
jìnɡ xī diàn wèi
  • resting potential
  1. 实验表明,CGRP能够显著增加心室肌细胞静息电位,提高动作电位幅度。

    The results showed that CGRP could increase ventricular myocardial resting potential and elevate the amplitude of action potential .

  2. 血管平滑肌细胞的KATP通道在调节膜静息电位中起重要作用,且受代谢因素的调控,在一定程度上与血管张力关联。

    And KATP channel played an important role in regulating resting potential associated with the tone of vascular smooth muscle cell ( VSMC ) .

  3. 5×10-3M使AP消失之后,还使静息电位(RP)绝对值继续降低。

    BUF 5 × 10-3 M continued decreasing the absolute value of resting potential ( RP ) after it abolished AP .

  4. 乙酰胆碱兴奋钾电流IK(Ach)是维持人体心房肌细胞静息电位的主要钾电流之一。

    IK ( Ach ) is one of the main K + currents to maintain the Rest Potential of human atrial muscle cells .

  5. 结果:①观察15例内侧膝状体神经元对皮层刺激的反应,其平均膜静息电位为(49±13.5)mV,膜输入阻抗为(432±109)MΩ。

    RESULTS : ① The reactions of medial geniculate body neurons to cortical stimulation in 15 cases were observed , and the resting membrane potential and input resistance were ( 49 ± 13.5 ) mV and ( 432 ± 109 ) M Ω respectively .

  6. 实验发现,高钾可使动作电位幅度(APA)降低,静息电位(Rp)减少,动作电位50%及90%时程(APD50,APD90)缩短;

    The experimental results showed that high potassium could reduce action potential amplitude ( APA ) and resting potential ( RP ) and shorten 50 % and 90 % action potential duration ( APD50 , APD90 ); high calcium could shorten APD , reduce Rp.

  7. 眼静息电位向眼周的扩散现象和临床应用

    Diffusing phenomenon and clinical application of eye 's standing potential

  8. 静息电位和动作电位幅值无明显改变;

    But resting potentials and amplitude of action potentials were no changes .

  9. 蛙离体单根有髓鞘神经纤维静息电位与动作电位细胞内记录方法

    A method for intracellular recording of resting and action potential from the isolated frog single myelinated nerve fiber

  10. 在左心室条束可记录到心室肌细胞、浦肯野纤维和移行细胞的跨膜静息电位和动作电位。

    In the left ventricular band , transmembrane potentials of the ventricular myocardial , purkinje and transitional fiber were recorded .

  11. 丙戊酸钠和异搏定对动作电位幅度、超射值、静息电位、O期最大除极速度均无明显影响。

    Neither sodium valproate nor Verapamil showed any effect on action potential amplitude , overshoot , resting potential and phase O upstroke velocity .

  12. 水杨酸钠与细胞外钾离子对豚鼠单离外毛细胞外向钾电流和静息电位的影响

    Effects of sodium salicylate and extracellular K ~ + on outward potassium current and resting potential of outer hair cell isolated from guinea pig cochlea

  13. 在培养的第3、6和9天细胞膜静息电位负值逐渐升高,在第12天又开始降低。

    The negative value of rest membrane potential increased gradually in the 3 , 6 , and 9 days of culture , and then decreased in the 12 days .

  14. 针刺、磁提针、磁提针加按压使骨骼肌细胞电刺激后下降的静息电位明显恢复(P<0.01)。

    After the treatments of acupuncture , magnetic lifting needle , magnetic lifting needle plus pressing , the decreased resting potentials after electrostimulation were obviously recovered ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 钾通道是分布最广、类型最多的一类离子通道,它存在于所有的真核细胞,主要参与细胞膜静息电位和动作电位复极化过程的调节,决定着动作电位的发放频率和幅度。

    Potassium ion channels are widespread and type most , they are to exist all eukaryocyte , mainly participate in cell membrane resting potential and the regulation of action potential during Repolarization .

  16. 心脏的复极过程中,心肌细胞在一次心脏搏动后回到静息电位,它是一个高度调节的过程,并对心脏节律的稳定性有着重要的作用。

    Background & Cardiac repolarization , the process by which cardiomyocytes return to their resting potential after each beat , is a highly regulated process that is critical for heart rhythm stability .

