
jìn yì cí
  • near-synonym;homoionym;words whose meaning is similar;parasynonyms
近义词 [jìn yì cí]
  • [parasynonyms] 意思相近的词

近义词[jìn yì cí]
  1. 维吾尔语使用两个近义词或者两个不同的词语表示某一数学概念;

    The Uygur adopts near-synonym or two different meaning words to express a certain mathematics concept .

  2. 近义词由于其意义相近、词形相似给蒙古学生的汉语学习带来了很大困难。

    Near-synonym brings lots of problems to the Mongolian students , because of its similar meaning , and its similar formation .

  3. 其次,在语义韵方面,PROVIDE和SUPPLY在两个语料库中都主要呈现出积极语义韵和中性语义韵,证明近义词具有不同的语义韵。

    Then , in terms of semantic prosody , PROVIDE and SUPPLY mainly carry positive and neutral semantic prosody in both BNC and CLEC , indicating that near synonyms have different semantic prosodies .

  4. 构建特征词之间的相关度与相似度的RS语义模型考虑特征抽取中避免近义词与多义词对文本特征的影响。

    RS semantic model build the correlation between the characteristic words and similarity , and consider the feature extraction to avoid synonyms and polysemy in text features .

  5. Look和see是近义词,但oversee监视,overlook意思怎么就是忽视呢;Alot和afew是反义词,但与quite连用,怎么都表示很多的意思呢!

    How can overlook ( 17 ) and oversee ( 18 ) be opposites , while quite a lot ( 19 ) and quite a few ( 20 ) arealike ?

  6. 本文直接以LOB和CLEC语料库作为课堂教学材料,在语料库软件的辅助下,从近义词及多义词的角度分别进行课堂词汇教学设计。

    It centers on how to teach synonym and polysemy with the assistance of corpora as a direct teaching material . The corpora used in this instructional design are LOB and CLEC .

  7. 该理解没错:牛津字典和Merriam韦氏字典以及英语同义词字典都把“治理”放在“管理”的近义词中。

    This is correct understanding : Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries as well as English Synonym Dictionary include'governance'as a remote synonym to'management ' .

  8. 本文主要根据Hallidy和Hoey的衔接理论及其他国内外学者的研究,将词汇衔接手段分为重复、近义词、反义词、上义词和搭配。

    Based on the theories of Halliday and Hoey , lexical cohesive devices are divided into five categories & repetition , synonym / near synonym , antonym , superordinate , and collocation .

  9. 【近义词】一个女孩在持续遭到网络欺凌和骚扰后自杀。

    eg. A girl committed suicide after continued cyber-bullying and harassments .

  10. 通过语音手段构成的近义词是由同一词分化而产生;

    Those constituted by phonetics means split up from the same word ;

  11. 近义词辨析一直是英语学习中的难点。

    Synonym discrimination is always a challenge in English learning .

  12. 农科学术论文英文摘要中常见近义词剖析

    Analysis of near synonyms in English abstracts of agricultural papers

  13. 宽敞和宽阔是一对近义词。

    Kuan Chang and Kuan Kuo are two synonyms .

  14. 近义词和多义词问题也是文本数据特有的自然语言现象。

    Synonyms and polysemy problems are unique phenomena to natural language text data .

  15. 近义词:踪迹,轨迹,足迹。

    Synonyms : trace , track , footprint .

  16. 这很不利于对外汉语同义词、近义词教学的开展。

    That is a disadvantage of carrying out the teaching of Chinese to foreigners .

  17. 关于编写适合对外汉语教学的近义词词典

    On the Compilation of a Dictionary of Near-Synonym for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  18. 大学英语近义词教学浅议

    On the Significance of English Synonym Teaching

  19. 老挝语和汉语发展历史不同,老挝语的近义词很少。

    The development of the Chinese and Laotian languages differ ; Laotian has far fewer synonyms .

  20. 造成近义词混用的原因主要包括母语负迁移、交际策略及过度概括。

    Assumed synonymy is mainly caused by negative transfer from Chinese , communication strategies and overgeneralization .

  21. 在词语偏误中,近义词的使用偏误是较为突出的一类。

    Error of synonym using is a quite outstanding kind among the error of word using .

  22. 近义词的辨析历来是汉语学习的一个重点。

    To distinguish the numerous near-synonyms is always a focal point in terms of learning chinese .

  23. 生命的创伤主要是指在受近现代悲观哲学的影响,现代主义文学同样把生命视作苦难的一个近义词。

    Influenced by modern pessimistic philosophy , modernist literature interprets life as a synonym for suffering .

  24. 浅析英语近义词的差异

    The Differences Between English Synonyms

  25. 其次,借助于近义词已有的研究成果,结合对外汉语教学的学科特色,确定了对外汉语教学中近义词的范围。

    Secondly , to define the scope of near-synonyms in TCFL based on the relevant previous research results .

  26. 从主观性看对外汉语中几组近义词的辨析

    Discriminations of Several Pairs of Synonyms in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in the Light of Subjectivity

  27. 本手册是为帮助读者熟练、确地使用现代汉语常用的近义词而编写的。

    This handbook is specially complied for the purpose of helping the readers to use near-synonyms properly and accurately .

  28. 与本族语者相比,中国英语学习者在使用四个近义词上既表现出相似的语义韵特点,又表现出很大的差异。

    Chinese learner English does exhibit different semantic prosodic features as well as similarities compared with the native English .

  29. 事实上,每种语言中都有基本的词汇,并且存在大量的同义词和近义词,大量的约定俗成的搭配,汉语更是如此。

    In fact , each language has plenty of basic vocabulary , synonyms and collocations and so does Chinese .

  30. 这两个字,以及它的近义词必须就应该从全世界的语言文字中消亡。

    These two words , and their cousins I have to , should be eliminated from all languages everywhere .