
hóng huāng
  • primitive;chaotic;be ignorant
洪荒 [hóng huāng]
  • [be ignorant] 混沌蒙昧的状态,指远古时代

  • 详观记牒,洪荒莫传。--谢灵运《三月三日侍宴西池》

  • 远及洪荒。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

洪荒[hóng huāng]
  1. 在洪荒时代,基本主题的音乐表现;脉动的节奏和殴打直接向上诉人类肉感。

    In primitive times , the basic motif of musical expression ; the pulsating rhythm and beat appeal directly to human sensuality .

  2. 奥运游泳运动员在线直播激起千层浪,泳坛逗比小花,耿直洪荒girl,傅爷火了!

    Olympic swimmer makes huge splash in China 's live-streaming world

  3. 潜意识是未曾付诸文字的人类洪荒时代史。

    The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded .

  4. 仅仅两天后,“洪荒之力”就被注册成商标。

    Just two days later , " Prehistoric Power " was registered .

  5. 洪荒初开或许只是一阵神秘的烟气。

    The birth of universe perhaps was just a mysterious plume of smoke .

  6. 厥民之初,宇宙洪荒。

    At the very beginning of human life , boundless was the world .

  7. 在国际青年艺术节获金奖的“洪荒风雪”就是在这一时期创作的。

    His painting Windstorm in Wastel and won the Golden award in an International Youth art Festival .

  8. 在诺顿的办公室里就像身处洪荒,摘星揽月

    Being at the Norton offices felt like reaching up into the night sky and touching the moon

  9. 她爽朗的性格也使她一夜之间成了网络红人,“洪荒之力”一词便流行起来。

    Her bubbly personality made her an internet celebrity overnight , and with that started the prehistoric powers trend .

  10. 我车窗的刮水器一甩,羊肠小道变成了人迹兽迹都没有的洪荒森林。

    A pass of my wiper blades , and the trail becomes a forest place where nothing has ever gone .

  11. 在洪荒而漫长的蒙昧时代,原始石器的制造是原始美术的起源与萌芽时期。

    In deserted and ignorant age , making primitive stone implements was the original and sprouting period of primitive art .

  12. “洪荒之力”指一个人史无前例的力量,它首次出现于中国电视剧《花千骨》当中。

    To refer to one 's prehistoric power , first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower .

  13. 舞蹈的萌芽和形成时间,可以远溯到人类发展的洪荒时期,远远超出了人类的记忆范围。

    The embryo and childhood of dance can be traced back to the first days of human beings , far exceeding human memory .

  14. 一个是躲避痛苦,这种本能让人类在洪荒时期面对强大的猎食者,成功求生。

    One is to avoid pain , an instinct that helped us to survive when we were vulnerable to predators in the savanna .

  15. 傅园慧在半决赛之后开玩笑称自己已经使出了洪荒之力,之后她便成为了最新网红。

    Fu has become an internet sensation after she joked about using her " prehistorical powers " to achieve success in the semifinal .

  16. 对原始洪荒的人性向往,虽然具有批判专制的意义,但却违反人类历史的法则。

    Yearning for human nature of the original foreworld acts against the principle of human history although it has the significance of animadverting on despotism .

  17. 第一人,我们见过面,因为我们洪荒之纳入城市是一个男孩告诉我们,就明确表示,他刚刚成为孤儿。

    The first person we met as we wandered into town was a boy who told us outright that he had just become an orphan .

  18. 行走在记忆的洪荒旷野&仫佬族青年作家何述强散文的精神特质之探

    " Stepping in the Foreworld Moor of Memory " & A Study of the Spiritual Specialties of the Mulam Nationality Young Writer He Shu-qiang ' Proses

  19. 中国运动员傅园慧在进入女子100米仰泳决赛后接受采访时提到,她的“洪荒之力”帮助她游得这么快。

    Whilst being interviewed after qualifying for the women 's 100m backstroke final , Chinese athlete Fu Yuanhui mentioned her mystic energy helped her swim so fast .

  20. 系统创世神话曲折反映了人类由洪荒时代到耕种、纺织文明时代的漫长的历程,气象恢宏,结构庞大。

    Systematic creation myths reflect the long history of people from prehistoric times to farming and textile civilization , it is magnificent and with broad structure . 3 .

  21. 它所执行的五年任务:是为了探索陌生的新世界,寻找新的生命及新的文明,勇敢地航向人类前所未至的宇宙洪荒。

    Its five-year mission : to explore strange new worlds , to seek out new life and new civilizations , to boldly go where no man has gone before .

  22. 春天及一切蓝天之下汹涌云彩斑驳着从东北吹来通往传染病院的路上一阵冷风改变了视线方向远处,大片开阔洪荒之地

    Spring and All By the road to the contagious hospital under the surge of the blue mottled clouds driven from the northeast-a cold wind . Beyond , the waste of broad , muddy fields

  23. 巴西里约奥运女子100米仰泳半决赛后,傅园慧接受采访时的夸张表情以及她将成功归于“用了洪荒之力”,使得网友纷纷为其点赞。

    After thewomen 's backstroke semifinal in the Rio Olympic Games , Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui 's exaggerate facial expressions and attribution of her success to " prehistoric powers " gained huge acclaim from netizens .

  24. 这一幅作品,名字叫做《三天后,雅克布关于洪荒世界的若干记忆碎片之一》,在这幅画中,我描画了一个昆虫,一些植物,还有一些天体。

    The first work is'Three Days Later , Jacob Catching a Number of Memory Fragments on Foreworld ' . in this painting , I mainly drew an insect , some plants , and many celestial bodies .

  25. 他们在黑暗中穿过树林爬上山坡,来到山顶一条羊肠小道。我车窗的刮水器一甩,羊肠小道变成了人迹兽迹都没有的洪荒森林。

    In the dark they came up the hill through the timber to the narrow pass at the top . A pass of my wiper blades , and the trail becomes a forest place where nothing has ever gone .

  26. 我也不知道怎么回事我专心在做动作心中充满了禅意白姐姐表扬了我然后我就失控了控制不住我体内的洪荒之力

    I don 't know what happened . I was doing the poses , I was feeling all Zen , Matilda was digging it , then I lost my grip on it . Let it slip and it just squeaked out .

  27. 在映客直播平台,甚至出现了一个叫作“洪荒之力”的新礼物(价值20美分),也使得无数粉丝在线购买并在傅园慧直播时送给她。

    Inke , the live-streaming platform , even created a new gift called " primordial power " ( with an affordable price tag of 20 U.S. cents ) , prompting countless users to buy it and send it to Fu during her chat .