
  • 网络Moderate intervention;moderate interference
  1. WTO所坚持的市场化、自由贸易化、透明化、法治化的基本原则,主要是约束政府行为的,它要求成员方政府必须实行市场经济、规范其政府行为、对经济行为要适度干预。

    The WTO principles are mainly to restrict the government behavior , it requests the members practice the market economy , regulate government administration and interfere the economic behavior within certain limits .

  2. 这恰好与经济法的一重要理念&国家适度干预经济是一脉相承的。

    This just comes down in a continuous line from the country 's appropriately intervention of the economy .

  3. 市场的自主调节与国家对市场的适度干预,是现代市场经济健康发展的基础。

    The healthy development of modern market economy is based on market independent adjustment and proper State intervention to market .

  4. 家事审判程序是以维护家庭稳定为目的的,体现国家对婚姻家庭进行适度干预的一种特殊程序。

    Family procedure has a view to maintain the steadiness of family which is a special procedure reflecting the national moderate intervention .

  5. 最后在第6章提出了在政府适度干预下加快德阳市银行卡产业发展的六条政策建议。

    Finally , the sixth chapter table six proposals to expedite the development of bank card industry under the moderate government intervention .

  6. 现代合理原则的核心是经济效益,作用是保证有形之手对市场的适度干预。

    The core point of modern rule of reason is economic efficiency , which can ensure the visible hand of intervention is modest .

  7. 抗辩事由是公司不承担损害责任的正当理由,主要集中在经营自由与司法适度干预的平衡上。

    Defenses are the company does not assume liability for damage justification , mainly operating on the balance of freedom and justice modest intervention .

  8. 本文将其归纳为三种模式:市场自由调控模式、政府适度干预模式和政府垄断管制模式。

    This paper will be summarized in three models : the free market control mode , the appropriate intervention models and the government monopoly control mode .

  9. 住房与住房市场的特殊性决定了政府必须对住房市场进行适度干预,以保障居民的住房权利。

    Due to the special nature of housing and housing market , the government must intervene moderately the housing market to protect the housing rights of residents .

  10. 分析了目前我国政府对铁路过度干预的弊端,探讨了市场经济条件下政府对铁路运输干预的理由及目标,提出了我国政府对铁路运输适度干预的若干建议。

    The paper analyzes the disadvantage of over-interference in railway transportation from the government and puts forward suggestions on giving appropriate interference to railways under the conditions of market economy .

  11. 阐述了证券市场失灵、金融风险论、契约正义论和经济法的适度干预理论,以上观点为控制融资融券交易风险提供了理论依据。

    Describes securities market failure , financial risk theory , contractual justice theory and economic theory , the appropriate intervention point above for margin trading risk control provides theory basis .

  12. 改变这种局面需要政府进行适度干预,使供给方真正发挥作用,以便为经济发展创造一个良好环境。

    In order to create a favorable environment for economic development , it is necessary for the government to interfere with action to make sure the supplying party plays its role .

  13. 为了防止收入分配的过度分化,政府应该适度干预市场,通过公共政策来调节收入分配,并帮助穷者。

    In order to prevent income distribution from becoming over inequitable , the government should properly intervene the market , and adjust income distribution by public policies to help the poor .

  14. 指出完善我国慈善组织监管意义重大,而慈善组织监管也有其自身应该坚持的原则,本文提出完善我国慈善组织监管应该坚持适度干预原则和高效干预原则。

    Points out that improve the regulation of Charity Organization in our country being of great significance , and Charity Organization also have their own monitoring should adhere to the principle of .

  15. 在债权人自治基础上,引入国家公权力的适度干预,是完善我国破产管理人立法时应坚持的理念。

    On the base of creditors ' self-govern , appropriate intervene of public power shall be the idea that we should insist on when developing legislation of trustee in bankruptcy of our country .

  16. 国家在干预经济运行的过程中要做到适度干预、谨慎干预,而经济法本身也正是这种适度、谨慎干预的基本法律保障。

    The state should make a moderate and prudential intervention during it 's intervening the economic operation , and Economic law itself is the basic law protection of the moderate and prudential intervention .

  17. 调控原则是对调控基础理论的具体化,可概括为适度干预原则、分类规范原则、平衡协调原则和公平竞争原则。

    The control principle is the embodiment of the theory of regulation , can be summed up as the appropriate intervention principle , classification principle , balance principle and the principle of fair competition .

