
  • 网络Related matters;dative role
  1. 配价成分含与事的动词性成语包括分合价动词性成语和一般二价动词性成语。

    Verbal idioms whose valence include dative role are categorized into verbal idioms of separate-combinative valence and general bivalent verbal idioms .

  2. 双宾语句中引进与事的介词在汉语方言中颇有歧异。

    The dative markers are very different in Chinese dialects .

  3. 汉语方言与事介词的三个来源

    Three Origins of Dative Markers in Chinese Dialects

  4. 此外,会计公正的实现不仅仅靠事前的制度安排与事中的有效控制,对会计不公正状态的事后矫正也是至关重要的。

    And furthermore , rectification is also very important to the unjust state of accounting .

  5. 玉树有很多生命的古迹,很多让人敬佩的人与事。

    Yushu have many the miracle of life , a lot of people with you .

  6. 他们可以大声嚷嚷,可以发火,但是他们无权,与事无补。

    They can huff and puff but they are powerless to alter the way things are .

  7. 人与事相互为用的灵的文学&《断魂枪》美学价值新论

    Literature of the Soul with Man and Event Interwoven & Aesthetic Values of A Heartbroken Gun Reconsidered

  8. 本文认为,企业只有充分认识和协调运用这两个系统,把事前的目标责任与事中的监督考核以及事后的分析评价有机的结合在一起,才能正确运用杜邦分析法。

    Only integrating beforehand target responsibility into control and post-assessment can Du Pont System be perfectly used .

  9. 可爱是一种美德,她用无比的耐心,在所有的人与事中去发现美好的东西。

    Sweetness is a virtue that searches with patience for the good in every person and situation .

  10. 塔吉克斯坦人与事

    And the D. Tajikistan Humans

  11. 所有的人与事就像外婆告诉我的故事里的英雄人物一样。

    All the people and accidents are just like the heroes in the stories that grandma told me .

  12. 我们发现,双宾动词总是和施事、与事、受事三个语义相联系。

    We found that the verb is always connected with three cases of Agent , Recipient and Patient .

  13. 请记住,买家在这个过程中的移动,以及已不堪重负,与事要做。

    Remember , buyers are in the process of moving , and are already overwhelmed with things to do .

  14. 他们也是注重团队合作的战友,严密的筛选确保了不明智的人与事都被排除在外。

    They were also team players , by intense selection , and nothing if not wise to the game .

  15. 因此,我生活中的那些人与事是我一直在关注和创作的主题。

    So , in my life those people and things that I have been concerned about the themes and creation .

  16. 一切人与事都是新奇的,旅途中你爱结识多少人就能结识多少人。

    Everything and everyone is a clean slate , and you can meet as many people as you want on your journey .

  17. 我们可以此来分清受事主语句和与事主语句在古汉语中的界限。

    With these characteristics we can clearly distinguish sentences with the objects of the action from those with agents in ancient Chinese .

  18. 文章回顾了周先生的《文献交流引论》一书的出版,通过记书、人与事,概述了该书的主要成就,以及周文骏先生对图书馆学的贡献。

    The author surveys the main characteristics and achievements of the book , and the academic contribution to library science of Mr. Zhou Wenjun .

  19. 汉语放置类动词可以通过受事和与事的位移,构成把字句、被字句等各种不同的句型。

    Chinese placement verb can make up " ba " sentence or " bei " sentence by displacement of patient role and dative role .

  20. 全本启示录最有意义的信息之一是:上帝至终要彰显祂的圣洁,并惩罚一切不圣洁的人与事。

    One of the most significant messages of the book of Revelation is that God will ultimately manifest His holiness and punish all unholiness .

  21. 就让我们在这个月里,一同发掘奇妙的神借着无数的人与事所带给我们的种种福气吧!

    In our time together this month , let 's try to discover the countless people and things for which we must thank our wonderful God .

  22. 与事中控制活动相关的成本范畴,也即成本控制标准,企业的生产经营目标不同,成本控制标准也会有所不同;

    The cost category concerning in-event control activities , also called standards of cost control , varies with different goals of production and operation in enterprises .

  23. 所以从某种程度上说两者可以合并,且本人认为可以把与事并入到对象中。

    So to some extent , these two can be combined , we can incorporate the " Dative " into the " Target Object " . 3 .

  24. 婚姻的特殊魅力在于对话,在于两个人之间那种纵谈天地间一切人与事的永恒对话,这种对话只有死亡才能中止。

    The particular charm of marriage is the dialogue , the permanent conversation between two people who talk over everything and everyone till death breaks the record .

  25. 许多委员轻信了这个鬼话,阻碍了各自想造访中国拜见领导者的愿望,与事无补。

    It does not help that many commissioners fall for this nonsense , tripping over each other in their eagerness to visit China and meet the right officials .

  26. 于是,用心理解我们这个近70家学校组成的团队及这个团队中的人与事,便成了一项对我最具挑战的任务。

    Therefore , the most challenging thing for me is trying to understand this big team , organized in70 schools , and the people who are working in it .

  27. 所以可以这样说,自然主义手法的主要特征是以实验的方法报告人与事。

    As a result , it is safe to say that the major feature of naturalistic techniques is " to report persons and things in an experimental way " .

  28. 随意评论工作中的人与事已经毁了太多年轻员工的职业生涯。因为同事不喜欢老板,所以自己也决定不喜欢,这样做法也同样不可取。

    Too many young workers have harmed their own careers by focusing on chitchat over work , or by deciding to dislike the boss just because a coworker does .

  29. 这些练习有意帮你将课程生活化,使你明了原来每一课都能够同样地运用在你所见的一切人与事上。

    The exercises are planned to help you generalize the lessons , so that you will understand that each of them is equally applicable to everyone and everything you see .

  30. 如果常常存著一种「感恩的心」,用这种心念去对待周围的人与事,时时都会感到愉快与满足!

    If we always harbor a " grateful mind ", dealing with people and things around us with a mind of gratitude , we will always feel happy and content .