
  • 网络World Agriculture;CIWF
  1. 分离这些QTL有望促进世界农业生产,但却是一个富有挑战性的工作。

    Isolation of these QTLs holds great promise to improve world agriculture but is a challenging task .

  2. 由于农业的弱质性和其在国民经济中的特殊地位以及WTO农业规则的限制,现代农业支持正逐渐取代传统的农业保护,成为世界农业的主流政策。

    Due to agriculture 's weak quality as well as its special role in national economy and the regulation from WTO agreement on agriculture , modern agricultural supportive policies are replacing traditional agricultural protective policies and become the main trend of the world agriculture .

  3. 而在国际上发展政策性农业保险早已成为WTO框架下世界农业政策的重要走向之一。

    Developing agriculture policy insurance is one of the important trends of the agriculture policy in the world under WTO .

  4. 我们需要充分利用WTO农业协定规则促进广东农业的健康发展,同时力求在新一轮农业谈判中形成一个更为公正合理的世界农业贸易规则。

    We should make good use of the AOA to boost the healthy development of Guangdong agriculture , and make every effort to reach fairness of the AOA in the new round .

  5. 根结线虫(Meloidogynesp.)严重危害世界农业生产。

    Root-knot nematodes ( RKN , Meloidogyne sp. ) are harmful to the agricultural production in the worldwide .

  6. 我国加入WTO后,兵团农业受世界农业市场的影响日益加大,也对兵团高等农业教育模式造成了十分重要的影响。

    After our country joins WTO , Bing Tuan 's high agriculture education patterns , as well as Bing Tuan 's agriculture , is affected by the agriculture market of the world day after day .

  7. WTO《农业协定》将世界农业贸易纳入到多边贸易体系,具有非常重要的历史意义,但该协定仍然存在着一些不公平的缺陷,需要在新一轮农业谈判中进行改革和完善。

    It is a historical significance the WTO Agreement on Agriculture ( AOA ) combining agriculture trading into its rule system . Unfairness can be found which is needed to be settled in the new round .

  8. 随着农产品市场由卖方市场到买方市场的急剧转变及加入WTO后我国农业与世界农业的全面接轨,我国农产品销售将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。

    With the great change from seller 's market to buyer 's market of agricultural products and the all round connection of our country with the world in agriculture after we joined WTO , our agriculture products will face great chances and challenges .

  9. 农业保险作为一项重要的灾害补偿制度,对稳定农业生产和农民收入有着不可忽视的作用,同时也是WTO框架下世界农业绿箱政策的重要走向之一。

    As an important disaster compensation system , Agricultural insurance would have a negligible effect in stabilizing agricultural production and income of the farmers , is also one of the important direction of " green box " policy under the framework of WTO .

  10. 由Ecc,Ech,Eca三种主要病原菌引起的软腐病是世界农业生产上危害很严重的病害之一。

    The soft rot disease , caused by Ecc , Ech and Eca , is one of the most serious plant diseases throughout the world .

  11. 同时,农业产业化是中国加入WTO后农业产业应对世界农业产业强烈冲击的唯一选择和出路,是从根本上解决我国三农问题的有效举措。

    Meanwhile , agricultural industrialization is the only choice or way for the agriculture of our country after its entry to WTO , and it is the effective act to solve the problem of Three Nong ( agriculture , countryside and farmer ) essentially .

  12. 以大气中CO2浓度升高及由此引起的气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化,势必对地球生态环境和世界农业生产产生深远影响,这方面的研究也一直受到科学工作者的广泛关注。

    The global climate change with the main features of CO2 concentration increase in the atmosphere and the consequent warming will influence the ecological environment and agriculture development . Research in this area has been subject to wide attention of scientists .

  13. 世界农业文献数据库AGRIS中云南农业大学科技论文分析

    An Analysis of the Scientific and Technological Treatise of Yunnan Agricultural University in AGRIS

  14. 现在,broadbalk试验田各块采用不同方法耕种,成了世界农业现状的缩影。

    Now different parts of the field are sown using different practices , making Broadbalk a microcosm of the state of world farming .

  15. 基于分析20世纪后期,世界农业发生的重大变化及由此引起的全球环境恶化等问题,本文着重论述了2l世纪农业及农业工程科学技术发展的趋势与特点。

    In view of the worldwide great development of agriculture and the aggravated environment during the 20th century , the tendency and distinguishing feature of agriculture and agricultural engineering science and technology development of 21st century was emphatically pointed out in this paper .

  16. 发展中国家只需花费很小的费用,就可以通过一个名为GEONETCast的新卫星信息系统得以分享世界农业、卫生和气候方面的信息,更好地应对自然灾害。

    A new satellite-based information system will allow poorer nations to gain cheap access to crop , health and climate data , enabling them to better prepare for natural disasters .

  17. 分析了世界农业科技推广体系的基本特征,重点介绍了美国、日本推广体系的经验和对我国的启示。

    The paper analyzed the characteristics of world agricultural extension systems .

  18. 农产品贸易自由化与世界农业政策变革

    Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Reform of World Agricultural Policies

  19. 世界农业发展研究Ⅱ.世界农业发展面临的资源、生态与环境问题

    On the Development of World Agriculture To the world Climate and Agriculture

  20. 世界农业发展的几个阶段。

    Several stages of the agriculture development of the world .

  21. 世界农业科技革命的发展趋势

    Developing Tendency of the Science and Technology Revolution of the World Agriculture

  22. 世界农业环境科学研究动态与展望

    Researching Trends and Prospect of Agro-environment Science in the World

  23. 韩国农业在世界农业史上的意义与展望

    The Significance of Korean Agriculture , Its Value and Prospect

  24. 新世纪世界农业的发展趋势

    The Development Trend of World Agriculture in the New Century

  25. 精准农业、数字农业代表了世界农业未来发展方向。

    Precision Agriculture and Digital Agriculture are the direction of world agriculture .

  26. 分析、阐述了世界农业环境科学研究发展的趋势;

    Researching and developing trends of agro-environment science were analyzed and expounded ;

  27. 柑橘在世界农业经济中占有十分重要的地位。

    Citrus is a very important fruit for agricultural economy in the world .

  28. 它回顾了世界农业及粮食系统的创新情况。

    It reviews the state of innovation in world agriculture and food systems .

  29. 循环农业正日益成为世界农业发展的主导模式。

    Circular agriculture is increasingly becoming the dominant mode of world agricultural development .

  30. 农业现代化是当今世界农业先进生产力的总和。

    Agricultural modernization is the overall advanced productivity of agriculture in the world .