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  • 网络pyrus;pyrus l
  1. DNA标记技术在梨属植物研究中的应用

    DNA marker technologies in Pyrus research

  2. 以鸭梨、杜梨为材料,对梨属植物DNA的提取及RAPD反应体系进行了系统优化,建立了梨属植物最佳反应体系及参数。

    Tested with Yali pear and Betulaefolia , the paper studied the extract of DNA of Pyrus and the optimized RAPD reaction system .

  3. 梨属间及~(60)Coγ射线辐射诱变朝鲜洋梨新品系过氧化物酶同工酶的研究

    Studies on peroxidase isozymic patterns of Pyrus sp. and irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray varieties of Korean pear

  4. 初步建立梨属52个栽培品种ISSR指纹。

    The fingerprinting pattern based on ISSR were preliminarily established .

  5. RAPD-PCR对梨属植物品种鉴定的研究

    Study on Identification of Main Cultivars in Pyrus by RAPD-PCR

  6. 新疆库尔勒香梨(PyrusbretschneideriRehd)为蔷薇科、梨属中的白梨品种,其种植历史已有1400&2000年。

    Xinjiang Korla Pear ( Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd . ) belongs to the Rosaceae , the white pear of Pyrus species . It has a cultivation history of about 1400-2000 years .

  7. 用RAPD-PCR技术分析鉴定了梨属的18份品种材料(包括不同品种、杂交种和芽变种材料)。

    The 18 samples of main pear cultivars in Pyrus which included 5 species , 3 hybrids and 3 sports materials from Xinjiang region were identified and analysed by RAPD-PCR molecular markers method .

  8. 中国梨属植物种皮的比较解剖研究

    Studies on the comparative anatomical structure of seed-coat of Pyrus in China

  9. 中国梨属植物的分类和演化

    Studies on the classification and evolution of the genus Pyrus in China

  10. 云南省梨属植物资源的微卫星分析研究

    Microsatellite analysis of pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia ) collected in Yunnan province

  11. 梨属植物分类的历史回顾及新进展

    A Historic Retrospect and the Progress in the Taxonomy of the Genus Pyrus

  12. 孢粉学在部分梨属植物分类研究中的应用

    The role of palynology in study of taxonomy of species of genus Pyrus

  13. 中国是梨属植物的起源中心和多样性中心,梨种质资源丰富。

    China is the origin and diversity center of genus Pyrus with abundant germplasm resources .

  14. 梨属矮化砧木研究

    Study on Pear Genus Dwarf Stocks

  15. 梨属植物同工酶分析的适宜取样部位是成熟叶片的叶柄与主脉。

    The fitting sampling part of peroxidase isozyme analysis in pyrus was the footstalk and center nerve of mature leaves .

  16. 这些分析为梨属资源的遗传变异、品种鉴别、基因标记及进化研究提供了重要的信息依据。

    The results can be used for genetic variation , variety discrimination , gene tagging and evolution research of pear resources .

  17. 一般相信梨属植物的原种起源于第三纪的我国西部和西南部的山区。

    The basic Pyrus stock is believed to arise during the Tertiary period in the mountainous regions in western and southwestern China .

  18. 利用滑走切片机切片,电镜扫描的方法对国产梨属植物14个种中的13个种的成熟种皮解剖构造进行了研究。

    With the Sliding Microtome and Scanning Electricity Microscope , the anatomical structure of mature seed-coat of Pyrus ( 13 species ) were studied in detailed by the authors in this present paper .

  19. 梨属植物花粉形态有其共同特征,而不同种和品种间在花粉粒的形状、大小和纹饰等方面存在着程度不同的差异。

    There were the same characters in the pollen morphology of pyrus . The significant differences existed in the size and shape of pollen grains and stripe ornamentation of different species and between varieties .

  20. 不同种或同一种内不同类型、品种之间,花粉粒的大小、形态和外壁纹饰特征存在着差异,这种差异可作为梨属植物分类、品种鉴别和亲缘关系鉴定的主要依据之一。

    Certain differences exist in different species or types and varieties of the same species , which can be one of the main bases for the classification of Pyrus , identification of varieties and their relationship .

  21. 结果表明,梨属矮化砧木做中间砧,多数组合表现出树体干径细,高度低,发育枝短,但冠径较大。

    The results showed that with pear genus dwarf stocks , the most combinations ′ trunk diameter is thinner , tree height is lower , growth shoots length is shorter , but crown diameter is bigger .

  22. 浙江省梨孢属(PyriculariaSacc.)真菌的寄主植物

    Host plants of Pyricularia sacc . in Zhejiang

  23. 稻瘟病菌在培养基上有性世代的形成,为进一步理解梨孢菌属和水稻之间的遗传学以及选育稳定持久的抗病品种提出了新的见识。

    The availability of the perfect stage in P.oryzae has offered new opportunities for understanding the genetics of Pyricularia-rice interactions which may provide insights into the breeding for durable resistance to blast .

  24. 梨苹果其实是梨属植物的一种,将于下周在英国玛莎百货上市。

    The papple , which is officially a member of the pear family , will go on sale in the UK next week at Marks and Spencer .

  25. 梨属于蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、梨属(Pyrus)植物。

    The pear is a plant which belongs to Rosaceae , Pyrus .

  26. 梨原产于中国,我国是世界上梨属品种最多的国家。

    China , where is the country of origin of pear , has the most different varieties pears in the world .