
  • 网络Moderate temperature;neutral temperature;neutral temporature
  1. 个人立场:已经停止食用肉类,使用空调时永远设置在适中的温度。

    Personal stance : Has given up meat , and only uses air-con on a moderate setting .

  2. 气候、土壤和年龄都会影响胡萝卜的口味,专家说白天暖和晚上冷、适中的土壤温度可以让胡萝卜味道更好。

    Weather , soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste . Experts say warm days , cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great .

  3. 在研究范围内,适中的浸泡温度和较高的发芽温度,适于产生较多的还原糖;较高的浸泡温度和发芽温度,适于产生较多的水溶性蛋白质;

    In the range of researching , moderate soaking temperature and higher germinating temperature were suitable for producing more reducing-sugar , higher soaking and germinating temperature were suitable for producing more soluble protein , and higher soaking temperature and moderate germinating temperature were suitable for producing more GABA .