
  • 网络the taiwan relations act
  1. 根据1979年的《与台湾关系法》(taiwanrelationsact),美国帮助台湾自卫的承诺具有法律约束力。

    Under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act , Washington is legally committed to help Taiwan defend itself .

  2. 根据《与台湾关系法》(TaiwanRelationsAct),美国应当向台湾提供武器,供其自卫。该法于1979年中美建立全面外交关系后由美国国会批准通过。

    The US is required to provide the island with arms to defend itself under the Taiwan Relations Act , passed by Congress after Washington and Beijing established full diplomatic ties in 1979 .

  3. 美国的《与台湾关系法》探析

    Tentative Analysis on the American Taiwan Relations Act

  4. 第二句话,中国从一开始就坚决反对所谓《与台湾关系法》

    And second , from the very beginning , China has been opposed to the so-called Taiwan Relations Act .

  5. 在卡特总统任内,中美关系有了新的发展,但在他任期的后一阶段,有一个《与台湾关系法》。

    When Jimmy Carter served as President , Sino-U.S. relations witnessed new development . However , in the latter period of President Carter 's term , there was the Taiwan Relations Act .

  6. 《与台湾关系法》是美国用国内法处理国际事务的典型例证,是美台关系的法律依据。

    The Taiwan Relations Act is the typical model instance that the United States handles international affairs with the inter law , and having the leading function to the U.S. - Taiwan relations .

  7. 但讲完后他又重申美国对《与台湾关系法》的承诺。美、英、法同苏联的通商贸易关系则有扩大的可能。

    In another breath , he reiterated his pledge to abide by the Taiwan Relations Act . There is , however , a possibility that the trade relations of the United States , Britain and France with the Soviet Union will expand .

  8. 美国国会与《与台湾关系法》的出台

    The American Congress and the Appearance on the stage of the TRA