
chì jiǎo
  • barefoot
赤脚 [chì jiǎo]
  • [barefoot] 光着脚

赤脚[chì jiǎo]
  1. 艾伦赤脚跑过房子。

    Alan came running barefoot through the house .

  2. 第二天,乔布斯说着这句话赤脚走进了ByteShop。

    Jobs announced the next day when he walked barefoot into the Byte Shop .

  3. 我赤脚无声无息地走在毯子上。

    My bare feet were soundless over the carpet .

  4. 烫人的铺路石灼烤着我的一双赤脚。

    The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet

  5. 她不了解英国人出于爱舒服的习惯总把一个赤脚的旅行者看成最可怜的人。

    She was not aware that the English habits of comfort attach an idea of abject misery to the idea of a barefooted traveller .

  6. 1984年,著名的赤脚跑奇才佐拉·巴德(ZolaBudd)16岁时在南非创造了田径世界纪录。

    Famous barefoot prodigy Zola Budd set a track world record at age 16 in South Africa in 1984 .

  7. 赤脚穿行于德里市中心RamlilaMaiden兰姆力拉广场公园的淤泥中,一位中年男子表达着对他心目中的领袖安纳·哈扎尔的爱戴之情。

    SQUELCHING barefoot in the sludge atRamlila Maidan , a park in central Delhi , a middle-aged man praises the people'slove for his guru , Anna Hazare .

  8. MATTINGLY:稍微有点自闭的Nadia脱水,饥饿,赤脚,满身都被昆虫咬伤。

    MATTINGLY : This mildly autistic Nadia was , hungry , barefooted , and covered with insect bites .

  9. 控球后卫几乎无人可以替换,于是尼克斯便请来了疯疯癫癫的斯蒂芬•马布里(StephonMarbury)上场比赛。他坚持在每场比赛中赤脚上阵,肩上还停着一只绿鹦鹉。

    The point-guard rotation was so bleak the Knicks brought aboard a loopy Stephon Marbury , who insisted on playing each game barefoot , with a green parrot on his shoulder .

  10. 在加尔各答市中心广阔的麦丹(Maidan)公园的草地稀疏炙热,在那里赤脚踢球尚无大碍。曼纳的球队莫罕巴干俱乐部(MohunBaganAC)在那里训练,最倒霉不过是踩到山羊粪或者玻璃碴儿。

    Bare feet were all very well on the thin , baked surface of the vast Maidan at the centre of Kolkata , where his club , Mohun Bagan AC , had its playing field , and where the worst hazards were straying goats and glass .

  11. 他曾每天赤脚走路到七公里远的学校去上学。

    He 'd walked barefoot seven kilometres to school every day .

  12. 不要你敢走那里赤脚!

    Don 't you dare walk back there with bare feet !

  13. 我常在黑夜赤脚走在大街上。

    I often walk barefoot in the night on the street .

  14. 汤姆洗澡时喜欢赤脚。

    Tom likes to be in barefoot while having the bath .

  15. 我要么穿3英尺的鞋要么就赤脚

    Hey , I wear three inches or I wear nothing .

  16. 以赛亚就这样作,露身赤脚行走。

    And he did so , going around stripped and barefoot .

  17. 感谢收看“在健身馆赤脚的危害”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video Danger : Barefoot At The Gym !

  18. 我想念你赤脚走过厨房的样子

    I missed watching you walk barefoot cross the kitchen floor .

  19. 赤脚大学里的饭都是用这个炊具做的。

    All the meals at the college are cooked on it .

  20. 于是小小的格尔达打着一双赤脚跑到外面来。

    and little Gerda ran off barefooted into the wide world .

  21. 你可以在家里训练赤脚走路,但是不要在外边试验。

    Practice walking barefoot at home , don 't experiment abroad .

  22. 尽可能多的赤脚步行,练习两周的时间。

    Walk around barefoot as much as possible for 2 weeks .

  23. 你是否觉得赤脚或不涂趾甲油很尴尬?

    Are you embarrassed to go barefoot or without nail polish ?

  24. 有什么比赤脚跑步更加自然的呢?

    What could be more natural than running in bare feet ?

  25. 赤脚走在铺着卵石的沙滩上不舒服。

    It was uncomfortable walking barefoot on the shingly beach .

  26. 赤脚踩在草地里听着我们最爱的歌

    Barefoot on the grass , listening to our favorite song

  27. 这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。

    This family was that of the merry barefoot boy .

  28. 沿着海滩,赤脚在海水亲吻的地方走过。

    Along the beach , barefoot in the water and kissed traversed .

  29. 什么宽慰了一个赤脚楼更快面积地毯。

    Nothing warms up a bare floor quicker than an area rug .

  30. 第三组则更改为赤脚跑步。

    And the third group had changed to shoeless running .