
  • 网络Shizuoka;SHIZUOKA PREFECTURE;Shizuoka-ken
  1. 桥本还表示,宫城县、福岛县和静冈县已决定当地奥运场馆可接待观众为场馆容量的50%,最多1万名观众。

    Miyagi , Fukushima , and Shizuoka prefectures have decided that venues can be filled to 50 % of capacity with a maximum of 10000 spectators , added Hashimoto .

  2. 我出生于日本静冈县,我是一名DJ。

    I was born in Shizuoka Japan as a track maker / DJ .

  3. 方法:用MPN法检测静冈县海水、海泥中副溶血性弧菌数。

    Method : Detect the number of V.p in seawater and sea sand by MPN method .

  4. 这次抗议是由八个民间组织共同发起的,目的是要抗议座落在东京西南部大约200公里处、位于静冈县的御前崎(Hamaoka)核电站。

    The rally was organized by eight civic groups to protest the Hamaoka nuclear-power plant , which is located about 200 kilometers southwest of Tokyo in Shizuoka Prefecture .

  5. 访问期间,代表团参观访问了日本国土厅、气象厅、东京大学地震研究所、东京都及静冈县等,并在静冈县观看了1992年9月1日日本举行的大震演习。

    , and viewed the large earthquake exercise held on September 1,1992 in Shizuoka .

  6. 在东京,富岛,千叶,神奈川,静冈县均有震感。

    The tremor was also felt in Tokyo as well as Fukushima , Chiba , Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures .

  7. 臼井仪人出生在日本静冈县。《蜡笔小新》是他的代表作。

    Yoshito Usui born in Shizuoka Prefecture , Japan , was a manga artist known for the popular manga Crayon Shin-chan .

  8. 官员们最担心的是静冈县的滨冈核电站,据估计,如果离首都更近的地方发生地震,滨冈核电站对东京的威胁最大。

    Officials worry most about the Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka prefecture , which is reckoned to pose the greatest risk to Tokyo should a quake strike nearer the capital .

  9. 静冈县同样毗邻富士山,该县知事川胜平太(HeitaKawakatsu)称,旅店和餐厅数量充足,足以应对游客人数的上升。

    Heita Kawakatsu , the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture , which also borders the mountain , said there are plenty of inns and restaurants to accommodate a rise in visitors .

  10. 日本静冈县舞台艺术中心成立于1995年,是日本第一个拥有艺术总监、演员、专职技术人员的文化事业财团。

    Japan 's Shizuoka Prefecture stage of the Arts Centre was established in1995 , is Japan 's first artistic director has , actors , technical staff of full-time cultural undertakings consortium .

  11. 另一个助推因素是自2013年开始的日元贬值:中国游客以及平行出口商迅速发现,在静冈县买一箱妙而舒比在上海买更便宜。

    Another propellant has been the depreciation of the Japanese currency since 2013 : Chinese tourists , along with parallel exporters , quickly spotted that it is cheaper to get a box of Merries in Shizuoka than in Shanghai .

  12. 日本媒体关注了一起发生在该国偏远地带、在长野和与新泻之间的6.6级地震,以及一起发生在静冈县的6.1级地震,这两次地震都发生在大地震后不久。

    The Japanese media have drawn attention to a quake of magnitude 6.6 on the far side of the country , between Nagano and Niigata prefectures , and to a quake of magnitude 6.1 in Shizuoka prefecture , both within days of the main quake .