
jìn sì zhí
  • approximation;approximate value
近似值 [jìn sì zhí]
  • [approximate value] 接近准确值的数值(比准确值略多一些或少一些),在实际计算上经常使用;如圆周率的值应为3.14159265358979323846,但实际上多用它的近似值3.1416

  1. 你知道那仅仅是近似值。

    That 's just an approximation , you understand .

  2. 问题是,统计数据并不是对现实的客观衡量;它们只是一个最佳的近似值。

    The problem is that the statistics aren 't an objective measure of reality ; they are simply a best approximation .

  3. 对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。

    With mathematical problems , you can save time by approximating .

  4. π(N)的上下确界及其近似值

    The Supremum and Infimum of π( N ) and Its Approximative Value

  5. 本文讨论7在计算短、粗主轴弯曲刚度时,剪力时这一刚度的影响,给出了在计算剪切挠度时,剪切变形在空心主轴截面上不均匀分布系数X的近似值;

    The effect of shearing on short and thick spindle bending stiffness is discussed .

  6. “轴定义控制”(AXISDEFCONTROL)参数指定明确的轴定义之间的近似值类型。

    The AXIS_DEF_CONTROL parameter specifies the approximation type between the explicit axes definitions .

  7. e也是历史上第一个用极限来定义的数,通过对它的近似值的探讨人们也发现了它的其它的表现形式。

    E is the first number defined in the form of limit in the history of mathematics .

  8. 所以,在小角度近似值中,就等于mg,that,I,can,make,T,the,same,as,mg。,这是近似值,但是依然写等于号。

    So I simply have , in my small-angle approximation , T It 's approximately , but I still put an equals sign there .

  9. 在每一个时间步长,利用MATLAB提供的矩阵左除命令即可求出各个未知节点的函数近似值。

    For each time increment , the approximation of each unknown nodal function can be solved with the matrix left division command in MATLAB .

  10. 第一类Bessel函数及其函数近似值的FORTRAN算法

    Primal Bessel function and FORTRAN algorithm of its approximation

  11. 所以点P转动惯量的,最好的近似值是-,这个旋转-,是质量乘以半径的平方,加上这个质量乘以半径的平方。

    So to a very good approximation the moment of inertia for rotation about that point P this rotation will be this mass times radius squared plus this mass times radius squared .

  12. 把这一结果应用于u的导数,就可得到它在单元内部的近似值具有同样超收敛的阶次。

    Applying the same result to the derivatives of u , similar overconvergence order for the approximation inside the element can also be obtained .

  13. 关于Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的近似值的计算

    On the Computing of the Appoximate Value of the Hausdorff Measure of Koch Curve

  14. 用待测波形与模板的绝对误差和相对近似值作为QRS波群的评价指标。

    Absolute error and relative approximation were used as estimated indexes of semblance between testing QRS complex and sinus heart rhythm model .

  15. 或者,如果收集成本特别高的话,可以计算线程在执行时占用CPU资源的百分比的近似值。

    Or , at a much higher cost of collection , it 's possible to calculate an approximation of the percentage of overall CPU resources consumed by the thread for an execution .

  16. 对动应力进行傅里叶级数逼近,取前N项傅里叶级数为动应力数值解的近似值,进而分析频域特性。

    The dynamic stress is approached by Fourier series . The first N terms of Fourier series are taken as the approximate value of the dynamic stress figure solution , and furthermore , the frequency field characteristics are analyzed .

  17. 此外,本文给出在高温情况下热力学过程的最小功A(min)和致冷系数ε的展开式,以便取近似值。

    Besides that , this article analyzes the minimum power of amin of heat mechanics in high temperature , and the open from of the coefficient of freezing so as to obtain the approximate value .

  18. 通过多次运行该算法能以较高的概率求出k-means算法的1+ε近似值。

    After running this algorithm several times , we can get a higher probability to the ratio of ( 1 + ε) - approximation for the k-means problem .

  19. TP是在DB29中引入的,与MDC类似,它也可以将具有近似值的行存储在一起。

    TP , introduced in DB29 , is similar to MDC in that it enables rows with similar values to be stored together .

  20. 相反,K近邻方法代表的是一种基于记忆的方法,该方法在记忆中存储了输入数据的整个数据库,然后它的预测结果是基于这些已存储数据的局部近似值。

    Contrary to that , the k-nearest-neighbors ( KNN ) approach represents the memory-based approach . The approach keep in memory the entire database of examples , and their predictions are based on some local approximation of the stored examples .

  21. 本文在对象管的一系列计算基础上,进一步提出表征电子光学系统放大率M、物距P与象距Q之间内在联系的结构特征参数K的近似值。

    On the basis of computer calculations for a series of image tubes , we proposed an approximation for structure characteristic parameter K characterizing the internal connection between magnification M , object distance P and image distance Q of an electron-optical system .

  22. 最后得到计算某类六阶微分方程带权特征值的近似值的算法,而且可以用第n次近似值来估计第n-1次的近似值的精确度。

    At last , the computational method of the approximate values of the eigenvalues was found , and the accuracy of the ( n-1 ) - th approximate value is dependent on the n-th approximate value .

  23. 本文用加权残数法求出了在不同支承条件下和Mises屈服条件下环板的极限载荷的近似值。

    In this paper , by using the weighted residuals the approximate values of limit load of ring plates under various suppor-ting conditions and Mises yield condition are obtained .

  24. 对于非SACK测试用例,我使用客户机报告的延迟应答队列的典型长度作为发送方窗口大小的近似值。

    For the non-SACK test cases , I used the typical length of the delayed ACK queue reported by the client as an approximation of the lower bound of the sender 's window size .

  25. 阐述了μs时间间隔红宝石双脉冲Q开关激光器的动力学过程,求出Q开关电压峰值的近似值,并给出主要控制电路的设计和测试结果。

    The dynamic process of a Q switched double pulse ruby laser with μ s time separation is presented . The approximate value of Q switch control voltage is deduced and the design of main control circuit and the tested results are given .

  26. 选择胡安.德富卡(JuandeFuca)洋脊热液喷口对巨羽流的形成进行了模拟,其结果与Baker根据实测数据估算的近似值吻合很好。

    As an instance , the hydrothermal venting plume on the Juan de Fuca Ridge has been simulated and the simulated results are fairly consistent with Baker 's imputed data on surveying .

  27. 在本章第二节中,我们将Lambert级数法与Theta函数法结合起来,计算出一些与广义Fibonacci,Lucas数的倒数有关的级数的近似值。

    We are concerned with this problem . By combining with the methods of Theta functions and Lambert series , we compute some reciprocal series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers .

  28. 一些与广义Fibonacci-Lucas数有关级数近似值

    Approximate values of some series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

  29. 由于新行是插在表中具有近似值的行附近的位置,因此数据仍然是聚合的,而不需要运行REORG实用程序。

    Because new rows are inserted in the part of the table that contains rows with similar values , data remains clustered without the need to run the REORG utility .

  30. 通过Lie理论对系统进行坐标和输入量的变换,实现了系统的局部线性化,使得倒立摆系统的稳定控制不再需要对数学模型中的非线性项取近似值。

    An effective control method of stabilizing an inverted pendulum system without resorting to any approximation of each nonlinear term appearing in mathematical models is presented . The key idea was to derive a partially linearized system using the coordinate change and input transformation via the Lie theoretic approach .