
  • 网络dialectical materialist view of nature
  1. 恩格斯则以其辩证唯物主义自然观的论述批判“人类高于动物”的观点,倡导人与自然的和谐。

    Similarly , Engels criticized the view of " man being superior to animals " from his materialist stand of nature , proposing a harmony between man and nature .

  2. 恩格斯的生命观是辩证唯物主义自然观的重要内容,是恩格斯创立的自然辩证法的一个重要理论。

    Engels ' life view is the main content of natural view of dialectical materialism , and it is the important theory on which Engels based when creating his dialectics of nature .

  3. 辩证唯物主义自然观的形成是一个时间较长的过程,经历了“根本观点的产生”和“理论体系的确立”这样两个阶段。

    The formation of dialectical materialisms view of nature is a relatively lasting process , which goes through such two phases as the birth of fundamental view and the establishment of system info .