
shāng gǔ
  • merchants
商贾 [shāng gǔ]
  • [merchants] 商人

  • 今年虽旱,去岁大丰,商贾之家,必有储蓄

  • 商贾皆欲藏于王之市。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

商贾[shāng gǔ]
  1. 古老的城堡(jokamachi)和寺院群(teramachi)扁扁平平,那里曾居住过武士和富有的商贾们。

    The old quarters of jokamachi and teramachi , where samurai and prosperous merchants once lived , are pancake-flat .

  2. 港口商贾在义州促进了对外贸易。

    Sinuiju in the port merchants to promote foreign trade .

  3. 这论理学生打算快迅速地记录下来下这位商贾的美国运通卡的金额

    The student considers jotting down the number of the businessman 's American Express card .

  4. 试论唐代商贾小说的特色

    On the characteristics of the merchant novels in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 倦游的商贾和爱好山林的雅士们还没有发现它。

    Retired cloth-merchants and rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet ;

  6. 本文论述了商贾诗的内容和形式的演变规律。

    This article deals with the content and form of merchant poems evolution rules .

  7. 随着粟谷交换的商品化,后来又产生了粟谷贸易,主要包括官府常平和商贾贩运。

    Trade later , including two ways of Official Chang Ping and merchants trafficking .

  8. 商贾在此云集,落户开店,形成了独具特色的商业街巷并大量修建会馆。

    Merchants gathered settle here , formed the unique business streets and large building hall .

  9. 中国传统社会中的商贾

    The Merchant in Old Traditional Chinese Society

  10. 当代商贾历史小说研究

    The Study of Modern Merchants Historical Novel

  11. 今天的芳烃基地,已是一方商贾云集经济腾飞的投资热土。

    Today , the aromatics base has become the investment magnet for the merchants here ;

  12. 她纺织纱布予以出售,又制造腰带卖与商贾。

    She made fine linen , and sold it , and delivered a girdle to the Chanaanite .

  13. 外国商贾继续留港对香港的发展尤为重要。

    The continuous presence of an international business community in Hong Kong is important for our further development .

  14. 古来抚顺就是一个商贾重镇,现今的抚顺商业更加发达。

    Fushun has been an important commercial city since ancient times , and now it is flourishing ever before .

  15. 16你增添商贾,多过天上的星;蝗虫吃尽就飞去。

    You have multiplied your merchants Like the stars of heaven ; The locust strips everything and flies away .

  16. 英国总督本想在此大肆掠夺一番,却发现这里的种植园主和商贾并没有那么容易就被人牵着鼻子走。

    Royal governors came to plunder but found that American planters and merchants could not easily be bossed around .

  17. 本文主要对作品中的商贾形象的思想意识,经商治生的社会历史环境和作家的思想状况的成因进行了探讨。

    The essay mainly inquires into the merchants ' ideology , the social background and the authors ' thinking .

  18. 你增添商贾,多过天上的星。蝻子吃尽而去。

    Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven : the cankerworm spoileth , and fleeth away .

  19. 近代商贾题材电视剧是以近代中国商人的商业经营活动和个人生活为主要表现内容的电视剧。

    The modern merchants TV drama is the one that mainly expresses the commercial and business activities and personal life .

  20. 她与东方商贾交易,购置奇妙的织物;比作圣安妮,她严然就是玛利的生母。

    And trafficked for strange webs with eastern merchants : and , as Saint anne , the mother of mary ;

  21. 抑制商贾,限制商人对农民的兼并。这些措施稳定了社会秩序,使农业生产得到恢复、发展,为强大的汉朝盛世奠定了基础。

    These measures stabilized the social order , restored and developed agriculture , which laid foundation for the prosperous Han .

  22. 商才士魂:以德统美视野下的唐人小说商贾形象

    " Business Talent and Scholarly Soul ": Viewing the Merchant Images in Tang Novels Under the Domination of Morality Justice

  23. 反映出浓郁的商贾文化、徽州艺术、传统美学思想对徽州砖雕艺术的影响与渗透。

    Reflect the rich merchants and penetration effect of culture , Huizhou art , traditional aesthetic ideology of Huizhou brick art .

  24. 商贾的活动被限定在都城的“市”,又被官府牢牢控制。

    Aerchants , activities were restricted to markets ( shi ) in the capital and were tightly controlled by the government .

  25. 对于我们认识晚明社会政治经济以及人民的思想状况有重要价值。作为新兴的社会力量,商贾形象在作品中占很大比重。

    It is of great value to understand the social politics and economy and people 's ideology during the late Ming Dynasty .

  26. 除本国商人外,外国商贾也纷纷来至元朝经商。

    Besides merchants home , a large number of foreign businessmen came to our country frequently to do business in Yuan Dynasty .

  27. 广西大多商贾近在百里,未有远涉以求利者。

    Guangxi " near in one hundred merchant have , is it wade far to have so that profit person " mostly .

  28. 唐代商贾诗就是唐代诗人所作的反映商贾形象和商贾生活的诗作。

    The merchants poem of the Tang Dynasty is what poet of the Tang Dynasty writes reflect the merchants image and merchants life poem .

  29. 京杭运河古来繁华,两岸商贾云集,贸易发达。

    The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been prosperous since ancient times , with both sides of the bank swarming with merchants and well-developed trade .

  30. 它对于唐人小说的商贾题材创作,有着深刻的影响,直接导致了作品对于商贾带有强烈贬抑色彩的描写。

    It deeply influenced the creation of the business novels in the Tang Dynasty , and directly led to the depreciative description of businessmen .