
suān rǔ lào
  • yogurt
  1. 除了出产农产品,农场也销售酸乳酪和软芝士。

    In addition to produce , the farm sells yogurt and soft cheeses .

  2. 首先是奶类食物,如牛奶、干酪、酸乳酪。

    The dairy group has foods like milk , cheese , and yogurt .

  3. 新加坡人吃牛油,乳酪和酸乳酪等乳制品,增进健康。

    Singaporeans consume dairy products like butter , cheese and yoghurt for health .

  4. 这种酸乳酪不含人造香料或着色剂。

    This yoghurt contains no artificial flavouring or colouring .

  5. 乳固形物浓度对浓缩型酸乳酪流变性质和感官品质的影响

    Effect of milk solids concentration on the rheology and sensory properties of concentrated yoghurt

  6. 俄国的发面荞麦薄煎饼;常与鱼子酱、酸乳酪等同吃。

    Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast ; usually served with caviar and sour cream .

  7. 流变分析表明,浓缩型酸乳酪具有较强的弹性结构;

    Rheological analyses showed that Labneh fortified with skim milk powder ( SMP ) had a strong elastic structure .

  8. 三是应该多吃维生素含量丰富的健康食品,如有色水果和蔬菜、价谷类及酸乳酪等。

    Eat healthy foods with lots of vitamins , like colorful fruits and vegetables , whole grains and yogurt .

  9. 事实上,某些常见食物,包括酒精饮料如葡萄酒、乳酪、酸乳酪及面包中都含有微量的致癌物质。

    In fact , certain types of common foods and alcoholic beverages such as wine , cheese , yogurt and bread contain trace amounts of carcinogens .

  10. 在考虑了其他可能影响发病风险的因素之后,该研究小组发现高牛奶和酸乳酪摄入量可降低78%的肝癌发病率。

    After accounting for other factors that could affect the risk , the team found that high intakes of milk and yoghurt reduced the chances of deeloping lier cancer by78 percent .

  11. 伦敦(路透社)¬&星期四荷兰研究人员说,“好”细菌通常在乳酸菌群中发现,重症胰腺炎患者饮用含乳酸杆菌的酸乳酪会造成致命的结果。

    LONDON ( Reuters ) - " Good " bacteria commonly found in probiotic yogurts and drinks may be fatal for people with severe cases of pancreatitis , Dutch researchers said on Thursday .