- 名Chloride ion;chloridion

Effect of Chloridion on Intracellular Potential in Crucian Carps ' Mauthner Cell Evoked by Skin Stimulation
Chloridion participated in various kinds of biological function , such as cellular immunologic response , cell migration , cellular proliferation and differentiation , apoptosis .
Spectroscopy studies of methyl orange on silver colloids : pH and Cl ~ - effects
On Chloride Ion Selective Electrode with PVC Membrane and Its Clinical Application
GABA receptor-chloride channel complex produced by poly ( A ) ~ + mRNA translation
The distribution of chloride concentration and local pH in the occluded area are the most crucial factors in development of crevice corrosion .
Effects of hydrogen on the SCC of austenitic stainless steel in acidic chloride solution
The chemical behavior within the occluded cell of marine iron artifact in shipwreck during localized corrosion has been investigated by means of a simulated occluded cell .
RCM testing the penetration and diffusion of chloride ion in concrete
The Study on Measuring COD of Wastewater with High Content of Chlorine by the Means of Potassium Dichromate of Different Concentration
The results reveal that the complexes of gadolinium promote chlorion influx , but not calcium .
In this paper the effect and eliminating effect method of high Cl - concentration to COD determination was investigated through experiment .
Rapid Determination of Chloride lon Concentration in Copper and Its Alloy Surface Treatment Solutions Thomas solution during orthotopic heart transplantation .
Cholride ions in acid copper plating bath were determined by nephelometry with OP emulsifier as stabilizer .
Mechanism of chemical passivation on iron and steel surface and effects of passivator concentration , temperature , pH value , chloric and ironic ions on passivation process are discussed .
The UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectral signals of silver colloids and methyl orange ( MO ) in different pH systems before and after adding Cl ~ - were studied .
The crack induced by ASR does not promote the ingression of chloride significantly .
Comparison of anti-corrosion behavior to chloride ions and sulfide ions between 304 and 316L stainless steel
The results showed that the transfer of Cr ( VI ) was obviously delayed in soil comparing to that of the conservative matter ( Cl - ) .
Conclusion : Calcium-activated chloride channels contribute to the agonist-induced pulmonary artery contractions under physiological conditions , which may be a new clue to investigate the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction .
The chloride ion and the water molecules in the crystal form hydrogen bonds with the N , O atoms in molecule and join up the molecules of 4 - ( 2-pyridylazo ) resorcinol .
Study on Effects of Long-Term Application of Chloride-Contained Fertilizer to Vegetables on Related Soil Properties No correlation between soil pH and soil chloride content in the non chloride-contained fertilizer treatment was found .
The effects of chloride channel blocker DIDS on Bcl-2 / Bax levels in STS-treated cardiomyocyte apoptosis . Methods : 1 .
The falling of the diffusivity of chloride ions is mainly caused by the effect of fly ash that makes Ca ( OH ) _2 content reduce and pore structure block in fly ash blended concrete .
Determination of Chloride , Sulfate and Fluoride in the Flue-Curd Tobacco by Ion Chromatography Indirect Method of Determination of Sulfate and Phosphate in Puffed Food by ICP-AES
Chloride ions are helpful to produce SERS active sites on silver surface , and the SERS intensity Of CV enhances 10  ̄ 2 times .
Expressions of chloride channel ClC-2 and ClC-3 in human nasal polyps
The results showed that the passive current density increased and the pitting potential gradually decreased with the increase of [ Cl - ] .
Chlorine ion of KCl fertilizer had less influence to the properties of physics and chemistry of soil while nearly no influence to watermelon plants .
The chloride ion penetration of the cement mortar was investigated after the specimens were curing in water for 28 days .