
  • 网络Rig Veda;rig-veda;Rigveda
  1. 一部分的学者声称这是公元前三千年到四千年期间的一条主要流河,还假设这也许是《梨俱吠陀》中的萨拉斯瓦帝河。

    A section of scholars claim that this was a major river during the third and fourth millennia BCE , and propose that it may have been the Sarasvati River of the Rig Veda .

  2. 像所有的印度文献一样,《梨俱吠陀》主要是通常口头方式来相传。

    Like all Hindu scriptures , the Rig Veda was passed on primarily in an oral fashion .

  3. 大约有七分之一的阿达婆吠陀是与梨俱吠陀共通的。

    About one seventh of the Atharvaveda text is common to the rigveda .

  4. 《梨俱吠陀》中关于宇宙、事物自生性的过程论思想

    Thought of the process theory of the self-arising of the universe and things in Rg-Veda

  5. 尽管后者占了大部分,阿达婆吠陀还是呈现出比梨俱吠陀更原始的文化。

    Although later in age , the Atharvaveda reveals a more primitive culture than the rigveda .

  6. 《梨俱吠陀》也有相当一部分是谈及到写作的艺术。

    There are a number of references in the Rig Veda which allude to the art of writing .

  7. 在《梨俱吠陀》里,献给他的颂歌比其他任何神的都要多得多。

    More hymns in the Rig Veda are dedicated to him than any other god by a sizable amount .

  8. 与这一观点密切相关的是种姓等级制度,它在梨俱吠陀圣歌中得到神话般的解释。

    Closely linked with this view is the caste system , which is explained in mythical terms in one of the hymns of the Rigveda .

  9. 周谛士通常是作为吠陀经的主体部分&《梨俱吠陀》的指导要素而谈论。

    Jyotish is often discussed as the instructional element of the Rig Veda , and as such is a Vedanga , or " body part " of the Vedas .

  10. 当前这些地方继承着印度人历史上遗留的遗产,并且与他们宗教文献的其他一些传说合拼,那就是梨俱吠陀和博伽梵歌。

    The current area takes what it can from the known history of the people of india , and incorporates some of the legends from their religious texts , the Rig Veda and the Bhagavad gita .