
zì yóu kuò sàn
  • free diffusion
  1. 然而,大部分扩散相关的NMR研究仅局限于简单体系的自由扩散行为。

    However , most of the diffusion-related NMR studies were limited to the free diffusion in simple systems .

  2. 袋中砂的主要目的是在保证材料的连续接触而不妨碍压缩空气的自由扩散。

    The sand in the bags has the principal task of guaranteeing continuity of contact in the material without impeding the free diffusion of the compressed air .

  3. 这可能都是由CO2自由扩散对总无机碳捕获的贡献增加或者CO2泄漏降低所造成的。

    These are probably due to the increased contribution of CO2 diffusion to total inorganic carbon acquisition or the reduced CO2 leakage .

  4. MEG钻井液与地层作用的整个过程大致可以分为自由扩散作用、吸附作用和渗透作用三个作用阶段。

    The reaction process between MEG drilling fluid and formation may include diffusion , absorption and osmosis .

  5. 这是扩散中的熵变,气体的自由扩散,从V1到。

    That 's the change in entropy in expansion , free expansion of a gas , V2 from V1 to V2 .

  6. 雌成虫每天摄入DFB量的1.39%转移入卵,灭幼脲进入子代卵是通过主动运输而非自由扩散进入。

    Of the DFB ingested by female about 1.39 % were transferred to the offspring eggs , the DFB transfer is definite by an active transportation , not a free permeation process .

  7. 采用κ-ε湍流模型、标量联合的概率密度函数(PDF)输运方程和层流火焰面模型相结合,模拟氢气自由扩散火焰中辐射源项湍流脉动特征。

    The laminar flamelet model in combination with joint probability density function ( PDF ) transport equation of mixture fraction and turbulence frequency is used to simulate fluctuating behavior of radiative source term in turbulent jet diffusion flames of hydrogen .

  8. 以ODT-1型氧扩散特性实验装置为手段,考察测试了不同环境温度、不同粒度松散煤体典型煤样对氧的自由扩散特性。

    With the oxygen diffusing tester typed ODT-1 , the oxygen free-diffusing characteristics in loose coal are studied under different temperature condition and different granularity coal .

  9. 松散煤体氧自由扩散特性的定量分析

    Quantitative study on oxygen free-diffusing characteristics in loose coal

  10. 自由扩散而来的有30余种。

    Account for 28.9 % , and that 30 species are entered by free spread .

  11. 本文研究了处于扩散敏感梯度磁场中核自旋所受附加外力,并分析了这个外力对核自旋自由扩散的影响。

    The effect of powerful diffusion sensitive gradient magnetic field on the movement of spin was studied .

  12. 方法本实验将多次增菌复苏好的变形杆菌鞭毛充分舒展和菌体自由扩散后制做鞭毛标本。

    Methods The specimen was prepared after several round of culture , recover and fully stretch of the malformed bacteria .

  13. 第一个,或许是所涉及到的最简单的一个,就是气体的自由扩散。

    And the first one , the simplest one , maybe , to cover , is just free expansion of a gas .

  14. 根据不同的跃迁运动和自由扩散运动模型导出了魔角旋转条件下的平均谱密度函数。

    The average spectral density functions under MAS condition were derived from various models of jump motion and models of freely diffusive motion .

  15. 以自行研制的煤对氧扩散特性测试装置为实验手段,在常温环境条件下测试了不同粒度松散煤体对氧的自由扩散特性。

    With special device manufactured by ourselves , the free diffusing characteristics of oxygen in different granularity coal are tested under normal temperature condition .

  16. 二氧化碳扩散过程中,径向上有一个初始速度,而在横向上表现为自由扩散。

    In the diffusion process , CO2 would be moving at its initial velocity in the radial direction and freely diffuse in its vertical directions .

