
祭台 [jì tái]
  • [sacrificial altar] 祭祀用的台子。亦称祭坛

  1. 祭台前的棺木上除了仅有的一个白玫瑰花圈外,没有其他任何装饰。

    The coffin lying before the altar was bare , except for a single wreath of white roses

  2. 每一个祭台上,芬芳的油脂在贵重的油灯里燃烧。

    Perfumed oil was burning in costly silver lamps on every altar .

  3. 阿曼达也肯定很想亲手触发那个石祭台。

    Amanda must want to activate the stone dais as well .

  4. 父亲是对的,那石祭台并不是唯一的。

    Father was right ; the dais stones are not unique .

  5. 左列最靠近祭台的一根柱子上设有大理石镏金讲道坛。

    The left pillar closest to the chancel is installed with a gold-plated marble pulpit .

  6. 宝石嘶嘶作响并蒸发了,变成了五彩斑斓的薄雾盘旋在祭台上方。

    The jewels hissed and evaporated , dissolving into a multicoloured mist that hovered above the dais .

  7. 自从不当祭台侍者后我就已经很多年没有来过这样的教堂了

    I haven 't been in a sanctuary like this since ... I was an altar boy .

  8. 伯爵于是在那张死神使它变成了一座祭台的床前跪下来。

    Then the count knelt down by the side of the bed , which death had converted into an altar .

  9. 达恩回到祭台。他闭上眼睛,过了一会他张开双臂开始祈祷和颂经。

    Dagen returned to the dais . He closed his eyes for a moment , then opened his arms in supplication and began to chant .

  10. 凡农桑歉收之年,于冬季选祭地,次年农历二月吉日搭祭台,供祭品祭众神。

    Where Nongsang harvest year , in winter Jide election the following year auspicious Lunar New Year in February take the altar for the sacrifice festival gods .

  11. 采用干筛分析法测定西安市祭台村建筑开挖工地表土微团粒粒度分布,获取模拟粉尘释放通量的表土微团粒粒度分布参数;

    The article mainly uses the dry filter analysis to measure the micro-aggregates size distribution , and the micro-aggregates size distribution parameter for simulating the dust emission flux ;

  12. 挑战:在弥撒中,我试着把我所有的忧伤献给主,奉献在基督的祭台旁。

    Challenge : I can try to offer up all my sorrows , during the mass , as a sacrifice to God , alongside Christ on the altar .

  13. 美好的事物总是令人心旷神怡,树、花儿、木鱼、祭台、石块、寺庙中的一切似乎都蕴含着深意。

    The beautiful things are always a pleasure to look at . Trees , flowers , temple blocks , sacrificial altar , stones , all the things in the temple are profound .

  14. 祭台旁边,钉了一个十五世纪的圣女安娜的木刻像;童年时代的耶稣的头,它不幸也和基督一样受难,竟被一颗铳子打掉了。

    Near the altar there is nailed up a wooden statue of Saint Anne , of the fifteenth century ; the head of the infant Jesus has been carried off by a large ball .