
  • 网络Principle of moderation;the principle of proportionality
  1. 在PBL教学中应该注意贯彻难度适中原则、时机适度原则、联系实际原则和反馈激励原则。

    In the course of the PBL teaching mode , the principles of moderate difficulty , precise occasion , in association with practice and encourage by feedback should be paid enough attention to .

  2. 我国不正当竞争刑事立法必须坚持适度原则、最后手段原则、必要性原则和现实性与超前性相结合原则。

    Final-methods , necessity and the combination between the reality and future .

  3. 跨文化交际中文化移情的适度原则

    The Moderate Principle of Cultural Empathy in Intercultural Communication

  4. 论学校安全管理的适度原则

    The Moderation Principle of Schools ' Safety Management

  5. 文化移情应该遵循适度原则,即既不能移情不够,又不能移情过度。

    Cultural empathy should observe the moderate principle which means neither underempathizing nor overempathizing .

  6. 难易适度原则。

    Difficult apt appropriate principle .

  7. 包装中的适度原则

    Moderate Principle in Packaging

  8. 论高校严惩考试作弊的适度原则

    On Moderate Guiding Principles the Institutions of Higher Education Acting On for Severe Punishment of Those Cheating in Exams

  9. 另外,我们必须坚持适度原则,即“凡事勿过度”。

    Besides , we must insist on the principle of moderate degree , namely , everything do not excessively .

  10. 在政府制定政策时,应坚持适度原则,防止因过度的政府干预产生的政府失灵。

    We must insist principle of moderation and prevent the government failure because of excess government intervention in making policies .

  11. 首先阐明了负债对企业经营具有的重要意义,以及企业在举债时要遵循适度原则;

    Indebtedness is significant for enterprise operation , but the rule of keeping appropriate level should be observed when raising loan .

  12. 翻译作品要体现这种异国情调,就须提倡适度原则、文化对等原则和可接受性原则。

    To give expression to exoticism , we should put to use the principle of measurable equivalence and the principle of acceptability .

  13. 然而,为防司法霸权损害司法权威,法院在践行司法积极主义时必须秉持适度原则和温和的策略。

    However , in order to avoid judicial autocracy , the court should practise judicial activism on the basis of optimum principle and mild strategy .

  14. 通过统一建造这种订单式开发模式,可以在发展小城镇房地产过程中有效地掌握适度原则,将小城镇房地产业纳入正确发展的轨道。

    With this model , just like a model of order , we can kept the real-estate development of small town into right orbit through grasping right principle .

  15. “话不说满,事不做绝”从大的方面说,是一种适度原则与中庸智慧;

    " Words are not that full , can not be done away " from the big side said it is a principle of moderation and moderation , wisdom ;

  16. 本文提出并探讨了多媒体英语课件的语境创设三原则:相关原则、补偿原则、适度原则。

    This paper has presented three context principles in the design of foreign language courseware , namely : the relevance principle , the compensation principle , and the moderation principle .

  17. 刑事被害人的权利保护应遵循全面原则、平衡原则、适度原则、合法原则和效率原则。

    The rights of the injured on the crime should be protected following the rules : all-round principle , balanceable principle , moderation principle , legality principle and efficiency principle .

  18. 沿着这个思路,又提出了运用的四个基本原则:适形原则、适度原则、合情原则、合理原则,以指导设计实践。

    Following this way , four basic principles are put forward : shape principle , moderate principle , reasonable principle , rational principle , in order to guide design practice .

  19. 一般来说,执政能力建设必须遵循整体性原则、历史性原则、执政为民原则、均衡适度原则以及普遍性和特殊性相结合原则。

    Generally , it shall follow the principle of wholeness , historical principle , the principle of governance for the people , the principle of balance and the principle of universalism and particularism .

  20. 融资活动应坚持规模适度原则、结构合理原则、时机得当原则、依法融资原则等原则。

    Financing activities should adhere to the principle of an appropriate scale , the principle of reasonable structure , proper timing of the principle , the principle according to the principles of financing .

  21. 首先笔者说明了学生话语权实现需遵循的目标原则及适度原则,然后根据以上研究结果,并结合理论分析提出观念、环境、情感、策略、主体五条促使学生话语权实现的路径。

    The author put forward five realization routes of students ' right to speak including environment , sentiment , concept , strategy and subject , basing on the above research results and combining theoretical analysis .

  22. 第三部分,研究了生态伦理的崛起与内涵,探讨了绿色消费的生态伦理意蕴,以及所遵循的生态伦理原则,其中主要有可持续性原则、利益公正原则和适度原则;

    The third part analyses emphatically the development of the ecological ethics , the ecological sense and the principles it abides by , such as sustainable principle , benefits fair principle and the moderate principle .

  23. 在理论分析和实际考察的基础上,作者提出了警务公开的法定原则、适时原则、适度原则和告知原则。

    With the careful theoretical analysis and practical investigation , the writer points out in this article that the opening should adhere to the four basic principles as follows : legitimization , proper timing , appropriate degree and information .

  24. 也正是因为这种审美心理常常被异化,才导致了电视娱乐的负面效应。这种审美心理产生的矛盾的消解,需要在认识其两面性的基础上把握适度原则。

    And exactly because this kind of aesthetic psychology exists , television entertainment is responsible . The contradiction which aesthetic psychology produces can be resolved by building on these dual characteristics as a foundation , and then by applying moderation principles .

  25. 只有坚持辩证思维,坚持矛盾解决中的斗争性、同一性与价值性的辩证统一,掌握这种统一的适度原则,落实相关的制度安排,才能促进和谐社会建设。

    Only insisting dialectics thought , insisting the dialectics unification of value , homogeneity and the militance in contradictory solution , grasping the appropriate principles of this kind of unification and implementing related system arrangement then can promote harmonious social construction .

  26. 第二,对刑罚权介入期货交易的必要性进行了论证,并提出了刑罚权介入期货交易的三大原则:最后手段原则、必要性原则和适度原则。

    The second chapter proves the necessity of implementing the power of punishment into futures trading , and puts forward three principles of the power of punishment into futures trading : principle of the last coercion , principle of necessity and principle of moderate degree .

  27. 第二章分析证券犯罪立法的基本原则,即科学性原则、必要性原则与适度原则、协调性原则、效益原则。

    The second chapter is a brief an analysis of the principles of the criminal legislation on security crime , which include the principle of science , the principle of necessity , the principle of appropriation , the principle of harmony , the principle of benefit .

  28. 花岗石锯切中参数的适度选择原则探讨

    The principles of properly selecting different parameters when sawing granites

  29. 刑法保护公司资本制度应遵循协调性原则、适度性原则、公平性原则。

    The principles of protection should be harmonization , proper and equality .

  30. 第一节论证了刑法适度性原则的科学内涵及正确定位。

    Section one proves the scientific intension of the moderation principles of criminal law .