  17. 飞石防护材料应有足够的强度和韧性阻挡飞石抛散,又要有良好的透气性,使爆炸气体可自由扩散;

    The protective materials of fly-stone should have not only enough intensity and toughness to prevent the fly-stone throwing , but also the good permeability to let the explosion gas diffuse freely ;

  18. 即在蒸发管管口粘覆被测多孔介质,将扩散质组分通过扩散组分的扩散分为两段,一段为通过静止气体的自由扩散,另一段为通过多孔介质的扩散。

    Covered the porous membrane in the evaporation pipe , the diffusion processes divided into two parts , one for free diffusion into the free gas . the other for a period of diffusion into porous membrane .

  19. 通过对单颗粒热运动的实时追踪以及纳米结构的分维分析,我们发现该自组装过程既不是自由扩散控制的生长过程也不是团簇反应控制的团聚过程,而是一种介于两者之间的机理。

    From the single particle thermal diffusion results and nanostructure fractal dimension analysis , we found that this self-assembly process is neither diffusion controlled nor reaction limited but falls to an intermediate process between these two models .

  20. 表层沉积物所含甲烷气为断层渗逸-自由扩散作用双重运移结果,主要有3种来源:(1)直接来自于下部断层通道中气态烃的释放;

    The analysis of migration and accumulation conditions indicates that methane gas migration is a comprehensive fashion composed of fault filtration and free diffusion differentiation , and there are three methane gas sources : ① gas that directly releases from gaseous hydrocarbon in the deep fault path ;

  21. 结果表明,自由射流扩散火焰呈椭球状,受限射流扩散火焰呈圆锥状。

    At the same flow rate of ethanol , flame length and flame width of confined jet diffusion flame were all smaller than that of free jet diffusion flame .

  22. 采用随机过程理论导出了液相在固体颗粒分形介质中的扩散方程,得到了分形扩散系数与自由空间扩散系数的关系式。

    The model of liquid diffusion in a solid fractal medium is developed by adopting random theory , and thus the relationship of diffusion coefficient between fractal medium and free space is obtained .

  23. 结果表明:无论是注入离子本身的射程,还是次级电子、自由基扩散、高温热穗、级联原子和冲击波等次级作用范围都无法触及表皮下面的胚细胞。

    The results show that no matter the range of the implanted ion itself or secondary effect sphere of secondary electrons , radical diffusion , thermal spike , cascade atoms and shock wave etc.

  24. 实验表明,原位测量结果与由自然浸泡法所得自由氯离子扩散系数以及NEL法所测结果接近。

    It obeys the parabolic law . The chloride diffusivity in concrete is directly calculated from the apparent migrating function and the experiment shows that it is similar to the free chloride diffusivity obtained by ponding and NEL methods .

  25. 基于扩散势能和自由体积的扩散系数模型

    Diffusion Coefficient Model Based on Potential Energy and Free Volume

  26. 纳米尺度下体系自由能对扩散模型的影响

    Effect of Free Energy on Diffusion Models in Nanoscale

  27. 金融衍生工具的发展推广得益于20世纪80年代西方新自由主义的扩散。

    The development of financial derivatives is due to the 1980s the spread of Western neo-liberalism .

  28. 然而,在实用上,一般激光场都经历自由的相位扩散,具有一定的线宽。

    However , it is well known that a laser generally experiences free phase diffusion and has a finite bandwidth .

  29. 而体系的扩散是由自由体积,扩散活化能,水汽分子与形状记忆聚氨酯膜极性基团的相互作用力共同的结果。

    The diffusion coefficient for water in shape memory polyurethane membranes depend on the polymer fractional free volume , diffusion energy ED and the interaction of water-polymer .

  30. 在乳液结构中富集于油滴界面的沥青质所分解产生的芳烃自由基可及时扩散进入连续水相。

    In the oil-in-water emulsion structure , the heavy aromatic radicals resulted from the decomposition of asphaltenes can be transferred rapidly from oil droplets into the continuous water phase .