
  • 网络universal relation;interconnectedness
  1. 信息实际上是自然界普遍联系的形式和结构。

    In fact , information is a form and structure of the universal relation in nature .

  2. 准确把握事物普遍联系和永恒发展的原理;高超地运用了辩证唯物主义的认识论及辨证运动原理。

    Accurate assurance thing universal relation and eternal development principle : Excellent utilized the dialectical materialism understanding to concern the dialectical movement principle .

  3. 作为和其它指标具有普遍联系的要素,群落的地上生物量和表层土的pH、电导率可被作为衡量和评价本地区羊草草地群落退化和恢复状况的指示指标。

    As the factors which have common contact with other indexes , aboveground biomass of community 、 surface soil pH and conductivity rate can be used to evaluate the situation of degradation or restoration of Leymus chinensis grassland .

  4. 各种不同媒介之间存在着普遍联系与和谐统一的媒介交互性。

    There are universal relations and harmonious unities among Kinds of media .

  5. 基于普遍联系观的《通信原理》教学法初探

    Teaching Method of Communication Principle Curriculum Based on Relation Theory

  6. 模因论探讨模因的复制、传播和进化,对社会和文化现象的普遍联系及进化规律进行诠释。

    Memetics is aimed to explain the connection and evolution of social and cultural phenomena .

  7. 三个代表重要思想的统一性体现了马克思主义哲学关于普遍联系的辩证法。

    Each representative of the thought has utilized the dialectics law of Marxism philosophy about universal connection .

  8. 它既被视为一个普遍联系的信息系统,又被视为一个具有多层次、多结构的整体结构。

    It is regarded as a common contact information system and a multi-level overall structure as well .

  9. 西方哲学家先于科学发展领悟到了物质世界的普遍联系。

    Prior to the development of science , Western philosophers grasped the general connections of the physical world .

  10. 这种普遍联系在数学家的眼里就是一种映射关系,或者说是函数关系。

    In mathematicians ' view , this kind of relations is a kind of mappings , or mapping functions .

  11. 高等数学:辩证法的渊薮(续)&例谈高等数学中的普遍联系

    Higher Mathematics : the Sink of Dialectics ( Continued ) & Some Examples of the Universal Relations in Higher Mathematics

  12. 每一门科学都是运用科学概念从一定侧面去反映世界的普遍联系和一定方面的本质。

    What every science uses to reflect the universal relationship and a certain nature of the world is scientific concepts .

  13. 辩证法关于普遍联系的学说告诉我们,人类进化是自然进化的结果。

    The doctrine of dialectic connections tells us that the end of natural evolution is the beginning of human evolution .

  14. 系统科学、生态科学是对自然界普遍联系、永恒发展的深化认识。

    System science and ecology science are the deepened acknowledgement to the universal contact and the perpetual development of the nature .

  15. 余论简要论及了文学文本与宗教文化的普遍联系,但更多的内容留待以后完成。

    More than a brief address on the literary text and the general religious culture , but later more complete content .

  16. 普遍联系是唯物辩证法的基本原则,也是论证和阐述其它哲学范畴的逻辑起点。

    As the basic principle of materialist dialectics , universal relations are also the logical starting point to expound other philosophical categories .

  17. 禅观意味着训练你自己来如实看待世间,从而悟解一切事物之间普遍联系的本性。

    To meditate means to train yourself to look in such a way , to see the nature of interconnectedness of everything .

  18. 恩格斯指出,在自然界中决不允许单单标榜片面的斗争,要从普遍联系的角度来理解发展。

    Engels indicated that development can not be unilaterally flaunted as struggle , it must be studied from the angle of common relation .

  19. 世界是普遍联系的,并且以某种形式表现出来,这是本课题研究的基本哲学基础。

    Relations exist universally in nature and are expressed in certain forms , which is the basic philosophy foundation of this research subject .

  20. 马克思主义哲学的唯物辩证法认为,宇宙间的一切事物都处在普遍联系和永恒发展中。

    Materialistic dialectic of Marxist philosophy deems that anything in the universe is in the universal relationships and eternal developments with each other .

  21. 马克思主义认为,任何事物都是处在普遍联系的对立统一体之中,一事物的存在、发展必然受其它事物的作用和影响。

    According to Marxism , everything is in a unity of opposites , and its existence and development is definitely affected by other factors .

  22. 普遍联系是通过一系列的基本环节表现出来,变化发展是通过一系列的基本规律来实现。

    The universal relationship is represented by a series of basal aspects while varieties and developments are realized by a series of basal laws .

  23. 世界上的任何事物都是普遍联系和不断发展的,如果缺乏一环,就会影响全局。

    Anything in the world are common contacts and the continuous development , the absence of a section , it will affect the overall situation .

  24. “宇宙是一个普遍联系与永恒发展的'巨系统'”提法违背了系统论的基本精神;

    Formulation on " universe is the ' huge system ' of universal connections and eternal development " violates the basic spirit of systematic theory .

  25. 而这一时期自然科学的发展使人类认识到自然界是普遍联系和永恒发展的。

    At the same period , with the developing of natural science , people came to realize that everything in nature is interrelated and develops perpetually .

  26. 小心避免食用毁坏你系统的食物,记住,所有能影响与你有普遍联系事物的东西也都能够影响你。

    Carefully avoid foods that play havoc with your system and remember that all which affects those with whom you are genetically connected can affect you also .

  27. 它试图从历时和共时的视角对事物之间的普遍联系以及文化具有传承性这种本质特征的进化规律进行诠释。

    It is able to interpret the universal relations , from diachronic and synchronic perspectives , and the law of cultural evolutionism which believes culture is inheritable .

  28. 同时,因为我们的社会是一个普遍联系的整体,因此,他坚持一种语境整体观。

    At the same time , because our society is a common link as a whole , therefore , he insisted on a whole view of context .

  29. 面向对象设计方法是现代软件设计主流思想,其蕴涵着系统论的整体性和普遍联系的基本思想。

    The object-oriented design method is a modern software design main current thought , and the it includes the entirety and relationship of system theory 's basic idea .

  30. 乡村现代化运动提出了建设支持人的普遍联系和公共生活的公共伦理的历史性要求。

    The movement of village modernization put forward the historic need to construct the public ethics of supporting " the universal relation of people " and public life .