  • Zhe;cudrania;three-bristle cudrania
  • 落叶灌木或乔木,树皮有长刺,叶卵形,可以喂蚕,皮可以染黄色,木材质坚而致密,是贵重的木料:~黄。~蚕。~丝。

  • 古同“蔗”,甘蔗。

  1. 柘树根多糖CPS-1的分离纯化及理化性质分析

    Isolation , Purification , Physical and Chemical Properties Analysis of Cps-1 Polysaccharides from Root of Cudrania triouspidata ( Carr . ) Bur

  2. 柘树茎乙醇提取液的抗炎镇痛作用

    Liquid extraction of ethanol of Cudrania tricuspidata : anti-inflammation and analgesic effects

  3. 柘溪水电站扩机过程中,为保证扩机厂房东端开关站边坡稳定,采用截面积分别为2.5m×8m和4m×8m的挡土墩进行支护。

    During the expansion of Zhexi Hydropower Station , in order to support the eastern slope of the power station , a row of anti-slide piles with sectional area 2.5m × 8 m and 4 m × 8 m were applied .

  4. 结果表明,柘溪水库流域全年年平均水汽含量值为3.62g·cm-2。

    It shows that the annual average value of cloud water vapor content is 3.62g · cm - 2 and varies with the synoptic pattern in Zhexi reservoir and drainage area .

  5. 柘溪水电站入库洪水实时预报模型研究

    Researching of Flood Real & time Forecasting Model for Zhexi Reservoir

  6. 柘溪大头坝裂缝问题研究述评

    A Summarized Study on Cracks in Zhexi Concrete Buttress Dam

  7. 柘溪大坝溢流面伸缩缝漏水处理及效果分析

    Leakage treatment through expansion joints on overflow of Zhexi Dam

  8. 柘溪大头坝实测应力分析

    On the analysis of observed stresses in zhe-xi buttress dam

  9. 柘溪水电站开关站边坡变形分析

    Slope Deformation Analysis of Switch Station of Zhexi Hydropower Station

  10. 柘溪大头坝头部裂缝的三维光弹性研究

    A Three-dimensional Photoelastic Study of Crack in Diamond Head of Zhexi Buttress Dam

  11. 柘溪水库淤积测量及库容关系曲线修正研究

    Sedimentation surveying and elevation-storage curve correction for Zhexi Reservoir

  12. 柘溪水库月入库流量预报方案的建立与对比分析

    Establishment and comparative analysis of forecast scheme of monthly inflow in Zhexi Reservoir

  13. 数字流域水文模型在柘溪水电站洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Digital Hydrological Model to the Flood Forecast of Zhexi Hydropower Station

  14. 不过你为什么不在柘植身边呢?

    Why aren 't you at tsuge 's side ?

  15. 就把柘的意思表达得清清楚楚了。

    These two parts themselves clearly set off the meaning of the word .

  16. 柘溪水库库区梯级桔园生草覆盖生态效益分析

    The ecological benefit analysis or terraced Orange orchard cov-ered with grass in Zhexi Reservior Area

  17. 柘溪大头坝迎水面垂直裂缝扩展过程的研究

    Calculation of vertical crack propagation on the upstream face of the Zhexi single buttress dam

  18. 柘溪水电站建于1958年,坝高104米,系钻石形的单支墩大头坝。

    Zhexi hydroelectric station was built in 1958.It is a large dam of 104 meters in height .

  19. 容美,古称容米或柘溪,也有容阳之称。

    Rong Mei , we called it Rong Mi , Zhe Xi or Rong Yang in ancient times .

  20. 柘溪水库洪水优化调度决策模型为柘溪水电站防洪决策支持系统模型库中的一个重要模型。

    The flood optimal dispatching decision model is an important one of flood decision support system models for Zhexi Hydropower Station .

  21. 那这周围肯定有大片大片的柘树林,要不然这处瀑布怎么会叫柘林瀑呢。

    Then there must be a large cudrania grove here , otherwise the waterfall wouldn 't have been called Zhelin ( Cudrania Grove ) Waterfall .

  22. 遂昌柘岱口&湖山北东向断裂带在晚侏罗世至晚白垩世晚期经历了多期次、不同性质的活动,断裂活动与该地区两个大规模萤石矿田的形成关系密切。

    Zhedaikou-Hushan north-east strike fracture zone with several active stages possessed the characteristics of inherited basal structure from late stage of late Jurassic to late Cretaceous .

  23. 数字水文模型是一种先进的数字流域模型,它在柘溪水库的成功应用,将为柘溪水库的洪水预报发挥重大作用。

    Digital hydrological model is an advanced digital river basin model , whose successful application will be of great importance to the flood-forecast in Zhexi reservoir .

  24. 目的:观察柘树茎乙醇提取液抗炎、镇痛的药效学作用特点。

    Objective : To observe the function and feature in anti inflammation and analgesic effects of the liquid extraction of ethanol of Cudrania tricuspidata ( Carr . )

  25. 根据柘溪水库库区成土母岩、森林植被类型,分析测定了库区内森林涵养水源和保持水土能力指标及其效益补偿值。

    According to the rock and vegetation in Zhexi reservior area , Determining the forest 's ability to conserve water and to maintain soil , and it'scomplement benefit .

  26. 从营销档案管理系统获取变电站、线路、变压器、台区、重点用户档案信息、柘补关系、采集点档案信息。

    Acquire archival information on transformer substation , line , transformer , substation area , key users , topological relation and acquisition point from marketing archive management system .

  27. 柘溪水电站引水隧洞钢筋混凝土衬砌结构的可靠性分析

    Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented . Reliability Analysis on Reinforced Concrete Lined Diversion Tunnels of Zhexi Hydroelectric Plant

  28. 其中由边地进献的《凉州》、《柘枝》、《霓裳羽衣》三大乐舞流行面广,观赏者众,尤为突出。

    Among the music and dance of Tang dynasty ," Liang Zhou "," Zhe Zhi "," Ni Shang Yu Yi " have been prominent for the cause of their popularity and influence .

  29. 利用相关分析方法,对柘溪水库月入库流量与全球海温及27类气象因子的关系进行了分析研究。

    An analysis was made on the relationship between the monthly inflow in the Zhexi Reservoir , the global sea temperature and 27 kinds of meteorological factors by use of the correlation analysis method .

  30. 本文以考古材料和文献资料为基础,论证了自唐安西大都护府西行的柘厥关故址在今克孜尔石窟的崖顶;

    Based on the archaeological material and documents , the paper argues that the site of The Jue Pass lying to the west of the Grand Anxi Frontier Command is located on the cliff top of Kizil Grottoes ;