
  • 网络Difficulty in drinking water;dysdipsia
  1. 北海市农村饮水困难状况及解决的对策

    Drinking water difficulty status and solving countermeasure in Beihai city countryside

  2. 孝义市解决农村饮水困难的经验及对策

    The Experiences of and Countermeasures for Solving the Rural Drinking Difficulty in Xiaoyi City

  3. 近年来,我国农村饮水困难工作取得了很大的进展。

    In recent years , the difficult job of drinking water in rural areas has made great progress .

  4. 应用雨水集蓄利用技术,解决边远山区饮水困难

    Apply the collection technology of rainfall in order to solve the drinking water problem for the remote mountain area

  5. 洛阳市、三门峡市农村人畜饮水困难现状与发展规划

    The Difficult Situation of Living Water for People and Livestock in Countryside in Luoyang and Sanmenxia and the Corresponding Development Plan

  6. 一场严重的旱灾侵袭了中国西南部,造成超过1600万人及1100万牲畜饮水困难。

    A severe drought hit southwest China , leaving more than 16 million people and 11 million livestock with drinking water shortages .

  7. 降雨量比往年正常水平偏低90%,400多万人,200多万头牲畜饮水困难。

    Rainfall has been up to ninety percent below normal , leaving more than four million people without drinking water so to two million livestock .

  8. 提出在不同类型控水条件下寻找地下水相对浅埋的方向,指导寻找可利用的地下水源,解决该区人畜饮水困难。

    This paper also puts forward guidelines for locating shallow groundwater under the conditions of different structure-controlling types to solve the problem of looking for drinking water in water shortage areas .

  9. 济南市长清区受地理位置、水源条件和社会经济状况的影响,农村群众饮水困难或饮水安全问题较为突出。

    The problem of difficulty or safety of rural people in Changqing Distract in Jinan City is very highlight because of the affection of geographical position , water resource and social and economic conditions .

  10. 大力发展农村水利,解决饮水困难,保障饮水安全,实施流域综合治理,推行农民参与式管理,为甘肃省新农村建设发挥了积极的作用。

    In order to build a new socialist countryside , Gansu Province promotes rural water development , focuses on drinking water supply , drinking water safety , integrated river basin management and participatory irrigation management .

  11. 中国水利部昨日表示,在全国至少8个省份有超过440万人和220万头牲畜因旱发生饮水困难,这8个省份拥有全国近一半的小麦种植面积。

    More than 4.4m people and 2.2m cattle face shortages of drinking water across at least eight provinces which contain about half the country 's wheat growing areas , the ministry of water resources said yesterday .

  12. 3.4354353333334.66688300095.4000031111.765'8733'76582.6544'4440'05643.5'5799'5655'55944.56435.1134继续推进农村危房改造,解决了6398万农村人口的饮水困难和60万无电地区人口的用电问题,农村生产生活条件进一步改善。

    We continued to renovate dilapidated houses in rural areas , ensured the safety of potable water for 63.98 million additional rural residents , delivered electricity to 600000 people in areas that had no power supply , and further improved rural working and living conditions .

  13. 来宾市解决农村人口饮水安全困难问题的思考与对策

    Study of and countermeasure for rural people drinking water safety problem in Laibin city

  14. 今年江苏省无锡市城区的大批市民家中自来水水质突然发生变化,居民饮水发生困难。

    This yeas , in Wuxi city of Jiangsu province , most of the families'tap water went to bad .

  15. 针对市场上的饮水机换水困难、二次污染等问题,应用反求工程技术的理论和方法,对饮水机进行创新设计。

    Aiming at the problems of the general drinking water dispensers , such as having difficulty in changing water and being second contamination of water , a new kind product was designed by applying inverse engineering technology .

  16. 目前,我国农村饮水的工作重点已经从解决农村饮水困难转向饮水安全。

    The current working focus of rural drinking water in China is conveyed from solving drinking water trouble to drinking water safety .

  17. 1998年以来,国家投资60亿元建设人畜饮水工程,解决了3409万农村人口的饮水困难。

    Since 1998 , the State has invested 6 billion yuan in building human and animal drinking water projects , which has solved the drinking water problem for 34.09 million rural people .

  18. 通过对来宾市饮水安全现状进行调查研究,分析造成来宾市农村人口饮水安全困难问题的原因,并提出了解决来宾市农村人口饮水安全困难问题的思路与对策。

    Based on investigation and study of current situation of drinking water safety in Laibin City , the author analyzed the causes for rural people drinking water safety problem in Laibin , and presented train of thought and countermeasures for this problem .

  19. 总结了孝义市解决人畜饮水方面的经验,分析了存在的问题,并提出了解决人畜饮水困难问题的对策及建议。

    This paper sums up the experiences of Xiaoyi City in aspect of solving the human and animal drinking problem , analyzes on the existing problems , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for solving the human and animal drinking problem .