
  • 网络dialectical process
  1. 试论师资培训教学的辩证过程

    The Dialectical Process of the Teaching in Teachers Training

  2. 其次,人与人、人与自然、人与社会和谐统一的关系表现在事物运动发展变化的辩证过程之中。

    Secondly , human beings and between man and nature , human and social harmony , unified performance among the dialectical process of the movement of things change .

  3. 这主体性特征的揭示使我们认识到奥克肖特的诗性哲学有一个向实践回归的辩证过程。

    The revelation of the features makes us realize that his poetry philosophy has a dialectical process back to practice .

  4. 生产力的发展历史表明了生产力的发展是劳动力与自然力的辩证过程。

    And the history of productive force development denotes that its development is dialectical course of labor force and natural force .

  5. 过渡到他物是“存在”范围内的辩证过程,映现在他物内是“本质”范围内的辩证过程。

    Transition into something else is the dialectical process within the range of Being : reflection ( bringing something else into light ), in the range of Essence .

  6. 实施西部大开发战略,既是一个经济互动行为,更是一个民族整体文化与少数民族文化互动和整合的辩证过程。

    The western development project is not only an interactive economic activity but also a dialectical process of the conformation of the overall national culture and the minority cultures .

  7. 乔姆斯基和皮亚杰分别建立了语言能力的天赋论与建构论,两者的冲突体现了历史发展的辩证过程。

    Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget separately formed the innatism and the Constructionism of linguistic capacity , and their disputes presented a dialectical process of history in the development of linguistics .

  8. 但是怀疑主义的导言,不仅是一种不令人愉快的工作,而且也是一段多余的路程,因为,有如下面即将指陈的,辩证过程或矛盾进展本身就是一个积极的科学的主要环节。

    But a sceptical introduction would be not only an ungrateful but also a useless course ; and that because dialectic , as we shall soon make appear , is itself an essential element of affirmative science .

  9. 本文从其产生的逻辑前提入手,论述了柏拉图关于主体认识结构在认识中的积极作用和认识从感性上升到理性的辩证过程的思想。

    This article begins with its logical premise , discusses plato 's ideas about the subject cognitive architecture 's positive role in the course of knowledge and the dialectical process that knowledge goes up to the rational from the perceptual .

  10. 结合工程实践,运用前述研究成果,一方面验证其科学性,同时体现了以理论指导实践,并通过实践进一步完善理论的辩证过程,使理论研究与工程实践有机地结合起来。

    Combined with the actual engineering practice and using the previous research achievements , verify its scientific nature on the one hand , and improve its theory system during the development of theory study with the function practice on the other hand .

  11. 视主体的发展为一个辩证的过程;

    To regard development of subjectivity as a dialectical process ;

  12. 生物的进化是物种变异与适应的辩证发展过程。

    Biological evolution is the dialectical developing process of mutation and adaptation of species .

  13. 辩证的过程就是一种不断批判、否定的过程。

    The process of dialectics is also a consistent process of critique and negation .

  14. 辩证否定过程是内外力共同作用的结果。

    The process of dialectical negation is the result of the combination of the outside force and the inner force .

  15. 认识活动自己构成自己的道路,是由自身内在矛盾推动的辩证运动过程。

    Cognitive activity which constitutes its own way by itself is the dialectical moving process by its own inner contradictions .

  16. 从实证主义、证伪主义、范式理论到实在论,可以看作一种科学观的辩证发展过程。

    From positivism , falsificationism , theory of paradigm to realism , it can be looked as a dialectical development in the philosophy of science .

  17. 大学文化发展的动力是外化与内化的辩证统一过程,大学文化的目的和意义是化人。

    University culture development power is the process of dialectical unity with internalization externalization . The purpose and significance of university culture is " to develop person " .

  18. 所以生命既是开始的特殊化作用,又是达到否定的自为存在着的统一的结果,因而生命在它的肉体里只是作为辩证的过程和它自身相结合。

    Thus as life is the initial particularisation , so it results in the negative self asserting unity : in the dialectic of its corporeity it only coalesces with itself .

  19. 在后现代思潮的影响下,两大范式在趋向辩证的过程中,实现了通约。

    The two paradigms are relatively reasonable in the history on the agreement of " object-method " , and achieve commensuration in the dialectic process under the influence of post-modern thought .

  20. 所谓教育学发展的内在逻辑是指:不同的时代的教育学者,以各自不同的信念和认识去建构教育理论的辩证逻辑过程。

    The so-called the intrinsic logic of pedagogy development means : different era of educational scholars , to their own beliefs , to construct their own understanding of the educational theory .

  21. 法律研究的统一在于它的理论基础、法律基础和历史形态的统一,同时也是法律的辩证发展过程与历史和现实三者的统一。

    The unity of legal study lies in its theoretical basis , the unity between legal basis and historical formation , and unity of the process of dialectical development of law , history and reality .

  22. 社会发展是建立在主体实践基础之上人的自我生成、自我创造和自我超越的过程,也是一个由人自己和为人自己的辩证统一过程,社会时间和社会空间是社会发展的存在方式。

    Social development is the process of human being 's self-generating , self-creating and self-transcending on the basis of subject practice and the dialectical unity of acting on one 's own and relying on others .

  23. 考察人类社会治理的历史过程,作为社会治理手段的德治和法治以及二者的相互关系,事实上存在着一个从合到分又到新的合的辩证运动过程。

    In the historical course of human social administration , there is a dialectical movement from integration to division and to new integration in the relation between virtue rule and law rule as means of social administration .

  24. 本文作者认为,国家在这个过程中不单纯是被迫对经济社会变化做出调整,而是一个辩证的过程。

    Being different from the previous viewpoints , the author of this paper holds that it is not just a simple process in which the state was forced to adjust to the change of economic society , but a dialectical process .

  25. 通过哲学的方法和历史与逻辑相结合的方法全面系统地对发展观的历史及发展观的辩证发展过程进行探讨和研究,寻求发展观的规律性。

    This paper conducts discussion and research in complete and systematic ways on the history of the development outlook and the process of the dialectical development through philosophic , historical and logical ways in order to seek the law of the development outlook .

  26. 小议科学与哲学的定义&自然辩证法教学过程中的一点认识

    Defining Science and Philosophy : Teaching Experience of Dialectics of Nature

  27. 假说的检验是一个历史的辩证的发展过程。

    Hypothesis verification is a historical and discriminational process .

  28. 纵观整个人类的历史,城市和乡村的发展是一个辩证的历史过程。

    Throughout human history , urban and rural development is a dialectical historical process .

  29. 正是由于分工导致的异化和私有制,才使人类社会的发展表现为一个辩证否定的过程。

    Alienation and privately-owned system rooted in labor division make development of human society a dialectical negative process .

  30. 明确了权利发展意义上的权利推理是一个发现和确认新权利的辩证逻辑思维过程。

    The inference of right about the development of rights is a dialectic logic thinking process of finding and confirming new rights .