- static universe

The happy result , Einstein thought , was a static universe of the type nearly everybody believed they lived in and in which geometry was strictly determined by matter .
This was known as the Steady State theory .
De Sitter static model
In recent decades , however , the Steady State model of the universe has yielded in the scientific mind to an even more difficult idea , full of cosmic violence .
In trying to apply his general theory of relativity to the structure of the universe , Einstein threw into his equation a term representing a " cosmological constant , " because he believed he needed to represent a repulsive force that would counter the attractive force of gravity in order to represent the universe as static .
Because Einstein thought he needed to model a static universe , he introduced his " cosmological fudge factor " to balance the attractive gravity of matter .
A good example of this was Einstein , who called the cosmological constant , which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe , the biggest mistake of his life .