
shānɡ yè jīnɡ jì xué
  • Business economics;economics of commerce
  1. 营销人员是变革商业经济学的推动力。

    Marketers are a driving force in transforming the economics of Commerce .

  2. 温迪•多布森是多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)商业经济学教授。

    Wendy Dobson is professor of business economics at the University of Toronto .

  3. 在其他地方,尤其是在英国和美国,mim还要与数目越来越多的新兴专业硕士项目比如金融工程学、商业经济学或营销学展开竞争。

    Elsewhere , particularly in the UK and us , the MIM also has to compete with growing swathes of specialised masters degrees in financial engineering , business economics or marketing .

  4. 我的姐姐就读马里兰州的约翰?霍普金斯大学时,最难对付的课程之一包括商业经济学。

    One of the toughest graduate courses my sister took at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland was business economics .

  5. 雷文斯克罗夫特没有空降至需要重组的公司,而是开始在波尔主教学校(CardinalPoleSchool)教授商业和经济学,该校主要招收伦敦东部哈克尼区(Hackney)11岁至19岁之间的青少年。

    Rather than parachuting into companies that needed restructuring , Mr Ravenscroft started teaching business and economics at Cardinal Pole School , which serves 11-19 year old boys and girls in Hackney , east London .

  6. 国际商业和经济学专业学生协会

    International Association of Business and Economic Students

  7. 我现在是文科院和商业与经济学学院的双学位学生,我是否需要两所学院都批准我的申请?

    If I am currently enrolled in a double degree with arts and business and economics , do I need to get approval from both faculties ?

  8. 如果有人在七年前告诉我,也就是在我攻读商业与经济学学位的最后一年,我以后会过着没有钱的生活,边看电视边吃晚餐的我听了这话非得噎着。

    If someone had told me seven years ago , in my final year of a business and economics degree , that I 'd now be living without money , I 'd have probably choked on my TV dinner .

  9. 政府参与地方商业银行的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of the Relationship between Local Government and Commercial Bank

  10. 我们提供内容广泛的专业服务,在商业战略、经济学、能源工程和管理、可行性研究、设计和项目管理、培训和专用软件各个方面,帮助客户达到法规的要求。

    Enviros offers a comprehensive package of expertise in business strategy , economics , energy engineering and management , feasibility studies , design and project management , training and specialist software to enable clients to comply with laws and regulations .

  11. 参加这个MBA预备项目的学生将在线学习三门课程:商业分析、管理经济学和财务会计。授课老师都是任教于哈佛商学院MBA项目的全职、终身和特聘教授。

    Students who enroll in the pre-MBA program will take a trio of online classes business analytics , economics for managers , and financial accounting all taught by full-time , tenured , and endowed professors at Harvard Business School who have taught in the MBA program .

  12. 更重要的是优秀的商业、金融和经济学课程。

    More important are standard business , finance , and economics courses .

  13. 在去年六月份进行的第一轮测试中,三门在线课程(商业分析、管理经济学与财务会计)仅对马萨诸塞州的在校本科生及毕业生开放。

    In the first beta starting last June , the trio of courses Business Analytics , Economics for Managers , and Financial Accounting were open to only undergraduate students attending colleges in Massachusetts and alumni .

  14. 第二部分对商业地理学的发展作了简要的回顾,对经济区位理论及商业经济学的部分理论进行了述评,得出了连锁经营发生发展的内在机理及经济学研究的缺陷。

    The second part made a review about the development of Business Geography and critiqued some of the theories about economic area and business , and then , we found the principle in the Chain Management 's growing and development and the limitations in the researches of Economics .

  15. 这一部分介绍了国外和国内商业信用管理理论和实践的发展,提出出口企业商业信用管理的目标,论述了商业信用管理的经济学理论基础。

    This part introduces the development of trade credit management theory and practice both in China and overseas , summaries the objective of export corporation trade credit management , discuss the economic theoretic basic of trade credit management .

  16. 商业设施的复合化倾向是现代商业建筑发展的一大趋势,也是一个范围广泛的课题,从商业经济学、城市规划、建筑设计到其空间环境要素可以说每一个细节问题都值得深入研究。

    Commercial building trends to composite change in the development of modern commercial building , that is a wide theme no from commercial economy , urban planning , architecture but to the commercial space , of which every detail deserve researching deeply .