
  • 网络Shang Yang's Reform;shenlunju
  1. 论商鞅变法的奴隶制社会属性

    Slave System Social Natures on Shang Yang ′ s Political Reform

  2. 商鞅变法对我国法制改革的启示

    Inspirations to Our Legal System Reform from SHANG Yang Reform

  3. 试析商鞅变法成功的因素

    Analysing factors about the success of Shangyang 's political reform

  4. 通过对商鞅变法的研究,可以揭示其在历史上的作用。

    Through the study of Shang Yang 's constitutional reform , its historical function can be seen clearly .

  5. 其二,笔者论述了商鞅变法与秦国律令的关系,提出商鞅既是秦汉法律的始作俑者,又是律令学的开山鼻祖。

    Next the author discusses the relationship between Reforms of Shang Yang and the laws and decrees of Qin Kingdom .

  6. 商鞅变法取得了极大的成功,对其法治思想的分析于当今的改革大有裨益。

    With a great success to his society , it is productive for us to analyse our present reforms through his legislation theories and innovating experiences .

  7. 商鞅变法之后,功利思想成为笼置整个社会的价值观念,推动了社会的发展和对未来政治形态的思考。

    After the reform , benthamism became a dominant value in the society . It pushed forward the social development and the thinking about the future political modality .

  8. 商鞅变法包括废除过时的井田制,使土地私有制合法化,取消职级的世袭制,改用县制。

    Shangyang 's reforms include abolishing the outdated well-field system , legalizing the private ownership of land , canceling the hereditary system of rank and initiating a county system .

  9. 本文试从文献和考古发掘资料来论证商鞅变法对秦国乃至秦朝礼制发展的影响。

    This paper intends to explore the influence Shang yang 's reform has exerted upon the development of the Qin Dynasty and its etiquette with references to the literature and archaeological materials .

  10. 其中,战国中后期商鞅变法在秦国的封建土地国有制基础上重建了环境保护法制,并被西汉承袭下来。

    Among them , the Shang Yang legislation in the Qin Dynasty rebuilds environmental protection legal system basic on the feudalism land state-owned , and it be inherited title down by The Western Han .

  11. 商鞅变法是秦国历史上重要的事件,对于秦国的发展具有重大的意义,为历来史家所重视。

    Shang Yang 's reform , an important event in the history of Qin State is highly regarded by the historians all through the ages because of its great significance to the development of Qin .

  12. 后来商鞅的变法进行地很成功,秦国因此成为了当时最强大的国家。

    Soon the state of Qin became the strongest country .

  13. 秦国真正具备了大规模的赏赐、形成成熟的赏赐制度是进入战国时期,特别是秦孝公任用商鞅实施变法后。

    The entry into the Warring States period witnessed the realization of large-scale awarding and the formation of mature awarding system in the Qin State , especially after reforms carried out by Shang Yang .

  14. 商鞅严格执行变法,当王子触碰法律时,他的老师就会受到惩罚。

    Shang Yang carried the reform in strict terms and when the son of the king violated laws , his teacher got punished .

  15. 虽然后来商鞅被车裂而死,新法却并未废止。商鞅变法为秦消灭六国、统一中国奠定了基础。

    Though Shang Yang was put to death by his opponents , the new laws were not eliminated , which paved the way for Qin to conquer the other six states and unify the whole country .