
  1. 该品种从出苗到适宜采收期(蜡熟期)需有效积温2550℃.d左右,在哈尔滨市生育日数为115~120d。

    This variety requires effective accumulated temperature about 2 550 ℃ from emergence of seeding to stage of wax ripeness , it 's growth period is 115-120 d in the Harbin city .

  2. 鲜食大豆适宜采收期与有效积温的关系

    Relationship between Harvesting Time and Effective Accumulated Temperature in Vegetable Soybean

  3. 引进欧美芍药切花品种适宜采收期的研究

    The Optimum Harvesting Maturity Grades of Introduced Herbaceous Peonies for Cutting Flowers

  4. 葡萄柚适宜采收期与采后货架寿命研究初报

    Study on Harvest Stages and Shelf Life of Grapefruit

  5. 菜用白兰瓜适宜采收期研究

    Research on the optimum picking time of honey dew as a kind of vegetable

  6. 该研究为金钱草对照药材适宜采收期的确定提供了参考依据。

    This study provided a reference to confirm the best harvest time of Lysimachia christinae Hance control .

  7. 在适宜采收期范围内,各品尝评分最高,而皮渣率较低。

    In befittingly harvesting date , the cultivars have highest tasting quality score and lower residue ratio .

  8. 果实90%着色后的第8~16d为适宜采收期。

    The proper harvest stage was on the 8 to 16 d after 90 % of fruit turned black .

  9. 因此,在北京顺义地区,元宝枫翅果适宜采收期为10月底。

    Therefore , the end of October is the suitable harvest time of Acer truncatum Bunge samara in Beijing Shunyi .

  10. 不同产地不同采收期当归挥发性成分动态积累规律与适宜采收期分析

    Studies on the dynamic accumulations of Radix Angelicae Sinensis volatile constituents in different regions and harvest times and the appropriate harvest time

  11. 前言:目的:通过对不同果龄的化橘红化学成分比较分析,确定化橘红的适宜采收期。

    Objective : To determine the appropriate collecting-time of pummelo peel by comparison and analysis on the chemical compounds in pummelo peel in different fruit-age .

  12. 牡丹切花的适宜采收期为绽口期到初开期,保鲜液能够改善切花的品质。

    It is therefore proposed that the optimum harvesting period of cut tree peony flowers is from soft bud to the beginning of opening , and the floral preservative could improve the quality of cut tree peony flowers in vase-holding .

  13. 作为菜用品种,最适宜的采收期应在授粉后15~20d。

    The best picking time should be at 15 ~ 20 day pollination .