
suān jiǎn dù
  • pH degree of acid or alkali
  1. 纯水是中性的,酸碱度为7。

    Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7 .

  2. 用何种标准来比较酸碱度?

    What 's the scale that 's used to compare the strength of acids and alkalis ?

  3. 所以,我将两种想法综合在一起,创造了一个假说,那就是,因为酸碱度的改变,致癌物很可能因为腌泡汁的浸泡而降低?

    So I combined these two ideas and I formulated a hypothesis , saying that , could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH ?

  4. 可测土壤PH值(酸碱度);

    It can test the soil PH value ( PH );

  5. 动脉血酸碱度(pH)和剩余碱(BE)于无肝期有所下降。

    Arterial pH and BE declined during anhepatic phase .

  6. 四川省万源市土壤pH值测定及土壤酸碱度分析

    Determination and Analysis on the pH of Soil in Wanyuan City of Sichuan Province

  7. 盐浓度、酸碱度及DNA浓度对增色效应实验的影响

    Effect of Different DNA Concentration , pH Value and Salt Concentration of Solution on DNA Hyperchromic experiment

  8. 固体废弃物的酸碱度与浸提剂pH值的相关性研究

    A Study about the Interrelation between the pH Values of Solid Wastes and Extracting Solvents

  9. 文中着重探讨了影响pH区带逆流色谱分离效果的流动相流速、逆流色谱转速、溶剂组成、样品量和酸碱度等主要影响因素。

    The main factors for the separative effect of pH-zone-refining Countercurrent Chromatography are discussed in this paper .

  10. 它们对酸碱度的适应力很强,在pH值2.5以上均能生长。

    All of them have wide adaptability to pH , they could grow even at pH 2.5 . A.

  11. 新型上消化道动态酸碱度及心电同步记录器的研制胃食道pH心电同步动态监测信号相关性研究

    Development of new ambulatory monitor for multi-channel gastroesophageal pH combining with cardiogram Correlations between dynamic gastroesophageal pH and ECG

  12. 利用石灰石调节土壤pH到5.0左右,土壤的酸碱度已适合黑麦草的生长。

    When the pH of red soil was adjusted to about 5.0 by using calcareousness , the ryegrass grew well .

  13. 在海水酸碱度pH=7-8条件下,存活率最高,生长最好。

    The best growth and the highest survival rate is in the pH value from 7 to 8 of the sea water .

  14. 因此,任何溶液的酸碱度都可以用PH体系来表示。采用这种方法极为方便。

    The degree of acidity or alkalinity of any solution , then , can be most conveniently expressed by the PH system .

  15. 对附加气IC反应器处理城市生活污水的可行性及其对温度的适应性和酸碱度变化的缓冲能力进行了试验性研究,在试验基础上总结了处理该两种废水的工艺流程。

    The wastewater treatment process flows of two kinds of wastewater were also summarized basing on the result of experiment .

  16. 供暖期内,调整循环热水的酸碱度,使循环热水的pH值达到10.0,可使供热管道内主要发生的吸氧腐蚀速率明显下降。

    Regulating pH value of the circulating hot water up to 10.0 during heating period can significantly reduce the oxygen absorption rate in heating pipeline .

  17. DNA是生物遗传信息的载体,它的分子结构和特性与温度、酸碱度、溶液的盐浓度等环境因素密切相关。

    DNA is the carrier of genetic information . Its molecular structure and properties are closely related with temperature , pH , solution concentration and other environmental factors .

  18. 土壤酸碱度研究表明30%鸡粪有机肥处理的土壤pH值最为稳定。

    Study of soil pH shows that treatment of the total nitrogen application of 30 % chicken manure organic fertilizer obviously keeps the soil pH stably .

  19. 灰关联值的计算及其排序结果表明:硝酸盐、磷酸盐、亚硝酸盐和酸碱度对叶绿素-b的浓度比其他海水理化因子有着较大的影响。

    The resulting grey relative values and their permutation indicated that nitrate , phosphate , nitrite and pH had more influence on the chlorophyll-b concentration in seawater than any other factors .

  20. 通过专家咨询的方式,确定了针对河蟹池塘养殖的最主要水质指标:溶解氧、酸碱度(pH值)、温度和盐度。

    According to experts ' advice , the most important indicators for water quality of crab ponds were determined : dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature and salinity .

  21. CMP中酸碱度对InSb晶片粗糙度的影响

    Effect of pH on Roughness of InSb in CMP

  22. 水的酸碱度对Bradford法检测蛋白质含量的影响

    Effect of water pH value on protein content with Bradford method

  23. 酸碱度控制剂可有效的中和高pH值压裂液中的强碱性物质,使液体保持在弱酸性的环境下,在一定程度上减轻了水敏程度。

    The pH controlling agent can neutralize the alkali matter in high pH fracturing fluid to keep the fluid in mild acid environment and mitigate the degree of water sensitivity .

  24. 影响粘土吸附稀土的物理化学因素有:溶液浓度、溶液酸碱度(pH值)、离子强度、固液比和温度等。

    The physicochemical factors that affect REE adsorption by clays include electrolytic concentration of the solution , pH value , ionic strength , temperature , and the solid / liquid ratio .

  25. 认为pH试纸只适于检测较大电解质浓度溶液的酸碱度,而酸度计可用于不同浓度溶液的酸度测定。

    The result shows that pH test paper can only measure the acidity of larger concentration of electrolyte , while pH meter can be suitable for various concentration of the solution .

  26. 考察了介质水中常见金属离子Fe~(2+)、Fe~(3+)、Cu~(2+)、Mn~(2+)及酸碱度pH值对紫外灯管负载TiO2膜催化剂性能的影响。

    The influence of common cations ( Fe2 + , Fe3 + , Cu2 + , Mn2 + ) and the pH in water was studied .

  27. 对金属矿床成矿溶液的性质,特别是pH值(酸碱度)的确定,是认识含矿溶液的成因、成矿条件和成矿机理的关键。

    The knowledge of the properties , especially the pH of ore forming solutions , is the key to understanding the genesis of ore forming solutions , the conditions and mechanism of ore formation .

  28. 提出了H2的强化学吸附与催化剂表面酸碱度有关的观点。

    It is proposed that the strong chemical adsorption of H 2 may be related to the surface acidity and basicity on the catalyst .

  29. 为研究酸碱度对碘伏消毒剂稳定性的影响,采用热加速试验和化学测定法,对不同pH值的碘伏消毒剂溶液稳定性进行了观察。

    In order to study the influence of pH on stability of Iodophor disinfectant , heat acceleration test and chemical measurement method were used to observe the stability of Iodophor disinfectant solution with different pH values .

  30. 结果表明,突变菌株将Fe2+完全氧化所需时间从诱变前的48h缩短为24h,并且具有较宽酸碱度适应范围。

    The results showed that the mutant strain reduces the time for the perfect conversion of Fe2 + from 48 hours to 24 hours .