
  • 网络Duration;Over time
  1. 精核染色质在卵核内分散延续的时间长达4h左右。

    The dispersing of sperm chromatin in egg nucleus takes about 4 hours ;

  2. 境外中天山地块南部存在一条重要的成矿带,代表性的矿种是Au-Cu-Mo-W,该成矿带线性特征明显并与一个活动延续的时间长达70Ma的巨型水热系统相关;

    4 ) an important Au-Cu-Mo-W metallogenic belt in the southern part of the Central Tianshan ( beyond the territory of China ), which shows distinct linear features and is related to a huge hydrothermal system that was active for ~ 70 Ma ;

  3. 个民族的特性延续的时间甚至会超过其语言。

    The character of a nation even outlives its language .

  4. 每一次吸气声都很响亮,延续的时间也长,就像气喘时的吸气,而出气就像轻微的叹息。

    Each in-breath was loud and long , like a sucking gasp , and each out-breath was like a sigh .

  5. 第五阶段是“放弃或消亡”。第四阶段延续的时间越长,第五阶段出现的可能性就越大。

    Stage Five is Capitulation to Irrelevance or Death , which becomes more probable the longer the duration of Stage Four continues .

  6. 结果:1照射后细胞凋亡出现的频度及延续的时间明显高于单伤组;

    Results : The frequency and lasting time of apoptosis in radiation combined wound group were significantly higher than those in simple wound group .

  7. 建筑商和采购商知道如果说美联储不知道的话,住宅市场“回调”延续的时间会长得多。

    The builders and buyers know , if the Fed does not , that the housing market " correction " will last a lot longer .

  8. 居室葬俗延续的时间非常久远,从旧石器时代晚期开始出现,直至近现代的某些少数民族中仍旧流行。

    Residential burials had been practiced for a long period of time , dating from the late Paleolithic to modern history in some ethnic minority groups .

  9. 舒维泽现在正在进行一系列测试,来找出这些情绪能够延续的时间:他们能够持续几分钟、几个小时、几天还是几个星期?

    Schweitzer is now working on a series of tests to determine the durability of these emotions : Do they last for minutes , hours , days or weeks ?

  10. 不可抗力事件发生地的商会或其他有关部门出具的证明,应足以证明不可抗力事件案的存在及其延续的时间。

    A certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce or other appropriate authority where such circumstances occur shall be sufficient proof of the existence of such circumstances and their duration .

  11. 在软土地基上兴建建筑会产生较大的沉降和不均匀沉降,而且由于软土的流变性使得工后沉降也较大,延续的时间较长。

    Constructing buildings on foundations of soft soil will cause big and uneven settlements . Also , because of theological property of the soft soil , there will be bigger post-construction settlements and longer durations .

  12. 即农业固定资产投资见效慢,延续的时间长,一次投资,可以长期受益,对保持农业各项投资的协调平衡发展,保证农业生产持续稳定的增长具有十分重要的作用。

    That is to say that the fixed agricultural capital investment have the following characteristics that its respond of investment is very slow , it will continue a long time , it will have long responds once investment .

  13. 先前的研究一直表明,由于资本控制,一国的外债到期结构可以延续较长的时间。

    Prior research has shown that the maturity structure of a country 's external liabilities gets longer as a result of capital controls .

  14. 所有这些都导致像诺德威格这样的外汇专家认为,这一次情况有所不同;最近的反弹可能将延续较长的时间,就算没有几年的时间,至少也要延续到2014年年中。

    All this has led currency experts like nordvig and others to believe that this time is different ; that the recent rally could last longer , at least well into 2014 , if not a few more years .

  15. 具有多环球花的松树属种,其花的孕育期会延续较长的时间。医生在胎儿需要带母体内健康发育的时间和孕妇过度的紧张之间寻找一个平衡点。

    In species of Pinus which are polycyclic flower initiation must occur over a wide time range . Doctors balance the fetus 's need to stay in the womb as long as po ible with the strain on the woman .

  16. 落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质具有多环球花的松树属种,其花的孕育期会延续较长的时间。

    Any of several deciduous , coniferous trees of the genus Larix , having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy , durable wood . In species of Pinus which are polycyclic flower initiation must occur over a wide time range .

  17. 我感受到了这份工作的魅力所在,并且理解了为什么KishuBinchotan的这种家庭式的制作工坊会延续几百年的时间。

    I felt the primal appeal of this work and understood why family Kishu Binchotan operations have continued in this way for hundreds of years .

  18. 朝鲜半岛的紧张形势已经延续了几十年的时间。

    The tension on the Korean Peninsula goes back decades .

  19. 治疗应该延续到足够长的时间,以避免复发的可能性。

    Treatment should be continued long enough to avoid the possibility of relapse .

  20. 这次战争延续了很长的时间。

    The fight lasted a long time .

  21. 而且正如大家所想到的那样,此前还没有哪个利润率上升周期能延续五年以上的时间。

    There has never been a margin expansion cycle that 's lasted longer than ... you guessed it ... five years .

  22. 从美国的次级债务风波演化到如今的全球金融风暴已经延续了近两年的时间,到目前为止危机的影响还在继续,由此引发的一系列连锁反应仍将继续作用于全球经济金融领域。

    The time from American sub-prime mortgage crisis triggered to a global financial crisis has last about two years . Until now the influence stills go on , a series of chain reaction will still affect the whole financial and economic fields .

  23. 同时,环境的改善,特别是栖息地的扩大,能非常有效的延续该种群的生存时间,但不足以使该物种不灭绝,只是为其进化出新的繁殖策略在时间上提供了机会。

    Besides , the improvement of the environment , especially the enlargement of the habitat , can continue the surviving time of population effectively . But this effect not enough to make this species not extirpate , just gives chance to evolve out the new reproduction tactics at the time .