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pō dì
  • sloping fields;hillside fields;land on the slopes
坡地 [pō dì]
  • [hillside fields;sloping fields] 山坡上倾斜的田地

坡地[pō dì]
  1. 用~(137)Cs法探讨苏南坡地的土壤侵蚀

    Using Tracer Method by ~ ( 137 ) Cs to Study Soil Erosion of Hillside Fields in South Jiangsu Province

  2. 研究了在侵蚀坡地采用条沟-草块的特殊建植草地方法。

    The method of planting grassland with strip trench and grassplots was studied in eroded hillside fields .

  3. 坡地上长满了开花植物。

    The slopes are colonized by flowering plants .

  4. 主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。

    The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes .

  5. 结合能常数K值:林地坝平地大棚坡地拆除区磷矿区。

    K : Woodland dam ground greenhouse slope removal zone in lakeside phosphate rock zone .

  6. 侵蚀坡地果园土壤&植被组分中N、P、K质量分数及其分布

    Mass fractions and assignment of N , P , K in soil vegetation system on eroded slope orchard

  7. 采用人工降雨的试验方法,对黄土高原沟壑区荒草坡地不同水文年土壤水平衡进行了数值模拟,结果表明:当植被覆盖率较高时,WAVES模型可以应用于荒草坡地土壤水平衡的模拟;

    Soil water balance of grassland in gully regions on the Loess Tableland in various hydrological years was simulated numerically with simulated rainfall .

  8. 典型喀斯特坡地~(137)Cs的分布与相关影响因子研究

    Distribution of ~ ( 137 ) Cs and Relative Influencing Factors on Typical Karst Sloping Land

  9. GRAPES模式中的坡地辐射方案及其对短期天气过程模拟的影响

    Slope Irradiance Scheme in GRAPES and its Effect on Simulation of Short-Range Weather Processes

  10. 山地农业生态系统持续发展的有效途径&坡地农业技术(SALT)退耕还林工程技术决策支持系统研究

    An effective way for sustainable development of upland agricultural ecosystem & The sloping agricultural land technology ( SALT ) Research the Techonology DSS of Convert Sloping Agricultural Land into Forest

  11. 该指标体系包括:就地利用潜力指标r1、实际径流指标u、坡地径流的折减系数K和径流潜力指标r2。

    The index system includes local utilization potential , actual runoff , discount factor of slope runoff and runoff potential .

  12. 土壤表层,鞍部、坡地土壤有机碳较活跃(较多松结态),为岩溶作用CO2的丰富来源。

    Organic carbon in Layer A soil , col soil and slope soil is more active ( more in loose form ) . It can provide enough CO2 source for karstification .

  13. 漏斗森林的均匀度指数J最大,为0.825,其次为槽谷森林,为0.816,坡地的相对较小,为0.814。

    The evenness index ( J ) in funnel forest was the highest ( 0.825 ), Valley forest was the second ( 0.816 ) and hillside forest ( 0.814 ) was the lowest .

  14. 基于此背景,本研究调查了中国黄土高原小农业坡地(面积0.07公顷)土壤再分布过程对SOC含量和通量的影响以及相应的碳源和库功能。

    Against this background , this study investigates impacts of soil redistribution processes on SOC stocks and fluxes and the corresponding C source or sink function in a small agricultural hillslope ( 0.07ha ) in Chinese Loess Plateau .

  15. 通过鹰潭地区花生气候生产潜力模型,结合坡地实际产量资料,计算了花生气候生产潜力利用率(PUE)。

    The climatic productive potentiality use efficiency ( PUE ) of peanut was calculated based on the model and actual yield data from slope land .

  16. VA菌根在植物生态学研究中的意义红壤坡地杂草群落VA菌根真菌的宿主物种调查

    Importance of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in Plant Ecological Research . Investigation on host plants of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi ( VAMF ) within weed communities in agricultural slope land in the red soil area of southeastern China

  17. 半干旱地区坡地退耕还林中的DJS造林法研究华东监测区营造林与人工林质量状况评价

    DJS Afforestation Method for Converting the Land for Forestry on Slope Land in Semiarid Area A research on the Evaluation of Afforestation and Plantation Quality in East China

  18. 在今后坡地水文的研究中,可针对以上不同条件进行Green-Ampt模型应用于黄土坡地水文过程的修正和改进。

    In the later studies of slope land hydrology , Green-Ampt model can be modified and revised when studying Loess slope land hydrology process .

  19. 它们为闯向AspectJ这座红灯之前的实验和学习提供了一个缓和的练习坡地,而且也依靠它们自己能力提供了一个高生产率的工作环境。

    They can provide either a gentle nursery slope for experimentation and learning , prior to the red runs of AspectJ , or a highly productive work environment in their own right .

  20. 模型运行需要输入气象、土壤、植被和空间数据驱动,输出结果包括坡地太阳辐射、蒸散发、土壤含水量、植被NPP等日、月和年值的空间分布。

    The model was drove by weather , soil , vegetation , and spatial data , and the output of the model included solar radiation , evapotranspiration , soil moisture , and NPP , etc. at daily , monthly and annual step .

  21. 当生长期降雨量超过400mm时,坡地枣园土壤水分含量比对照提高1.7%1.8%。

    When the amount of precipitation was over 400 mm , the soil water content of the slope garden increased by 1.7 % to 1.8 % .

  22. 祁连山还是一个庞大而完备的生态系统,海拔2500~3000m之间的坡地为原始森林与大片的草地,构成祁连山独特的水源涵养林。

    Qilian Mountain was a large and comprehensive eco-system , between 2500 ~ 3000m the slope of Qilian Mountain were large tracts of virgin forest and grassland that constituted Qilian Mountain unique water conservation forest .

  23. 在中强度降雨2次/a、总降雨量3874mm情况下,25°坡地土壤侵蚀模数下降至2500t/(a·km2)以下。

    The soil erosion modulus decrease to 2 500 t / ( a · km ~ 2 ) less , on the condition with two times common-intense rains a year and 387.4 mm of total rainfall .

  24. 广东省现有坡地侵蚀面积约114×104km2,占水土流失总面积的7974%。

    The soil erosion area of the slope land in Guangdong is 1.14 × 10 ~ 4km ~ 2 , accounting for 79.74 % of the total erosion area .

  25. 中国坡地太阳直接辐射分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of direct solar radiation on mountain slopes in China

  26. 红壤旱坡地农田生态系统养分循环和平衡

    Nutrient cycling and balance of sloping upland ecosystems on red soil

  27. 黄土坡地耕作侵蚀及其效应研究

    Study of Tillage Erosion and Its Effects on Loess Sloping Land

  28. 福建省侵蚀坡地利用中存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Measures in Utilizing Eroded Slope Land in Fujian Province

  29. 坡地地质灾害的减灾策略&以降雨预警基准为例

    Mitigation of landslide hazards : Case study of rainfall warning criteria

  30. 旱坡地集水枣园土壤水分动态研究

    Variation in Soil Moisture in Arid Sloping Water Collecting Jujube Orchards