
  • 网络Yan'an City;Yan’an;Yan'an Ville
  1. 延安市黄龙县生态旅游SWOT分析与对策

    SWOT Analyses and Measurement of Ecotourism In the Huanglong Country of Yan'an City

  2. 延安市水土保持淤地坝规划

    The Check-Dams Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Yan'an City

  3. 今年“五一”长假期间,延安市红色旅游市场蓬勃发展,共接待游客160万人次,收入近15亿元。

    The city 's Red tourism market boomed during the five-day May Day holiday this year , when it received 1.6 million visitors and recorded nearly 1.5 billion yuan in revenue .

  4. 延安市宣传部主任杨光远说,延安最大的魅力是一代又一代党员传承下来的延安精神,现在年轻一代正将这种精神发扬光大。

    Yang Guangyuan , director of Yan'an 's publicity department , said its biggest attraction is the spirit that has been passed down by generations of Party members and is now being invigorated by young people .

  5. GIS支持下延安市城郊土地利用动态研究与驱动力分析

    The Study of Land Use Dynamic Change and Driving Factors in Yan'an Suburb under the Support of GIS

  6. 本研究在定性分析的基础上,以GIS技术为支撑,运用数理统计方法对延安市城郊各乡镇的土地利用进行了定量计算与分析,使研究结果更趋于精确和合理;

    This research is based on qualitative analysis , supported by GIS technique , and calculated with mathematics statistics means , so its result is more accurate and reasonable .

  7. 采用田间正交旋转试验设计,于1999年在延安市燕沟进行了小麦产量与氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)和有机肥(M)3因子5水平的新修梯田地膜小麦试验。

    Field plastic-mulched wheat trials were conducted by using the regression design of orthogonal rotation in terrane land in Yanan City .

  8. 本研究以延安市大气环境治理为背景,在硬件上利用PSTN设计了远程监测数据传输体系,在软件上开发了基于GIS的城市大气环境预测系统。

    The research designs and develops remote monitoring data transmission system by using PSTN in hardware and Geographic Information System based Urban Air Environment Prediction System in software with the air environment administration of Yan ' an City as the background .

  9. 目的:为了解延安市不良孕产史妇女及妇科病患者与正常妊娠结局者及健康妇女的Toxo感染情况。

    Aim : To investigate into toxoplasma infection among normal and abnormal pregnant woman and diseased and healthy woman in Yan'an .

  10. 延安市消灭脊髓灰质炎的策略与效果分析

    Study on Strategies and Effects of eradicating poliomyelitis in Yanan City

  11. 延安市现代烟草农业建设与发展的思考

    Yanan City for Modern Agriculture Construction and Development of Tobacco Thinking

  12. 延安市城市森林树种草种调查及其评价

    Investigation and Evaluation of Trees and Grass of Urban Forest in Yan'an

  13. 延安市如何构建服务型政府的实证研究

    Concrete Evidence Research on How to Building a Service-oriented Government in Yan'an

  14. 关于农业生态环境建设实施方略的探讨&延安市生态环境建设的调查与思考

    Probe for the implementation plan about agricultural ecological environment construction

  15. 2003年延安市布鲁杆菌病调查结果分析

    Analysis and investigation of Brucellosis in Yan'an city in 2003

  16. 目的评价延安市消灭脊髓灰质炎工作的策略与效果,为保证消灭脊灰提供依据。

    Objective To assess strategies and effects on eradicating poliomyelitis in Yanan .

  17. 延安市经济发展对城市化驱动的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Economic Development and Urbanization in Yan'an City

  18. 陕西省延安市羊寄生虫病防治探讨

    Probing the Parasitic Disease Prevention and Treatment in Yanan City

  19. 延安市近年来大气环境质量的变化分析

    Analysis of Changes of Atmospheric Environment Quality in Yan'an City

  20. 延安市孕产妇弓形虫感染的血清学分析

    Serologic analysis of toxoplasma infection among pregnant women in Yan ′ an

  21. 延安市211例遗传咨询者的细胞遗传学分析

    The Cytogenetics Analysis of 211 People of Genetic Counseling in Yan'an District

  22. 延安市乙型肝炎病毒基因型分子流行病学研究

    Molecular Epidemiologic Study of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes in Yanan

  23. 延安市土地利用动态变化及其驱动力分析

    Land Use Dynamic Change in Yan'an and Its Driving Forces

  24. 延安市2001-2006年生态足迹分析

    Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Yan'an from 2001 to 2006

  25. 延安市城市森林健康评价

    Health assessment of urban forest ecosystem in Yan'an City

  26. 延安市城市联片供热工程可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Area-Connecting District Heating in Yan'an City

  27. 层次分析法在确定延安市自然旅游资源评价体系权重中的应用

    Application of AHP in Evaluation System of the Natural Tourist Resources of Yanan

  28. 延安市农村劳动力转移与农村地域经济类型

    Rural labor transition and regional economy types in Yan'an

  29. 陕西省延安市农家乐旅游发展现状及对策研究

    Development Situation and Countermeasure of Farm Tourism in Yanan City of Shaanxi Province

  30. 延安市实施退耕还林工程的效益浅析

    Analysis of the Land Conversion Project Implementation in Yan'an