
  • 网络World Peace movement
  1. 据BBC报道,爱德华和妻子在1937年10月访问了德国,让人怀疑爱德华会不会给“希特勒构想的世界和平运动充当傀儡”。BBC说夫妇俩与希特勒见了面。

    The BBC wrote that in October 1937 , Edward and his wife visited Germany , entertaining the notion that Edward could become " a figurehead for an international movement for peace on Hitler 's terms . " The couple met with Hitler , the BBC said .

  2. 论20世纪世界和平运动的特点

    ON the Characteristics of the 20th Century 's Peaceful Movement

  3. 国际世界和平运动组织

    International Movement for Universal Peace

  4. 苏德协定增加了苏联帮助世界和平运动的可能,增加了它援助中国抗日的可能。

    The Soviet-German treaty enables the Soviet Union to give greater help to the world movement for peace and to China in her resistance to Japan .

  5. 它是在科学技术高度发展、地球生态环境急剧恶化、资本主义社会危机日益严重和世界和平运动深入开展的形势下产生的。

    It has emerged from the great progress of science and technology , the acute deterioration of ecological enviroment on the earth , the increasing severity of the capitalist social crisis , and the profound development of the world 's peace movement .

  6. 在战后形成的几次和平运动中,20世纪80年代欧洲反核和平运动是冷战时代规模和影响最大的世界性和平运动。

    Among several peace movements in the postwar time , The 80s ' European antinuclear peace movement in the twentieth century was a universal peace movement having the biggest scale and influence during the cold war .

  7. 维护世界和平的国际社会运动。

    And safeguarding world peace movement of the international community .