- hesperidium aurantium

Gardens are in full bloom , the citrus crops ripen , and balmy weather invites outdoor recreation .
A berry with a leathery rind in which the seeds are separated by segments , as in the citrus fruits , is called a hesperidium .
Using ponkan juice as material , ponkan fruit vinegar was developed by liquid fermentation , and the technology parameters were optimized by single factor test and orthogonal experiment .
Studies on Extraction , Purification , Isolation and Identification of Flavonoids from Rough-peel Mandarin Peel large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin .
Extraction and isolation of flavonoids from rough-peel mandarin peel has great theoretical and practical significance for rough-peel mandarin application in deep-processing and pharmaceuticals , food industry and other fields .
The result showed that the extracting temperature was the main factor which effected the ultrasonic wave extracting efficiency of Citrus reticulata peel pigment , ultrasonic power was the secondly factors , then was the extracting time .