
  • 网络Amalekite;Amalekites;Amalek
  1. 我说,我是亚玛力人。

    And I said , I am an Amalekite .

  2. 他问我说,你是什么人。我说,我是亚玛力人。

    And he said to me , who are you ? And I said , I am an amalekite .

  3. 那时亚玛力人来在利非订、和以色列人争战。

    Then Amalek came and made war on Israel in rephidim .

  4. 于是基尼人离开亚玛力人去了。

    So the Kenites moved away from the Amalekites .

  5. 英勇抵抗亚玛力人的是谁?

    And who * ? who is the brave one who stood against the amalekites ?

  6. 亚玛力人是以扫的后裔。

    The Amalekites were descended from Esau .

  7. 亚玛力人所掳去的财物,大卫全都夺回,并救回他的两个妻来。

    David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken , and David rescued his two wives .

  8. 你要记念你们出埃及的时候,亚玛力人在路上怎样待你。

    Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt .

  9. 大卫和跟随他的人上去,侵夺基述人,基色人,亚玛力人之地。

    Now David and his men went up and raided the geshurites , the girzites and the amalekites .

  10. 杀了逃脱剩下的亚玛力人,就住在那里直到今日。

    And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped , and dwelt there unto this day .

  11. 48扫罗奋勇攻击亚玛力人,救了以色列人脱离抢掠他们之人的手。

    He fought valiantly and defeated the Amalekites , delivering Israel from the hands of those who had plundered them .

  12. 有根本在亚玛力人的地,从以法莲下来的;便雅悯在民中跟随你。

    From Ephraim their root they marched down into the valley , following you , Benjamin , with your kinsmen ;

  13. 米甸人,亚玛力人,和一切东方人都布散在平原,如同蝗虫那样多。

    The Midianites , the Amalekites and all the other eastern peoples had settled in the valley , thick as locusts .

  14. 伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人、攻打以色列人、据棕树城。

    Getting the ammonites and Amalekites to join him , Eglon came and attacked israel , and they took possession of the city of palms .

  15. 那时,米甸人,亚玛力人,和东方人都聚集过河,在耶斯列平原安营。

    Now all the Midianites , Amalekites and other eastern peoples joined forces and crossed over the Jordan and camped in the Valley of Jezreel .

  16. 于是亚玛力人和住在那山上的迦南人都下来击打他们,把他们杀退了,直到何珥玛。

    Then the Amalekites came down , and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill , and smote them , and discomfited them , even unto Hormah .

  17. 比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿死了,葬在以法莲地的比拉顿,在亚玛力人的山地。

    And Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite died , and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim , in the mount of the Amalekites .

  18. 摩西举起手来的时候,以色列人就得胜;摩西把手放下来的时候,亚玛力人就得胜。

    And it came to pass , when Moses held up his hand , that Israel prevailed : and when he let down his hand , Amalek prevailed .

  19. 扫罗死后,大卫击杀亚玛力人回来,在洗革拉住了两天。

    Now after the death of saul , when david , having come back from the destruction of the amalekites , had been in Ziklag for two days ;

  20. 西顿人、亚玛力人、马云人也都欺压你们;你们哀求我,我也拯救你们脱离他们的手。

    The Sidonians also , and the Amalekites and the Maonites oppressed you , and you cried out to me , and I saved you out of their hand .

  21. 米甸人,亚玛力人,和一切东方人都布散在平原,如同蝗虫那样多。他们的骆驼无数,多如海边的沙。

    Now the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the people of the East were covering the valley like locusts ; and their camels were like the sand by the seaside , without number .

  22. 耶和华差遣你,吩咐你说,你去击打那些犯罪的亚玛力人,将他们灭绝净

    " And the LORD sent you on a journey and said , go and put to the curse those sinners , the amalekites , fighting against them till every one is dead . "

  23. 就是从亚兰,摩押,亚扪,非利士,亚玛力人所得来的,以及从琐巴王利合的儿子哈大底谢所掠之物。

    Of Syria , and of Moab , and of the children of Ammon , and of the Philistines , and of Amalek , and of the spoil of Hadadezer , son of Rehob , king of Zobah .

  24. 大卫王将这些器皿,并从各国夺来的金银,就是从以东,摩押,亚扪,非利士,亚玛力人所夺来的,都分别为圣献给耶和华。

    King David dedicated these articles to the Lord , as he had done with the silver and gold he had taken from all these nations : Edom and Moab , the Ammonites and the Philistines , and Amalek .

  25. 扫罗对基尼人说:“你们离开亚玛力人下去吧!恐怕我将你们和亚玛力人一同杀灭,因为以色列人出埃及的时候,你们曾恩待他们。”

    Then he said to the Kenites ," Go away , leave the Amalekites so that I do not destroy you along with them ; for you showed kindness to all the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt . "

  26. 亚玛力人和迦南人都在你们面前,你们必倒在刀下。因你们退回不跟从耶和华,所以他必不与你们同在。

    For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you , and you will be put to death by their swords : because you have gone back from the way of the lord , the Lord will not be with you .

  27. 摩西对约书亚说,你为我们选出人来,出去和亚玛力人争战。明天我手里要拿着神的杖,站在山顶上。

    And Moses said to joshua , get together a band of men for us and go out , make war on amalek : tomorrow I will take my place on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand .

  28. 大卫和跟随他的人上去,侵夺基述人,基色人,亚玛力人之地。这几族历来住在那地,从书珥直到埃及。

    And David and his men went up and made attacks on the geshurites and the girzites and the amalekites ; for these were the people who were living in the land from Telam on the way to shur , as far as egypt .