
  • 【船】natural environmental condition
  1. 采用将NaCl琼脂固定液试管插入土壤的方法模拟土壤自然环境条件,对水稻幼苗耐盐性进行鉴定。

    To identify method for salt-tolerance in rice seedling using NaCl and agar stationary liquid inserted into soil and imitating soil natural environment condition .

  2. 方法:65例健康志愿者分为青年组、中年组、老年组、高龄老年组。静息-活动监测仪(Actigraphy)连续5天在体监测自然环境条件下的睡眠-觉醒,静息-活动昼夜周期。

    Method : A total number of 65 healthy volunteers in present study were divided into young , middle-aged , old and oldest groups .

  3. 自然环境条件下硫化铁自燃的影响因素

    Effect Factors for Spontaneous Combustion of Iron Sulfide in Natural Environment

  4. 自然环境条件下精密器材的失效机理及其对策研究

    The Failure Mechanism of Precision Equipment in Natural Environment and Its Countermeasure

  5. 模拟自然环境条件对碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的腐蚀研究

    Study of the Corrosion of Carbon Fiber / Epoxy Composite Under Conditions of Simulated Natural Environment

  6. 结果独特的自然环境条件是高昌回鹘生态文化形成的主要原因。

    Results the unique natural environment condition is the main reason of forming ecological cultrue of Gaochang uygurs .

  7. 同等自然环境条件下,封育林区的土壤含水量显著高于非封育林区。

    Soil moisture of the closed area was significantly higher than non-closed area on the same natural conditions .

  8. 于此同时,沙漠地区恶劣的自然环境条件也给公路建设造成了诸多不利。

    At the same time , the harsh desert environment also makes many negative impacts on highway construction .

  9. 傣族特殊的社会形态、宗教信仰和自然环境条件是傣语间接表达形式形成和存在的原因。

    The special social form , religious belief and natural environment are the causes for such indirect expressions .

  10. 凉山州水稻生产自然环境条件优越,是川西南地区主要的生产和高产区。

    Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture is predominant area of high quality rice production and high yield with its good environment .

  11. 贵阳花溪迎宾馆设计在特定的自然环境条件下,因地制宜采取分散式布局,体现山地建筑特色;

    According to circumstances of given natural surroundings , the designer adopts decentralized building arrangement for the Huaxi Guesthouse .

  12. 环境试验设备正是模拟各种不同自然环境条件,使得在实验室检验产品应对不同环境的可靠性成为可能。

    The environmental test equipment simulates different environment and natural conditions in the laboratory test products to the reliability for different environment .

  13. 水力结构就是植物在特定的自然环境条件下,为适应生存竞争的需要所形成的不同形态结构和水分运输供给策略。

    The hydraulic architecture is the strategies of water transport and morphological structure of plants adapted to survival competition in the natural environment .

  14. 在潮湿多雨的山区,由于具备地形起伏和雨水丰沛等自然环境条件,大量存在斜坡软弱土地基这种有着其独特成因及工程特性的地基型式。

    Slope soft-soil foundation rich in the damp rainy mountain area , because of natural conditions such as topographic relief and plentiful rainfall .

  15. 森林生态系统服务是指森林生态系统及其中各种生物对人类提供的有益服务,森林生态系统服务功能是指森林生态系统及其生态过程所形成及维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用。

    The forest service is refers to the beneficial service which provides to the humanity by the forest ecosystem and all living things in it .

  16. 以西安市为实例,在西安市进行调研,对西安市的自然环境条件、人文环境条件和环境景观建设现状进行系统的分析总结。

    As an example of the investigation . Xian is analyzed and summarized on the natural , humanities environmental conditions and environmental landscape construction situation .

  17. 金属在自然环境条件下的腐蚀称为大气腐蚀,因而对能在大气自然环境条件下耐腐蚀的钢称为耐大气腐蚀钢。

    Metal corrosion under natural environment is called atmospheric corrosion , the steel with the characteristic of atmospheric corrosion resistance is named weather resisting steel .

  18. 通过对自然环境条件与棉花种植之间的关系,探讨近代南通棉业发展的历史基础。

    Discusses the historical basis of the development of modern cotton activities on the basis of the study on the relationship between natural conditions and cotton-growing .

  19. 应用表明,该方法适合于安徽江淮丘陵区的自然环境条件和作物生长习性。

    The relevant application shows that this method is adaptable to the natural environment and the crop growth habit in Jianghuai hilly region in Anhui Province .

  20. 山地公园的水分时空分布是公园内景观组成、自然环境条件和人为活动等多因子综合作用的结果。

    The space-time distribution of water in Mountain Park is affected by landscape , natural environment conditions , human activities , and combined action of many factors .

  21. 本文还结合岩溶山区特殊的自然环境条件,提出了加强岩溶山区土壤耕作侵蚀研究的必要性和重要意义。

    By combining the special natural conditions in karst mountain area , the necessity and importance in strengthen the research on soil tillage erosion is put forward .

  22. 水环境容量研究既涉及到自然环境条件,又与社会经济因素有密切关系。本部分概括介绍了开封市的自然环境条件、社会经济条件以及河流水环境质量状况。

    Part ⅱ the general introduction of the research region ( Kaifeng ) The natural environmental conditions and social and economic factors are related to the study .

  23. 森林生态系统的生态服务功能是指森林生态系统及其生态过程为人类提供的自然环境条件与效用。

    The function of forest ecosystem service is to provide the entire human beings with the natural environment and relevant effects in the process of forest ecosystem .

  24. 优异的自然环境条件造就丰富的生物资源的同时,也决定了生物资源的分布和数量随海拔高度的变化而发生相应变化的特征。

    The outstanding environment not only formed ample resources , but also decided the characters of the distribution and quantity of the resources which changed with the height .

  25. 蒙山开展各种旅游活动的资源与环境条件优越,本文分析了蒙山旅游资源特征及自然环境条件,提出了蒙山旅游资源可持续利用的策略。

    This paper analyzes the features of tourism resources and natural environmental conditions of Mount Meng , and advances strategies for the sustainable utilization of the tourism resources .

  26. 其中,既有自然环境条件下形成的岩溶特征,又有人类活动的地质效应&海咸水入侵的影响和改造。

    There are not only karst features under the natural conditions but also geological affection of human activity , that is influence and changes of sea salt water intrusion .

  27. 生态环境脆弱性除受自然环境条件的控制外,人类活动也是影响其变化的重要因素,人类不合理的土地利用方式将会加剧生态环境的脆弱程度。

    The environment vulnerability is affected by the natural environmental conditions and the human being activities , and improper land use will be able to aggravate environment vulnerability degree .

  28. 长沙市以其优越的自然环境条件、丰富的植物资源、深厚的历史文化背景为创建生态园林城市创造了优越条件。

    Changsha city has a favorable condition to create a strong ecological garden city for its own unique natural conditions , rich plant resources , long history and culture background .

  29. 第二章在宏观层次上对调查地区,即宁夏南部山区生态移民的大背景和自然环境条件进行论述。

    The second chapter tells us the background of ecological immigration and the natural environment of the research area , western mountain area in Ningxia province at the macro level .

  30. 能够有效的解决在自然环境条件下,目标与背景之间的颜色高度相近时,很难利用阈值法进行有效分割的困扰。

    In the natural environmental conditions , this method solution between the target and background color of a high degree of close , hard threshold method for effective segmentation problems .