- 名approximation;approximate value

[approximate value] 接近准确值的数值(比准确值略多一些或少一些),在实际计算上经常使用;如圆周率的值应为3.14159265358979323846,但实际上多用它的近似值3.1416
That 's just an approximation , you understand .
The problem is that the statistics aren 't an objective measure of reality ; they are simply a best approximation .
With mathematical problems , you can save time by approximating .
The Supremum and Infimum of π( N ) and Its Approximative Value
The effect of shearing on short and thick spindle bending stiffness is discussed .
The AXIS_DEF_CONTROL parameter specifies the approximation type between the explicit axes definitions .
E is the first number defined in the form of limit in the history of mathematics .
So I simply have , in my small-angle approximation , T It 's approximately , but I still put an equals sign there .
For each time increment , the approximation of each unknown nodal function can be solved with the matrix left division command in MATLAB .
Primal Bessel function and FORTRAN algorithm of its approximation
So to a very good approximation the moment of inertia for rotation about that point P this rotation will be this mass times radius squared plus this mass times radius squared .
Applying the same result to the derivatives of u , similar overconvergence order for the approximation inside the element can also be obtained .
On the Computing of the Appoximate Value of the Hausdorff Measure of Koch Curve
Absolute error and relative approximation were used as estimated indexes of semblance between testing QRS complex and sinus heart rhythm model .
Or , at a much higher cost of collection , it 's possible to calculate an approximation of the percentage of overall CPU resources consumed by the thread for an execution .
The dynamic stress is approached by Fourier series . The first N terms of Fourier series are taken as the approximate value of the dynamic stress figure solution , and furthermore , the frequency field characteristics are analyzed .
Besides that , this article analyzes the minimum power of amin of heat mechanics in high temperature , and the open from of the coefficient of freezing so as to obtain the approximate value .
After running this algorithm several times , we can get a higher probability to the ratio of ( 1 + ε) - approximation for the k-means problem .
TP , introduced in DB29 , is similar to MDC in that it enables rows with similar values to be stored together .
Contrary to that , the k-nearest-neighbors ( KNN ) approach represents the memory-based approach . The approach keep in memory the entire database of examples , and their predictions are based on some local approximation of the stored examples .
On the basis of computer calculations for a series of image tubes , we proposed an approximation for structure characteristic parameter K characterizing the internal connection between magnification M , object distance P and image distance Q of an electron-optical system .
At last , the computational method of the approximate values of the eigenvalues was found , and the accuracy of the ( n-1 ) - th approximate value is dependent on the n-th approximate value .
In this paper , by using the weighted residuals the approximate values of limit load of ring plates under various suppor-ting conditions and Mises yield condition are obtained .
For the non-SACK test cases , I used the typical length of the delayed ACK queue reported by the client as an approximation of the lower bound of the sender 's window size .
The dynamic process of a Q switched double pulse ruby laser with μ s time separation is presented . The approximate value of Q switch control voltage is deduced and the design of main control circuit and the tested results are given .
As an instance , the hydrothermal venting plume on the Juan de Fuca Ridge has been simulated and the simulated results are fairly consistent with Baker 's imputed data on surveying .
We are concerned with this problem . By combining with the methods of Theta functions and Lambert series , we compute some reciprocal series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers .
Approximate values of some series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
Because new rows are inserted in the part of the table that contains rows with similar values , data remains clustered without the need to run the REORG utility .
An effective control method of stabilizing an inverted pendulum system without resorting to any approximation of each nonlinear term appearing in mathematical models is presented . The key idea was to derive a partially linearized system using the coordinate change and input transformation via the Lie theoretic approach .