
yǔ shí jù jìn
  • 熟语keep pace with the times;advance with the times;advance with times;Keep Up With the Times
  1. 国际能源市场的变化、全球气候变化等一系列问题也给能源贸易带来诸多挑战,而WTO与能源贸易相关的规则体系却未能与时俱进,自然难以适应当前国际能源贸易的发展。

    Changes in international energy markets , issues of global climate change have brought many challenges to energy trade . WTO trading system has failed to advance with the times , so it is natural that WTO has difficult to adapt to the current development of international energy trade .

  2. 面对来自加入WTO与《医疗事故处理条例》出台后的新挑战,医院要树立新的经营观念、人才观念和新的管理观念,以应对挑战谋划新发展,与时俱进。

    Facing to the new challenges of entering WTO and the release of < Regulation on handling medical accidents > , hospitals should have new operation idea , new talent idea and new management idea to respond the challenges and to plan new development , to advance with the times .

  3. 他敢于与时俱进。

    He is unafraid to move with the times

  4. 随着科技的发展,教育需要与时俱进。

    Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part .

  5. 它们必须与时俱进。

    They must evolve with time .

  6. (从与时俱进的角度来看,最初地原始UML标准设计是作为一种辅助工具来服务的,即为非正式的捕捉和设计意图的传达提供服务)。

    ( In tune with the times , the original UML standard was primarily designed to serve as an auxiliary tool for the informal capture and communication of design intent ) .

  7. 葡萄牙民歌法朵(fado又译为命运歌)与布鲁斯、弗拉门戈有着相同的乡土气息,需要与时俱进。

    Fado , the Portuguese folk music with the same raw essence as blues and flamenco , moves with the times .

  8. 可以说BIM对于集成化设计是必要条件,同时,集成化设计也促进了BIM的发展,两者可谓相辅相成,与时俱进。

    It can be said that the BIM platform for integrated design approach is a necessary condition , on the contrary , integrated design approach also contributed to the development of BIM technology both as complementary , with the times .

  9. 论城市绿地系统规划理论与方法的与时俱进

    On the Urban Green Space System Planning Theory and Method Renewal

  10. 始终保持与时俱进的精神状态

    Keep Being in the Mental State of Making Progress with Times

  11. 实事求是、与时俱进。

    Seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times .

  12. 与时俱进为全面建设小康社会提供人事人才保证

    Developing to Support Personnel , Talent Guarantee for Constructing Comfortable Society

  13. 与时俱进是马克思主义活的灵魂

    Catching up with the development direction is living soul of Marxism

  14. 与时俱进的实质是创新

    The essence of " advance with the times " is creativity

  15. 这说明文学阐释模式的与时俱进性,也告诫我们对文学的解说应保持高度历史理性。

    So we must keep highly historical reason to literature interpretation .

  16. 推进农业现代化必须与时俱进

    Go with the Time : Promoting the Modernization of Agriculture

  17. 小康社会是一个蕴含丰富文化底蕴、与时俱进的中国式概念。

    A well off society is a Chinese concept with rich culture .

  18. 新时期离退休工作要与时俱进

    Retirement Work at New Stage should Go Forward with Time

  19. 思想政治工作要与时俱进,不断创新

    Ideological and Political Work Should Progress with Time and Make Constant Innovations

  20. 高师教育技术课应与时俱进

    The Educational Technology Course Needs Get-ahead in Higher Teachers Colleges

  21. 谈谈与时俱进与主流经济学

    On " Advancing with the Times " and Mainstream Economics

  22. 坚持与时俱进提高大学生竞争素质

    Improve the Competitive Ability of the College Students and Advance with Time

  23. 富于创造性,与时俱进,开拓了马克思主义理论发展的新境界;具有十分重大的理论和现实意义。

    It 's of great signifcance in theory and reality .

  24. 初中政治活动课的灵魂&目标、方式、与时俱进

    The Soul of " Activity Course " in Middle School Politics Teaching

  25. 解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是辩证统一的。

    Idea of speed ; And it 's dialectical unity .

  26. 《方剂学》教学内容应与时俱进

    The Content of Science of Prescription Should Keep Pace with the Times

  27. 坚持与时俱进的现实意义

    Practical Significance on Persisting in ″ Keeping Pace with the Times ″

  28. 大学生思想信念教育要与时俱进

    Ideological and Belief Education must Keep Pace With the Times

  29. 与时俱进:发展先进的民俗文化

    Keeping Up with the Times and Advancing the Culture of Folk Custom

  30. 论编辑的与时俱进和不断学习

    On Editors ' Unceasing Study for Making Progress with Time