  17. 结果山茱萸提取液抗心律失常作用可能与延长心肌动作电位、增大静息电位绝对值和降低窦房结自律性有关。

    Results Antiarrhythmic effect of COE may be related to its prolongation of action potential duration , increase of the absolute value of resting potential and a decrease of autonomy of sinus node .

  18. 用微电极细胞内记录技术研究了东方蝾螈胚胎表皮细胞膜的静息电位。输入电阻与其兴奋性的关系。

    The relation of resting potential ( RP ) and input resistance ( Rin ) to excitability of membrane in the epidermal embryonic cells of Cynops orientalis was investigated with intracellular recording technique .

  19. 为探讨应激激素&皮质酮对海马神经细胞膜电位的影响,采用膜片钳全细胞记录的方法,测量了原代培养的大鼠海马神经细胞膜的静息电位。

    To probe the effect of stress hormone corticosterone on the hippocampal cell membrane potential , the resting potentials of rat hippocampal cells in primary culture were measured with the patch clamp whole cell recording .

  20. 应用先进技术细胞内微电极的方法研究了大鼠冠状动脉平滑肌细胞的静息膜电位(Em)及其对血管活性物质KCl、ACh、NE的反应性。

    In this paper , the resting membrane potential ( Em ) of smooth muscle cells of the rat coronary artery was studied by advanced technique & intracellular microelectrode method .

  21. 而对静息膜电位(RMP)无明显影响。

    The effective refractory period ( ERP ) was relatively prolonged , resting membrane potential ( RMP ) was not influenced .

  22. 结论:Ang可以降低动作电位幅度,静息膜电位及Vmax,缩短动作电位时程及有效不应期,具有致心律失常的作用。

    Conclusion : Angiotensin ⅱ decrease amplitude of monophasic action potential , rest membrane potential and Vmax , shorten duration of monophasic action potential and ERP , exert the effect of proarrhythmia .

  23. 结果HCC-9204细胞膜静息膜电位为-21.2±1.8mV,细胞膜电容为12.5±2.6pF;

    Results The resting potential was-21.2 ± 1.8 mV and the membrane capacity was 12.5 ± 2.6 pF ;

  24. 目的:研究易卒中型自发性高血压大鼠大脑中动脉平滑肌细胞的静息膜电位(Em)及其对血管活性物质KCl、去甲肾上腺素的反应性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the resting Em of VSMC from the middle cerebral artery ( MCA ) of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHRSP ) and the reactivity of Em to KCl and norepinephrine ( NE ) .

  25. 平滑肌细胞上的氯平衡电位(ECl)正于静息膜电位,因此Cl-通道开放Cl-外流驱动膜电位向ECl方向靠近,形成膜的去极化。

    The chloride equilibrium potential ( ECl ) of smooth muscle cells is more positive than resting membrane potential . The chloride outflow from chloride channels opening , which promote membrane potential approaching to ECl , therefore membrane depolarizing .

  26. 目的:观察自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)冠状动脉平滑肌细胞的静息膜电位(Em)及其对血管活性物质KCl、ACh、NE的反应性,并与Wistar大鼠进行了比较。

    Aim : To investigate the resting membrane potential ( Em ) of coronary arterial smooth muscle cells ( CASMC ) from SHR and the reactivity of Em to KCl , ACh and NE , and compared with that of Wistar rats .

  27. 结果耐钙心室肌细胞的存活率在50%~60%,其静息膜电位在-80~90mV,并成功地记录到典型的动作电位及钾、钠、钙等电流。

    RESULTS : The survival rate of calcium-tolerant myocytes was 50 % ~ 60 % , and their rest potentials were between – 80 ~ 90 mV . Typical figures of action potential and natrium , potassium and calcium currents were recorded successfully in single myocytes .

  28. 芍药甙对大鼠空肠平滑肌细胞静息膜电位的作用研究

    Regulating effects of Paeoniflorin on resting membrane potential in the circular smooth muscle cells of rat jejunum

  29. 【目的】探讨芍药甙对大鼠空肠平滑肌细胞静息膜电位的调控作用。

    To determine the role of paeoniflorin in regulating resting membrane potential of smooth muscle cells in rat jejunum .

  30. 但不影响微终板电位的发放频率,也不影响肌纤维的静息膜电位。

    Neither the frequencies of miniature endplate potential nor the resting membrane potential of the muscle were changed by fraction ⅸ .