
  • Debate Competition;speech and debate
  1. 他说,比赛最大的看点就是辩论赛,将会有国际裁判前来参加。

    He says the biggest event is the debate competition , which will include international judges .

  2. 他在辩论赛中输了,因为他无法证明对手的论点是错的。

    He failed in the debate competition , because he couldn 't disprove the argument of his opponents .

  3. 论辩论赛对大学生素质培养的意义

    On the Significance of Debates for Cultivating College Students ' Quality

  4. 此次活动旨在开展一次校园辩论赛。

    The event was to launch a schools ' debating competition .

  5. 下个星期的辩论赛是南开大学对北京大学。

    The debate next week is Nankai University versus Peking University .

  6. 大专辩论赛语篇的会话活动类型分析

    Intercollegiate Debate Discourse : From a Perspective of Speech Activity Type

  7. 名词、动词是辩论赛辩题的主要构成部分。

    Nouns and verbs are the main components of resolution .

  8. 校园辩论赛与学生创新素质的培养

    On developing the campus debate race and students ' new original quality

  9. 经贸类专业课辩论赛教学模式探讨

    Exploration of the Teaching Model of Debate for Business Specialty

  10. 将有多少代表队参加辩论赛?

    How many teams will be participating in the debate ?

  11. 当政治独立派看到辩论赛时,他们会产生负面情绪。

    And political independents developed negative feelings while they watched the debate .

  12. 新加坡式辩论赛在大学课堂教学中的运用

    The Applicafion of the Singapore-styled Debate in University Classroom

  13. 我第一次遇见她就是在一场辩论赛上。

    I first met her at a debate contest .

  14. 我在等待一场辨论。举行一场大学生辩论赛

    I am in for a controversy . Hold a debate among college students

  15. 试论大专辩论赛的价值及作用

    A Study on Values and Roles of Inter-varsity Debates

  16. 你昨天看电视上的辩论赛了吗?

    Did you see the debate on TV yesterday ?

  17. 她在这场辩论赛中充分成展示了我自己的才华。

    She fully showcased her ability in the debate .

  18. 《孟子》的论辩技巧在当代辩论赛中的运用

    " Mencius " Debate Skills in the Contemporary Debate on the Use of Race

  19. 活动总结:1、开展以金钱为话题的辩论赛。

    Activity summarized : 1 , carry out the money for the debate topics .

  20. 卡特·鲍恩是辩论赛领队

    Carter Bowen is anchoring the debate team .

  21. 我们从以往的辩论赛还有托福作文题目中挑选辩题。

    We select subjects for debate from past competitions and TOEFL compositions , said Fang .

  22. 阿富汗总统选举候选人之间的第一场电视辩论赛已经播出。

    The first televised debate between candidates for the presidency has been broadcast in Afghanistan .

  23. 他在辩论赛中被打败了。

    He was bested in the debate .

  24. 萨利和杰夫口才都很棒,所以这个辩论赛变得僵持不下。

    Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff .

  25. 举行一场大学生辩论赛

    Hold a debate among college students

  26. 本章程的最终解释权归“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛组委会所有。

    All rights reserved by the Organizing Committee of " FLTRP Cup " National English Debating Competition .

  27. 为了锻炼他们的语言表达能力,我选择了设置口头作文、小组辩论赛等课堂练习;

    To improve their speaking skills , I helped them develop oral compositions and organize in-class debates .

  28. 目前,对于辩论赛辩题的研究多集中在逻辑学方面,真正从语言学角度研究辩题的文献较少。

    Currently , the study of resolution focuses more on logic , less on the perspective of linguistics .

  29. 辩论赛是一个独具魅力的语言现象,堪称语言的精华之一。

    Debate contest , a charming linguistic phenomenon , can be called one of the essences of language .

  30. 总统候选人有一份特权,他们可以让竞选团队来安排模拟辩论赛,听听他们的反馈。

    Candidates enjoy the perk of having a prep team to arrange mock debate sessions and give them feedback .