
jìn dōng
  • the Near East
近东 [jìn dōng]
  • [the Near East] 欧洲人指亚洲西南部和非洲东北部地区,但伊朗、阿富汗除外

近东[jìn dōng]
  1. n.圣地在近东有许多古迹圣地。n.成文法;

    shrine There are many sacred shrines in the Near East .

  2. 近东土地和水源利用区域委员会

    Regional Commission on Land and Water Utilization in the Near East

  3. 下面请听一下SusanYackee对华盛顿近东政策研究所中东问题分析家DavidPollack的采访,他将讲述美国试图解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的努力:美国中东特使米切尔已经与以色列官员举行会晤,为以色列和巴勒斯坦的间接对话做准备。

    Israel , Palestinians Look for Confidence-Building in Indirect Negotiations Listen to Susan Yackee 's interview with Middle East analyst David Pollack , with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy ,

  4. 这两位官员分别是近东事务执行副部长JeffreyFeltman和在国家安全委员会负责监督中东事务的DanielShapiro。

    The officials are Jeffrey Feltman , the acting assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs and Daniel Shapiro , who oversees Middle East issues at the National Security Council .

  5. 1878年柏林会议与俄国近东政策

    Russia 's Near Eastern Policy and Congress of Berlin in 1878

  6. 近东区域粮农政策分析训练讨论会;

    Near-East regional training seminar on food and agricultural policy analysis ;

  7. 非洲和近东国家血液学和输血学会

    Society of Hematology and Blood-Transfusion of African and Near Eastern Countries

  8. 近东农业改革和农村发展区域中心

    Regional Centre for Agricultural Reform and Rural Development in the Near East

  9. 解释什么是在古老近东的宗主附庸条约。

    Explain what a suzerain-vassal treaty was in the ancient Near East .

  10. 近东旱地改造、森林再造和荒漠化防治网

    Near East Network on Arid Land , Forest Restoration and Desertification Control

  11. 近东和中东非法贩运问题特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Illicit Traffic in the Near and Middle East

  12. 近东农业妇女区域行动计划

    Regional Plan of Action for Women in Agriculture in the Near East

  13. 近东统计研究训练区域研究所

    Regional Institute for Research and Training in Statistics for the Near East

  14. 近东人力资源开发机构间工作队

    NEF Near East Inter-Agency Task Force on Human Resources Development

  15. 控制近东沙漠蝗虫委员会

    Commission for Controlling the Desert Locus in the Near East

  16. 联合国近东社会和犯罪学研究中心

    United Nations Centre for Social and Criminological Research for the Near East

  17. 近东和北非区域农业信贷协会

    Near East and North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association

  18. 我在瑞典教近东语言。

    I taught in sweden , Near Eastern languages .

  19. 近东和北非粮食销售机构区域联盟

    Regional Union of Food Marketing Institutions in the Near East and North Africa

  20. 论华盛顿近东政策研究所的起源与影响

    Talking about the origin and influence of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

  21. 巴尔干和近东铁路运输率联盟;

    Balkan and Near East Railway rates union ;

  22. 他来到了近东他想

    He went to the near east thinking ,

  23. 近东的土耳其和叙利亚;

    Turkey and Syria in the Near East ;

  24. 非洲和近东台球联合会;

    African and Near East billiards confederation ;

  25. 该市西边的邻近地区在近东地区的翻译员。

    The western vicinities of the city an interpreter and guide in the Near East .

  26. 古代近东的埃及文化和美索不达米亚文化对西方古典文化产生了强烈影响。

    Ancient Egyptian civilization and Mesopotamia civilization of Near-East had great affected western classical civilization .

  27. 目前我正在考虑读近东研究,可能是到伍德罗·威尔逊学院。

    And thinking to major in Near East Studies and maybe the Woodrow Wilson School .

  28. 农业生物环境热力学近东农业与粮食生产环境保护行动纲领

    Programme of Action for Environmental Protection for Agriculture and Food Production in the Near East

  29. 近东国家可持续森林管理标准及指标国家协调员会议。

    National Coordinators'Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management for Near East Countries .

  30. 从赫西俄德《神谱》管窥希腊神话中的近东神话因素

    Some Notes on Near Eastern Mythological Factors in Greek Mythology Based upon the Hesiodic Theogony