弗里曼特尔小镇。

    I especially appreciated the nearness to the sea and the lovely town of Fremantle .

  22. 与如此强壮的动物近距离接触感受甚为奇妙

    It 's an extraordinary sensation to be so close to such a powerful animal .

  23. 通常,猪流感最可能通过与猪直接接触或近距离接触而传染。

    Most commonly , swine influenza is transmitted through direct contact or close proximity with pigs .

  24. 能够和熊猫首次近距离接触,很多明星都很激动。

    Many of the celebrities were excited to see the pandas up close for the first time .

  25. 多数人从未近距离接触过癌症,也无从感受它的痛苦和折磨。

    Many of us had never seen cancer up close and been moved by its pain and suffering .

  26. 而传统的近距离接触式的诊断模式却不能很好地满足人们对医疗保健日益增长的巨大需求。

    While the traditional contact-diagnosis mode does not meet people ' sgrowing huge demand on the health care .

  27. 但是和她们近距离接触后,却不想成为她们。

    But having seen many of these women close to , I would not want to be them .

  28. 和人群近距离接触时,暴露在许多细菌中并不好。

    Being close to so many people - it 's not good to be exposed to so many germs .

  29. 对他们来说,为国效力意味着与自己所在行业最顶级的“从业者”近距离接触。

    To them , playing for their country means close encounters with the best practitioners of their particular craft .

  30. 至少有16人因为和蝙蝠近距离接触而在接受抗病毒治疗。

    At least 16 people have been are receiving antiviral treatment after coming into close contact with a bat .