
zì shēn tiáo jié
  • autoregulation
  1. 小鼠胃中GABA摄取系统的负反馈式自身调节机制

    A possible mechanism for negative feedback autoregulation of GABA uptake system in mouse stomach

  2. 本研究结果提示,胃中可能存在一种GABA摄取系统的负反馈式的自身调节机制。

    The results suggest that possibly there is a mechanism of negative feedback autoregulation of GABA uptake system in mouse stomach .

  3. 提示NIS是甲状腺自身调节的重要组成部分。

    The results show that NIS is the important component of this autoregulatory mechanism .

  4. 普鲁卡因维持麻醉,可较好地维持循环功能,稳定,和维护脑的自身调节能力,对ICP下降起到协同作用。

    Maintenance with procaine balanced anesthesia could keep a stable circulation and brain autoregulation . Another procaine also plays a role in long time decrease of ICP .

  5. 结论机体通过有效的自身调节机制,能够满足有氧运动下NO和尿素合成对Arg的需求,不需额外补充;

    It suggests that organism can meet the Arg requirement of NO synthesis by effective self-regulation mechanism and dose not need Arg supplement .

  6. 自身调节防治近视法实验研究表明,实验组的防治假性近视有效率高于眼保健操对照组,其差别具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The myopia prophylaxis by self-readjustment ( MPSR ) experiment proved that the efficiency rate of preventing pseudomyopia in the experimental group was higher than that in the group , doing eye-caring exercises . The difference was of statistic significance ( p < 0 . 05 ) .

  7. 实验表明,该系统具有很强的电弧自身调节能力,相对于传统控制方式,在相同送丝速度条件下工作电压可以降低1~5V。

    Compared with conventional welding power source , the working voltage of the system is about 1-5V lower at same wire feed speed .

  8. LEK终末之间的对称性轴轴突触提示LEK终末可能具有自身调节作用。

    The possibility that LEK terminals have self regulation has been suggested by the symmetric axoaxonic synapse between LEK terminals .

  9. SOD对光照的敏感度较CAT、POD高,当光强低于1250lux时SOD活性就开始升高,但该光强下黑藻可以通过自身调节维持植物体的正常代谢;

    The response of SOD activity at low light was high than that of CAT and POD . When the light intensity under 1250lux ( H3 ), the SOD activity increased , Hydrilla verticillata can maintain metabolism as usual with auto-regulation .

  10. 结论在SBP、DBP压差升高>5mmHg的人群,中老年女性短时间内自身调节血压的功能存在着一定变化空间,是给予药物康复时须考虑的因素。

    Conclusions In the crowd with SBP and DBP pressure difference exceeding 5 mm Hg , the self accommodate function of blood pressure in female midlife and old folks was varied within a special range , and this should be consulted in rehabilitation by herbal medicines .

  11. 铝熔化极氩弧焊中的自身调节作用

    Self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in MIG welding

  12. 大鼠纹状体突触体酪氨酸羟化酶自身调节的研究

    Studies on autoregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in rat corpus striatum

  13. 流速的改变被用来计算自身调节指数。

    The change in flow velocity was used to calculate the autoregulation index .

  14. 高原心搏量的自身调节

    Autoregulation of the stroke , volume at Highland

  15. 新型专用电源系统直流电压脉动幅值的控制是靠变换器自身调节实现的。

    The ripple of the new system is controlled only by self-adjustment of the converter .

  16. 间接电弧能够稳定燃烧是由于钨极的加入和电弧自身调节的综合作用的结果。

    The indirect arc is stabilized for the addition of the tungsten , the arc self-regulation .

  17. 运动心脏的自身调节因素

    The Self-Regulatory Factors of Athletic Heart

  18. 超声评价脑血流自身调节功能时不同脑血管阻力变化差异性的研究

    Study on Changes of Vascular Resistances in Different Cerebral Arteries by Sonography for Evaluating Cerebral Autoregulation

  19. 过去的一些研究显示在其他条件下受抑制的自身调节可经过度通气恢复。

    Previous investigations in several other conditions have demonstrated that impaired autoregulation can be restored by hyperventilation .

  20. 生理状态下,甲状腺功能主要受到两种机制的调节,即下丘脑-腺垂体-甲状腺轴的调节和甲状腺的自身调节。

    Physiologically , thyroid function is controlled in two pathways , i.e.hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis regulation and thyroid autoregulation .

  21. 掌握肾血流量的自身调节的概念、意义,了解其机制。

    To master the concept , significance of the autoregulation of renal blood flow and understand its mechanism .

  22. 除这些自身调节机制外,还有很多外界因素影响其分泌。

    Besides these mechanisms of autoregulation , there are lots of effects coming from the outside factors on it .

  23. 颈内动脉是多普勒超声评定脑血流自身调节功能最为适宜的脑血管。

    The internal carotid artery is the most proper cerebral artery for clinical assessment of cerebral autoregulation by Doppler sonography .

  24. 制造多巴胺的细胞有一个固有自身调节系统用来防止过多产生多巴胺。

    Dopamine-producing cells have an inbuilt self-regulating system which is supposed to stop them making too much of the hormone .

  25. 该变化可能与高血压时自身调节血管外周阻力并保证脑血供有关。

    These changes may be related to the peripheral arterial resistance and the blood supply to the brain during hypertension .

  26. 脑血管储备是指在生理或病理状态下,脑血管通过自身调节维持正常稳定脑血流的能力。

    It can be used to assess the rCBF and cerebrovascular reserve ( CVR ) in the patients suffered from ischemic stroke .

  27. 金融生态是指金融业与其生存和发展的外部环境之间,通过自身调节机制相互影响、相互作用的动态平衡系统。

    Financial ecology refers to a dynamic interactional system balancing financial industry and external surroundings on which it depends through self-adjustment mechanism .

  28. 证实了阳极斑点爬升现象,测定了弧长恢复时间常数,并指出短路过渡时也存在着焊丝熔化率的自身调节作。

    It is also pointed out that the intrinsic self regulation effect of wire melting rate exists in case of electrical short circuit .

  29. 采用自制装置研究了短弧区铝合金熔化极氩弧焊时的自身调节作用,测定了熔滴热焓、温度和焊丝熔化特性。

    The intrinsic self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in the region of short arc in MIG welding is investigated with self made equipment .

  30. 为使教学过程处于良性循环状态,必须通过信息反馈,进行自身调节。

    In order to cause the teaching process to be at the positive cycle condition , must through the information feedback , carry on own adjustment .