
  • 网络world philosophy
  1. 世界哲学图景中的马克思主义哲学

    Marxist Philosophy in the Realm of the World Philosophy

  2. 雅氏的哲学主张,实际上是试图建立一种世界哲学。

    In fact the proposition of Jaspers ' philosophy attempted to establish the World Philosophy .

  3. 三是中国哲学与世界哲学、世界文化的关系。一方主导和多元并存将可能是未来中国哲学的基本格局。

    The future Chinese philosophy might be a pluralistic structure with one guiding aspect .

  4. 在世界哲学史中,系统哲学与结构主义关系十分密切。

    Systemic philosophy and structuralism are closely related in the world history of philosophy .

  5. 第20届世界哲学大会在美国举办。

    The20th world philosophical conference held in U.S.A.

  6. 相似于唐力权,成中英也力图建设一个世界哲学。

    Similar to Tang Li-quan , Cheng Chung-ying also seeks to build a " world philosophy " .

  7. 所谓的“自由主义与社群主义”之争成了全世界哲学课的理论源泉。

    The so-called " liberal-communitarian " debate became a staple in philosophy courses all over the world .

  8. 本文对冯契的世界哲学思想作了比较全面、深入的探讨。

    The paper made a general and deep discussion about the Idea of world philosophy of Fengqi .

  9. 论文阐明当代图书馆哲学是世界哲学、服务哲学,是图书馆人安身立命之意识形态;

    The library philosophy is the world philosophy , service philosophy , and is the ideology of the modern librarians ;

  10. 因此,上个世纪三十年代的这次哲学论战与新世纪中国哲学乃至世界哲学的发展走向仍密切相关。

    Therefore , this controversy is still closely relevant with Chinese philosophy in new century and the development of world philosophy .

  11. 关于新世纪哲学的形态,主要有一方主导多元并存、融合说、文化哲学、世界哲学等四种观点;

    They are one guiding side with multielement existing side by side , fusion theory , culture philosophy and world philosophy .

  12. 关于21世纪中国哲学和世界哲学未来的走向,哲学界已经进行了热烈的讨论。

    The philosophy circle has had heated discussion on the development trend of Chinese philosophy and world philosophy in the 21st century .

  13. 中国当代哲学与世界哲学的交融趋势,在二十一世纪将会表现出一些新的特点?

    In the ongoing trend of contemporary Chinese Philosophy fusing with other philosophies of the world , what new features will emerge ?

  14. 狄尔泰是19世纪下半叶至20世纪初德国乃至整个世界哲学思想史上的一个重要人物。

    Wilhelm Dilthey is one of the most important personages the turn of century in German and even an entire world philosophical history .

  15. 区域哲学·世界哲学·宇宙哲学&从地域分类视角看哲学的发展阶段

    The Regional philosophy , World 's philosophy , cosmic philosophy & To study the development stages of philosophy on the basis of regionalism

  16. 世界哲学的开端,认为马克思主义哲学的中国化着世界哲学的开始。

    Secondly , the beginning of world philosophy , he considered that the Localization of Marxism philosophy was the symbol of world philosophy .

  17. 儒家道德本体论从世界哲学史和思想史的意义上来说,是一种独特的民族理性形式。

    In terms of significance of the world philosophy history and thought , the Confucian moral ontology is a unique form of national rationality .

  18. 中国风格的哲学社会科学体系的形成在世界哲学社会科学的整体格局中具有重要的理论意义。

    The formation of philosophy and social science system with Sinicism bears an important theoretical a significance role in theory of the whole structure .

  19. 本文从传统儒学本身和整个世界哲学思潮变化两个方面探讨了其原因。

    This paper discusses the reason from two aspects of the traditional Confucianism itself and the development of the philosophy thoughts of the whole world .

  20. 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采是西方哲学史上著名的一位哲学家,在世界哲学史上具有重要地位。

    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is an famous philosopher in the history of western philosophy , he plays an important role in the world history of philosphy .

  21. 关注和深入探讨中国传统哲学这种通以显体的精神,对未来世界哲学的健康发展,具有重要的理论意义。

    A deeper research of traditional Chinese philosophies from the perspective of " catholicity " will be of great significance to the healthy development of world philosophies .

  22. 本文从上海城市文化特点的角度出发,以生活世界哲学为基础,对现阶段居住小区设计模式进行了分析。

    Setting out from the culture characteristics of Shanghai , this article analyzes the current residence design , as the philosophy of " living world " as its basis .

  23. “智慧说”中的世界哲学思想,认为冯契的“智慧说”堪称是形成过程中的世界哲学的一个范例。

    Thirdly , the Idea of World Philosophy in his theory of wisdom , he believed that the theory of wisdom was a example of the process of forming World Philosophy .

  24. 世纪之交的世界哲学正在发生着重大的变革,西方传统哲学企图建立永恒的知识构架的做法已经走进了死胡同。

    Philosophy of the world is undergoing great changes and reforms at this millennium , and traditional western philosophy 's attempt to erect an eternal knowledge framework has fallen into an impasse .

  25. 共讲四个问题:一、世界哲学的涵义,认为世界哲学主要是指东西方不同民族哲学的沟通与合流。

    It includes four issues : Firstly , the meaning of World Philosophy , he thought that World Philosophy mainly showed the communication and concourse of eastern and western different national philosophy .

  26. 作为联系古代哲学和中世纪哲学、东方哲学和西方哲学的桥梁的阿拉伯哲学,在世界哲学思想发展史上占有特殊的地位。

    As a link like " bridge " in ancient philosophy and medieval philosophy , Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy , Arabic philosophy occupies a special position in the world philosophy history .

  27. 一方面,塔尔斯基利用语义学方法定义真,建立了逻辑语义学,在世界哲学界产生了极其广泛而深远的影响。

    For one , with approaches of modern logic to study the concept of truth , Tarski established the logical semantic and brought the philosophical circle in the world spread and deep influence .

  28. 这场哲学革命的意义不仅在于唯物主义哲学理论的重大发展,而且在于使边缘状态的唯物主义哲学重新走入世界哲学的主流中去。

    The significance of the revolution consists not only in the great development of materialistic philosophy , but in the fact that the marginal materialistic philosophy will rejoin the mainstream of world philosophy .

  29. 在当今中西方哲学逐渐会通与融合为世界哲学的大趋势下,创建中国哲学学科新范式需要实现哲学观、比较方法和回归路径三大突破。

    Under the circumstance that the Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy will be gradually integrated with the trend of universal philosophy , three breakthroughs should be achieved to establish the new paradigm of Chinese philosophy discipline .

  30. 在世界哲学咨询协会600名左右的智商达到150或更高会员中,奥谢描述了一种普遍被社会边缘化的经验和寻找释放天才的适当途径所遇到的挑战。

    Among the 600 or so members of the ISPE , whose IQs are all around 150 or higher , O'Shea described a common experience of being socially marginalised and the challenge of finding suitable outlets for their gifts .