
shānɡ kē
  • department of commerce
  1. 她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。

    She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds .

  2. 他们的女儿乔安娜在当地的一所学院念商科。

    Their daughter Joanna is doing business studies at a local college

  3. 商科专业大学毕业生也必须具备良好的数学能力,因为大部分学位涉及定量研究法和统计学领域课程。

    Business graduates must also be numerate , because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics .

  4. 相伴着年轻人的是感化官而不是教师去法庭受审而不是去教室上课他们的大三留学之旅是去州立管教所当他们20多岁时没有商科的或英语的学位有的只是犯罪记录

    Young people on this journey are meeting with probation4 officers instead of with teachers . They 're going to court dates instead of to class . Their junior year abroad is instead a trip to a state correctional facility . And they 're emerging from their 20s not with degrees in business and English , but with criminal records .

  5. 我国高等商科教育的SWOT分析与发展对策

    SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of Higher Business Education in China

  6. Practice提供的这些课程将在西雅图的华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)推出,面向国际学生以及无商科背景的学生。

    The Practice M.B.A. classes , which will meet at the University of Washington in Seattle , are open to international students and those with nonbusiness backgrounds .

  7. 在本次调查的商科理想雇主榜单上,GE也由2010年的61位跃居第24位。

    Also , GE ranked No.24 ( N0.61 in2010 ) in the Top100 Best Employer for Management students .

  8. 除了商科课程以外,人们还可以收看牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)的中古英语讲座、麻省理工学院的科学与技术讲座、以及伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的神经科学讲座。

    Business aside , it is possible to view lectures in medieval English from Oxford University , science and technology from MIT and neuroscience from University College London .

  9. 他在都柏林大学三一学院(TrinityCollege,Dublin)念过商科,之后在毕马威(KPMG)接受过会计师训练。

    He read business studies at Trinity College Dublin and then trained as an accountant with KPMG .

  10. 他说着流利但有浓重口音的英语,这是他在英国诺森比亚大学(NorthumbriaUniversity)读商科时学到的。

    He speaks fluent if heavily accented English learned as a business student at Northumbria University in Britain .

  11. 商科学生所讨论的投入回报j型曲线表明:失败早来常来,成功缓缓而迟。

    Students of entrepreneurship talk about the J-curve of returns : the failures come early and often and the successes take time .

  12. 不同于纯在线商科教育课程,全球MBA的学员被要求在帝国理工位于伦敦市中心的校园里一起度过大段时光。

    Unlike purely online business education courses , Global MBA students are required to spend blocks of time together at Imperial 's central London campus .

  13. 34岁的杜加尔在新德里出生,在新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)学过商科。他也是在那里第一次喝到手工精酿啤酒。

    Born in New Delhi , 34-year-old Mr. Dugar studied business at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire-where he also had his first taste of craft beer .

  14. 我们的希望是,商科学位使MBA毕业生具备了这些面对客户的岗位所需的技能,能帮助他们形成品牌战略。

    The hope is that a business degree equips people with the skills required in these client-facing roles , helping them to build a brand strategy .

  15. 麻省理工(MIT)斯隆商学院(SloanSchoolofManagement)9月1日宣布新设立一个金融学硕士项目,以满足学生及行业对一种更专业化商科教育的需求。

    The MIT Sloan School of Management will today reveal a new masters in finance degree programme in response to student and industry demand for a more specialised approach to business education .

  16. 但是毋庸置疑,就某些职业而言,MBA学位甚或是某个商科硕士或博士学位是有价值的资历。

    Yet there can be no doubt that in a number of professions an MBA or even a masters or doctorate in business studies are valuable qualifications .

  17. 正是在法国商科联盟国际商学院与苏州当地一个孵化器项目在2013年建立合作之后,MiniBobi的创始人才决定将公司设在苏州。

    It was following Skema Business School 's tie-up with a local Suzhou incubator in 2013 that the founders of Mini Bobi decided to locate their company there .

  18. 商科联盟国际商学院是在中国办学并推广MiM的几所法国商学院之一。

    Skema is one of several French schools to have set up in China and to promote the MiM there .

  19. 假如你计划要创业,并且已经有了一些商业经验或一个商科本科学位,就不要花费2年光阴去读那价格不菲的MBA了。

    If you plan to become an entrepreneur , and already have business experience or an undergraduate business degree , skip the two-year delay and cost of the MBA .

  20. 同时,XX城市作为主要工业公司的工业基地,这样良好的地理位置对于商科学生来说是非常有吸引力的。

    At the same time , XX as a major industrial city 's industrial base , so a good location for business studies is very attractive .

  21. 它也代表了斯隆商学院的一条发展道路:其工商管理学硕士(MBA)项目规模相对较小,约有350名学生,使自己在日益拥挤的商科教育行业内与众不同。

    It also represents a way for Sloan , with its relatively small MBA programme of approximately 350 students , to differentiate itself in the ever more crowded business education industry .

  22. 伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)等院校一开始就反对推出MBA课程,理由是雇主们质疑其与商科专业硕士相比的资质价值。

    Other institutions , such as King 's College London , have opted against launching MBA courses in the first place , citing scepticism among employers about the value of the qualification by comparison with specialist business masters degrees .

  23. 他们担心自己既成的商科培养模式出现问题。如果这种担忧不适用于所有商学院,但是确实存在于那些提供两年传统MBA项目的中游学校。

    They fear that the established model of business education may be in trouble , if not for all schools , then definitely for mid-ranking American institutions offering a traditional two-year MBA .

  24. 尽管与MBA相比,MiM还是一个刚刚起步的项目,但商学院为让商科毕业生适应迅速变化的市场,已经开始对MiM项目进行调整。

    Though a fledgling degree compared with the MBA , the MiM is already evolving , with business schools adapting to a rapidly changing market for business graduates .

  25. 商科联盟国际商学院院长艾丽丝吉龙(aliceguilhon)表示,许多商学院策略的改变,也有助于女性的提升。

    A change in strategy in many business schools has also helped promote women , says Alice guilhon , Dean of SKEMA .

  26. 商科联盟国际商学院(Skema)等学院甚至向美国出口此类学位课程。

    Schools such as Skema are even exporting the degree to the US .

  27. 但随着coursera、edx和udacity上的商科课程越来越多,大型在线公开课成为摆在各公司面前一个划算而诱人的选择。

    But as coursera , EDX and udacity add more business courses , MOOCS present companies with an appealing and cost-effective alternative .

  28. 以便专注于Yellowberry的运营。格拉塞进入大学后可能会学习商科,不过她已经成功实现了大多数MBA毕业生们的梦想:她发现了一个未得到满足的利基市场,设计了具有针对性的产品来满足市场需求。

    While Grassell may study business when she gets to college , she has already managed to do something that most MBAs dream of : She identified an unfulfilled niche in the marketplace and designed a specifically targeted product to fulfill the demand .

  29. 亚洲职场对高端商科学位的需求正在兴起。美国和欧洲的商学院正和东方的院校合作提供EMBA和其他项目。

    The demand for advanced business degrees is growing among Asia 's professional set , and American and European business schools are partnering with institutions in the East to offer executive MBA and other programs .

  30. 比如,华为的另外一个大客户是无线互联网提供商科维公司(Clearwire),而颇具讽刺意味的是,斯普林特公司在科维公司拥有多数股权。

    For instance , another large customer is internet wireless provider clearwire , which , ironically , is majority-owned by sprint .