
  • 网络Guangzhou University Library
  1. 高校图书馆信息服务社会化刍议&以广州大学图书馆驻市政务服务中心资讯厅服务为例

    A Research on the Socialization of Information Service of Academic Library & A Case Study : Guangzhou University Library , the Information Hall of Guangzhou Government Affairs Center

  2. 柏林中央暨州立图书馆的发展历史与服务管理世界级城市图书馆系列研究之四高校图书馆信息服务社会化刍议以广州大学图书馆驻市政务服务中心资讯厅服务为例

    Berlin Central and Regional Library International Metropolitan Library Study ( Part ⅳ) A Research on the Socialization of Information Service of Academic Library A Case Study : Guangzhou University Library , the Information Hall of Guangzhou Government Affairs Center

  3. 图书馆媒体新闻信息开发研究&以广州大学图书馆为例

    To Research for the News Information of Media Exploit in Library

  4. 论高校图书馆样本书库的管理工作&以广州大学图书馆为例

    On the University Library Sample Library Management

  5. 《古汉英粤方言字典的电子化及其保护与应用研究》是广州大学图书馆承担该校科研项目之一。

    Research on preserving and applying an electronic dictionary of the archaic Canton dialect dictionaries is an intramural scientific research item assumed by the library of Guangzhou University .

  6. 对广州大学城图书馆建设的几点建议

    Several Suggestions on the Construction of the Library of Guangzhou 's University City

  7. 广州大学城图书馆联合数字参考咨询服务探究

    Study on the Collaborative Digital Reference Service of Libraries in Guangzhou Mega city of Higher Learning

  8. 广州大学城图书馆通借通还模式探析私立广州大学就是这些私立大学中的一个代表。

    An Analysis of Universal-Circulating Service Model for the Libraries in Higher Education Mega Center of Guangzhou Canton University was a representative that had a brilliant history and distinct style .

  9. 广州大学城高校图书馆信息资源共建共享SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Cooperative Development and Sharing of Library Information Resources in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

  10. 以广州市广播电视大学图书馆为例,本文介绍了一种基于TPI的多媒体教学资源库系统及其设计系统的功能架构,并讨论了系统的实现过程。

    Taking the library of Guangzhou Radio and TV University as the case , the article introduced a system of multi-media teaching resource warehouse based on TPI and the function structure of its design system , and discussed the achievement process of the system .

  11. 广州大学合并后新图书馆的建设

    New Library Construction Since the Merging of the Guangzhou University