
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào huó dònɡ
  • advertising campaign;advertising;advertisement
  1. 我们需要从一个新的角度去展开下一次广告活动。

    We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign .

  2. 在报告中,WhiteOps和ANA与该协会36家成员机构合作,分析了今年8月1日到9月30日之间的线上广告活动的流量。

    White Ops and the ANA worked with 36 of the association 's member organisations to analyse digital advertising campaign traffic between August 1 and September 30 .

  3. 布里奇斯说,虽然这段视频看起来像是一个新广告活动的一部分,但它的唯一目的是展现慷慨和同情。

    While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign , Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy .

  4. 这些信息为数据挖掘、开发新服务和进入新的商业市场,例如目标广告活动,提供丰富的资源,King提到。

    This information " provides a rich resource for data mining , developing new services , and entering new commercial markets , like targeted ad campaigns ," notes King .

  5. 比如雅虎(Yahoo)在“It'sY!ou”广告活动上砸了1亿美元,但最终收效甚微。

    Yahoo 's ( YHOO ) $ 100 million " It 's Y ! ou " ad campaign is one such example .

  6. 营销人员急切希望看到更多数据,看看他们在facebook上的广告活动的表现,但一些营销人员表示,他们仍在设法解决如何对新数据进行评估的问题。

    Marketers are eager for more data to see how their Facebook ad campaigns perform , but some said they were still figuring out how to evaluate the new data .

  7. Facebook陷入了一场有关广告活动的纠纷。此前一些用户声称,在这家社交网站玩游戏时,自己的信用卡产生了未经授权的费用。

    Facebook has become entangled in a dispute over advertising practices after some of its users claimed they received unauthorised charges to their credit cards while playing games on the social networking site .

  8. 赫兹(Hertz),安飞士(Avis),欧洲汽车(Eurocar)这些汽车租赁公司,在其全球化的广告活动中都会使用典型的形象,比如一个忙碌的行政商务人员。

    Companies such as Hertz , Avis and Europcar globalised their advertising campaigns by portraying typical images such as the busy executive .

  9. 斯莫伍德表示,迄今为止,这两家公司对45项广告活动进行了衡量,在70%的个案中,营销人员每花费1美元在Facebook上,会带来3美元的额外销售额。

    So far , the two companies have measured 45 campaigns and in 70 per cent of cases , for every dollar a marketer spent on Facebook , it earned an additional $ 3 in incremental sales , Mr Smallwood said .

  10. 2007年曾发起了一系列电视广告活动,使用的口号是“携带避孕套光荣”(Yuedokpokthung)。

    A series of television advertising campaigns that used the slogan " Proud to carry condoms "( Yued ok pok thung ) was launched in2007 .

  11. FTC指控称,大众汽车在七年的时间里以推介“清洁柴油”汽车的广告活动系统性地欺骗了消费者,这种汽车造成的污染其实大大高于美国政府规定中许可的水平。

    The FTC alleges that VW systemically deceived customers over seven years with an advertising campaign promoting " clean diesel " vehicles that were in reality much dirtier than government rules permitted .

  12. 这位《摩登家庭》女星为Kmart拍摄了最新的性感广告活动宣传照,照片中Vergara身着豹纹比基尼,显得身材非常魔鬼。

    The Modern Family star 's newest ad campaign for Kmart features quite the sexy shot of Vergara flaunting her curves in a sexy leopard print bikini .

  13. 贝克汉姆最近刚刚在内衣品牌Hennes&MauritzAB的大规模广告活动中展示了自己满是纹身的身体。下个月将出现在盖伊•里奇(GuyRitchie)为该品牌执导的一部新宣传大片中。

    Beckham recently showed-off his tattooed body in a massive underwear advertising campaign for Hennes & Mauritz AB and is due to appear next month in a new campaign for the retailer directed by Guy Ritchie .

  14. 阿里巴巴还将在欧洲和中东进行类似的广告活动。

    Similar versions will run in Europe and the Middle East .

  15. 通过有计划的广告活动扩大知名度。

    And expand consumer awareness through a targeted advertising campaign .

  16. 我要去听关于广告活动的讲座。

    I 'm going to a presentation on advertising campaigns .

  17. 论广告活动的多层目标设定对广告效果的影响

    The Influence of the Multilayer-goal Setting on the Advertising Effect

  18. 你会知道他喜欢创意的广告活动。

    You would have known he wanted a flashier campaign .

  19. 合作广告活动,产品和品牌的赞助也得到了简化。

    Co-sponsoring for advertising events , products and brands is also simplified .

  20. 广告活动使得很多人对我们的工作产生了兴趣。

    The advertising campaign generated a lot of interest in our work .

  21. 这点在利用其他媒体来延伸广告活动时也非常重要。

    This is also vital when extending a campaign into another medium .

  22. 很多机构将赠品看作是支持广告活动的一种方式。

    Many organisations view merchandise as a way of supporting advertising campaigns .

  23. 运用法律对广告活动进行监督管理十分必要。

    The application of law to supervision of advertising activities is necessary .

  24. 一种方法是通过促销和广告活动。

    One way to do this is through promotions and advertising campaigns .

  25. 广告活动会因外部因素影响而推迟进行。

    Extraneous factors can intervene and cause the shelving of advertising campaigns .

  26. 这个公司随着大量的广告活动投出了新产品。

    The firm launched the new product with a big advertising campaign .

  27. 广告活动才刚开始三周。

    It 's only three weeks since the campaign started .

  28. 美国已经开始了一项广告活动,对公众进行教育。

    The U.S. has started an ad campaign to educate the public .

  29. 品质是广告活动的焦点。

    Quality is the focus of the ad campaign .

  30. 谈谈广告活动的法律规制

    Talk on the Laws and Regulations of Advertising Activities