
  • sashimi
  1. 这种毒素存在于最著名的日本料理:河豚鱼体内。河豚刺身(fugu)是一道昂贵的生鱼片美食。

    It 's also found in one of the most famous foods in Japanese cuisine : The puffer fish , served as fugu , an expensive sashimi dish .

  2. 一盘刺身被端了上来,它简直就是完美。

    A Sashimi platter was served , and it was perfection .

  3. 有看到那些色彩鲜艳的刺身吗?

    Have you notice the Sashimi in wonderful colors ?

  4. 它就是传说中世上最了不起的白身鱼刺身。

    People spoke of it as the greatest white-fleshed sashimi in the world .

  5. 在汉城经常吃刺身吗?

    Do you often eat sashimi in seoui ?

  6. 我喜欢大比目鱼刺身配上松露,我也喜欢蓝蟹手卷。

    I do love some halibut sashimi with truffle , I like me some blue crab hand roll .

  7. 我们要了扇贝刺身、金枪鱼和红甘鱼(夏威夷琥珀鱼)手卷,我还点了明虾和龙虾沙拉。

    We choose raw scallops , tuna and Kampachi ( Hawaiian amberjack ) rolls , and I order a salad with prawns and lobster .

  8. 多数西方人只是知道,清酒颜色澄清,要搭配寿司或刺身,酒精度在15%到20%之间。

    Most Westerners generally view sake as a clear-colored liquor to be savored with sushi and sashimi , with an alcohol content of 15 to 20 percent .

  9. 这只不过是个前奏。接下来才是大家翘首以待的时刻:女侍应生微笑着端上一盘堆得高高的久负盛名的冷鰤鱼刺身。

    But all this was a mere prelude to that moment when a waitress , smiling , brought in plates heaped high with the prized kanburi sashimi .

  10. 开胃菜是一盘超级新鲜的扇贝刺身,配料的姜汁带有一种柑橘味,使这盘菜有一种酸橘汁腌海鲜的口感。

    The opener was a plate of super-fresh scallop sashimi , enlivened with a ginger sauce whose citrus notes gave the dish the feel of a mollusk ceviche .

  11. 比如我吃到的开胃菜中就有英国血肠配猪脚和金枪鱼刺身蘸柚子醋,更不必说番茄沙拉搭配意大利布拉塔奶酪。

    So while the starters I encountered included a pig 's trotter with black pudding for the Anglophile , there was also tuna tataki with ponzu dressing , not to mention a tomato salad with Italian burrata cheese .

  12. 端上来的是所谓的“枪乌贼”。刚刚抓到的,在厨房活杀之后,精巧地片成条,然后作为刺身端上桌来。配菜包括鲣鱼内脏酱和腌渍野芥末花,还有一块烤热的石头。

    This would turn out to be something called " spear squid . " Freshly caught and still alive in the kitchen , it was killed , masterfully julienned and brought to the table as sashimi , along with a sauce made of fermented bonito guts , a condiment of pickled wild wasabi flowers ,