  18. 再次,介绍了违约金司法干预的指导原则&可预见性原则、故意不减原则、减轻损失原则和适度干预原则。

    Furthermore , the introduction of the liquidated damages the guiding principles of judicial intervention , there is predictability in principle , deliberately diminished the principle of mitigation principle and the principle of appropriate interventions .

  19. 另一方面,他又根据功利主义原则,赞成政府为增加人民福利对经济事务和个人活动进行适度干预。

    On the other hand , He thought that Government should carry on the moderate policy of intervention to economic business and individual behavior in order to add people 's welfare on the principle of utilitarianism .

  20. 产业转移是经济发展过程中普遍存在的一种经济现象,产业转移既需要发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用,同时也离不开政府的适度干预和调控。

    As a prevalent economic phenomenon in the process of economic development , industrial transfer not only plays the basic role of markets in the allocation of resources , but also needs governments ' moderate intervention and regulation .

  21. 然而在宏观经济运行中,俄罗斯政府根据经济发展的要求进行适度干预,俄罗斯银行在外汇市场上冲销货币篮子产生了卢布渐进升值的结果。

    However , in the macroeconomic operation , the moderate intervention Russian government in accordance with the demands of economic development , the ruble gradual appreciation is the result of the Central Bank foreign exchange market offset currency basket .

  22. 公司司法解散是保护中小股东权益的有效救济手段,体现了国家司法权对经济生活的适度干预。

    The practice of judicial dissolution of a company is , to a large extent , an effective remedy protecting the small and medium shareholders ' interests , embodying the state jurisdiction on the moderate intervention in economic life .

  23. 经济法作为国家适度干预经济之法,准确厘定发起国家干预的价值判断主体对经济法的适用具有重要的实践意义。

    Economic law is a kind of law that government to intervention national economic , Appropriate intervention in the economy , economic law which accurately determine the value judgments of state intervention has great practical significance to the application of the economic law .

  24. 农民专业合作社的构建作为整个市场体系建立的一部分,更是需要国家的适度干预,其干预的适度性是农民合作经济组织发展的重要保障。

    Construction of agricultural cooperatives established as part of the market system , it is necessary for the state of the appropriate intervention , the modest nature of its interventions is the development of rural cooperative economic organizations , the importance of security .

  25. 同时承认和赋予政府有关部门在职权范围内依法对重大经济合同进行管理,对合同自由进行某些限制的规定,又是经济法的适度干预思想在新合同法中的体现。

    Meanwhile it confers and allows the government the provision that the concerned department manages the important economic contract by the law in the jurisdictional degree , and limits to the freedom of contract , and it embodies the thought of appropriate interference in the economic law .

  26. 从消极不干预行政到积极适度干预行政,从秩序行政到对给付行政的日益重视,都说明了一个问题,政府的职能不能做一概而论的笼统分析。

    From the negative non-intervention administration to moderately active intervention administration , from the emphasis of the order administration to the importance of the benefits administration , all these show a problem that the functions of the government can not be done to generalize the general analysis .

  27. 深入分析了救济制度的重要法律意义,以及救济制度的建立应遵循的基本原则:利益平衡原则、保障程序的公正性原则、司法适度干预原则和保障交易安全原则。

    This part discusses the important legal significance of the relief system and the basic principles of the relief system , such as the principle of interests balance , the safeguard of the procedural fairness , judicial intervention in appropriate and the protection for the transaction security .

  28. 高层的新口吻鼓舞了风险管理和合规部门的信心和胆量,他们正在对银行业务进行适度干预。监管机构现在明白,温和监管绝非市场管理之道,因此开始严厉问责并加大威慑。

    Risk and compliance departments are emboldened by the new tone from the top and are being properly intrusive . Regulators now understand that light-touch regulation is no way to run a market and are getting tough in the questions they ask and the deterrents they impose .

  29. 必须改造供应链架构、构建整个供应链体系的协同库存系统,有效收集消费者信息、适度干预消费者行为,以精益的供应链提升超市的核心竞争力。

    It is necessary to transform the structure of supply chain and build a cooperative inventory system of the whole chain while collecting the information of consumers and interfering in their behavior moderately so as to facilitate the core competitivity of the supermarket by the improved supply chain .

  30. 在权力存在论中,分析了行政许可权产生和存在的历史背景和社会经济根源,对行政许可权的功能予以明确,将其定性为一种适度干预的管理权。

    In power existence theory , I analyse the history background of administrative power of permit producing and existing , and the source of social economy , I define the function of administrative power of permit , and qualitatively analyse to be a kind of the right intervention management power .