
cì dāo
  • bayonet
刺刀 [cì dāo]
  • [bayonet] 装在枪口上的一种钢刀,主要用于白刃战中的拚刺

刺刀[cì dāo]
  1. 他在步枪口上安好了刺刀。

    He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle .

  2. 刺刀刃是用最优质的钢锻造的。

    A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel .

  3. 士兵们马上赶到土丘处,开始用刺刀往里戳。

    The soldiers went at once to the mound and began to stick their bayonets through it

  4. 下刺刀!

    (口令) Unfix bayonets !

  5. 上刺刀!

    (口令) Fix bayonets !

  6. 当战士们弹药用完时,他们继续用刺刀作战。

    When the soldiers had used up all their ammunition , they went on fighting with their swords .

  7. 他们冲向前和敌人拼上了刺刀。

    They rushed forward and engaged the enemy in bayonet charges .

  8. 李贞带领大家同敌人拼刺刀。

    Lee Jeong-led everyone in a bayonet fight with the enemy .

  9. 他给他们一个在刺刀用法的演练。

    He gave them a drill in the use of bayonets .

  10. 中士怒喝道:“让我看看那把刺刀。”

    The sergeant thundered ," let me see that bayonet . "

  11. 他们的刺刀锋利,斗志甚旺。

    Their bayonets were sharp , and their hearts were high .

  12. 多功能刺刀局部感应加热回火工艺应用

    Application of Induction Calefaction Temper Process in Part of Multifunctional Bayonet

  13. 研究了硬质合金刺刀座注射成形工艺过程。

    MIM of cemented carbide adaptor of bayonet have been investigated .

  14. 危险与死亡!刺刀刃上永远的平衡。

    Danger and death ! Persistant balance on a razor blade .

  15. 我们教给士兵如何使用刺刀和怎样在短兵相接的战斗中生存下来。

    We taught soldiers to bayonet and to survive hand-to-hand combat .

  16. 台湾人一出门不是挨刺刀就是吃子弹。

    Taiwanese found out of doors were bayoneted or shot .

  17. 她被敌人用刺刀刺伤。

    She was stabbed with a bayonet by the enemy .

  18. 士兵们用刺刀不停地扎他们。

    The soldiers kept stabbing at them with their bayonets .

  19. 我们冲向前去和他们拼刺刀。

    We rushed forward and engaged them in bayonet charges .

  20. 两名哨兵抽出刺刀径直朝他冲去。

    Two sentries made straight for him with drawn swords .

  21. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。

    The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man 's body .

  22. 他的上了刺刀的步枪斜靠在墙上。

    His rifle with the bayonet fixed was leaning against the wall .

  23. 他们用刺刀逼着我们给他们修碉堡。

    They drove us at bayonet point to build blockhouses for them .

  24. 教官正在教士兵们使用刺刀。

    The drillmaster is drilling privates how to use bayonet .

  25. 他被他的敌人用刺刀所刺。

    He was stabbed with a bayonet by his enemy .

  26. 剑、匕首或刺刀的鞘。

    A sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet .

  27. 在他逝世的忌日里,我决不拔出刺刀。

    I would never bare a bayonet on the anniversary of his death .

  28. 卫兵用刺刀将他们往后驱赶。

    The guardsmen herded them back at bayonet point .

  29. 我会叫弟兄们装上刺刀。

    I 'll tell the men to fix bayonets .

  30. 黑人爬到了上层,他们背后有北方佬的刺刀保护着。

    The Negroes were on top and behind them were the Yankee bayonets .